The WeatherChatbot
is a simple chatbot to get weather report.
This example contains some training data and the main files needed to build an
assistant on your local machine. The WeatherChatbot
consists of the following files:
- data/ contains training examples for the NLU model
- data/ contains training stories for the Core model
- config.yml contains the model configuration
- domain.yml contains the domain of the assistant
- credentials.yml contains credentials for the different channels
Using this example you can build an actual assistant and chat with it on different channels. To do so execute the following steps:
- Train a Rasa model containing the Rasa NLU and Rasa Core models by running:
The model will be stored in the
rasa train
directory as a zipped file. - For Custom Action Server runn the following command in a new terminal:
rasa run actions
- To run the chatbot in command line, enter the following command:
rasa shell
- To run the chatbot in interactive mode, enter the following command:
rasa interactive --models models/path_to_model_(latest_one).zip
- To run the chatbot in browser, enter the following command:
rasa x
This ChatBot was created by #Aman Pasi