This repository provides a starting point for building Silex applications. It includes:
- A directory structure
- Stubs and default configuration
- CI/QA config
This repo is complemented by aptoma/silex-extras,
which contains various helpers, base classes and services. The idea is that you will never
need to do a rebase of Silex Bootstrap, as all significant updates will be handled by Silex
Extras, which you can simply update through Composer. In fact, you should delete the .git
directory after downloading the project.
To start a new project, run:
$ composer create-project aptoma/silex-bootstrap <target-dir>
To get started, you probably want to have a look at app/app.php
to see the
config bootstrap, and then have a look app/routing.php
and src/App/views
for some basic
This repo contains a few example files and comments like this one, that should obviously not remain within the project. When ready, delete everything in this section, and update the following sections according to your project.
Tech Lead: name
A clearly defined and documented purpose and lifetime
A description of technologies and components/modules
A description of other company products in use/integrated with
A description of external dependencies (both people and systems)
Roadmap and maintenance plan
app # Config and bootstrap
src # Application code and views
tests # All tests
web # Public doc root. Front controller and assets.
During installation and CI these folders may also be created:
build # Reports from various build tasks
node_modules # Dependencies managed by npm
vendor # Dependencies managed by Composer
By default, logs and cache is written to app/log
and app/cache
Describe how to install
Install dependencies (requires Composer, [NPM]( manager) and Bundler to be installed globally)
$ composer --dev install
$ npm install
$ bundle install
You also need to install jshint and grunt-cli globally:
$ npm install -g jshint@0.9.1
$ npm install -g grunt-cli@0.1.6
Set up paths for logging and caching:
$ grunt mac-paths # or ubuntu-paths if you are using ubuntu
# OR if your web server doesn't run as the default _www
$ grunt exec:mac-paths:<web_server_user>
# OR grunt exec:ubuntu-paths:<web_server_user>
To watch your project, run bundle exec guard
For local development, you need to setup cache and log dirs:
mkdir -p app/cache
mkdir -p app/log
These directories must be writable both by the web server and the command line user. On a UNIX system, if your web server user is different from your command line user, you can run the following commands just once in your project to ensure that permissions will be setup properly. Change www-data to your web server user:
Many systems allow you to use the chmod +a command. Try this first, and if you get an error - try the next method:
$ sudo chmod +a "_www allow delete,write,append,file_inherit,directory_inherit" app/cache app/log
$ sudo chmod +a "`whoami` allow delete,write,append,file_inherit,directory_inherit" app/cache app/log
Some systems don't support chmod +a, but do support another utility called setfacl. You may need to enable ACL support on your partition and install setfacl before using it (as is the case with Ubuntu), like so:
$ sudo setfacl -R -m u:www-data:rwx -m u:`whoami`:rwx app/cache app/logs
$ sudo setfacl -dR -m u:www-data:rwx -m u:`whoami`:rwx app/cache app/logs
Describe other stuff needed for local development
PHP Tests are powered by PHPUnit. You have several options.
- Run
if PHPUnit is installed globally. - Run
to run version installed by Composer. This ensures that you are running a version compatible with the test suite. - Run
grunt phpunit
, basically just a wrapper forbin/vendor/phpunit
- Run
bundle exec guard
to watch files and run tests when source or test files change
JavaScript testing is under development.
Describe guidelines for contributing.
To contribute to this project, simply create a feature branch, do your thing,
and open a pull request. If you do lot's of stuff in your project that you think
should be easily backported to older silex-bootstrap
based projects, consider
extracting them to separate packages that can be managed by Composer, or add them to