This module provides a solution for unsorted maps, that is it has the properties that
- Keys point to Values
- Each Key must be unique
- A Key can be found within O(N) time
- The keys are unsorted.
- Adds and removals take O(N) time
- Struct
- Struct
- Constants
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Function
- Specification
use 0x1::error;
use 0x1::option;
use 0x1::vector;
struct SimpleMap<Key, Value> has copy, drop, store
data: vector<simple_map::Element<Key, Value>>
struct Element<Key, Value> has copy, drop, store
key: Key
value: Value
Map key already exists
const EKEY_ALREADY_EXISTS: u64 = 1;
Map key is not found
const EKEY_NOT_FOUND: u64 = 2;
public fun length<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>): u64
public fun length<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &SimpleMap<Key, Value>): u64 {
Create an empty SimpleMap.
public fun new<Key: store, Value: store>(): simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>
public fun new<Key: store, Value: store>(): SimpleMap<Key, Value> {
SimpleMap {
data: vector::empty(),
Create a SimpleMap from a vector of keys and values. The keys must be unique.
public fun new_from<Key: store, Value: store>(keys: vector<Key>, values: vector<Value>): simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>
Create an empty SimpleMap.
This function is deprecated, use new
public fun create<Key: store, Value: store>(): simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>
public fun borrow<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: &Key): &Value
public fun borrow<Key: store, Value: store>(
self: &SimpleMap<Key, Value>,
key: &Key,
): &Value {
let maybe_idx = find(self, key);
assert!(option::is_some(&maybe_idx), error::invalid_argument(EKEY_NOT_FOUND));
let idx = option::extract(&mut maybe_idx);
&vector::borrow(&, idx).value
public fun borrow_mut<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &mut simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: &Key): &mut Value
public fun borrow_mut<Key: store, Value: store>(
self: &mut SimpleMap<Key, Value>,
key: &Key,
): &mut Value {
let maybe_idx = find(self, key);
assert!(option::is_some(&maybe_idx), error::invalid_argument(EKEY_NOT_FOUND));
let idx = option::extract(&mut maybe_idx);
&mut vector::borrow_mut(&mut, idx).value
public fun contains_key<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: &Key): bool
public fun contains_key<Key: store, Value: store>(
self: &SimpleMap<Key, Value>,
key: &Key,
): bool {
let maybe_idx = find(self, key);
public fun destroy_empty<Key: store, Value: store>(self: simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>)
public fun destroy_empty<Key: store, Value: store>(self: SimpleMap<Key, Value>) {
let SimpleMap { data } = self;
Add a key/value pair to the map. The key must not already exist.
public fun add<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &mut simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: Key, value: Value)
public fun add<Key: store, Value: store>(
self: &mut SimpleMap<Key, Value>,
key: Key,
value: Value,
) {
let maybe_idx = find(self, &key);
assert!(option::is_none(&maybe_idx), error::invalid_argument(EKEY_ALREADY_EXISTS));
vector::push_back(&mut, Element { key, value });
Add multiple key/value pairs to the map. The keys must not already exist.
public fun add_all<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &mut simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, keys: vector<Key>, values: vector<Value>)
Insert key/value pair or update an existing key to a new value
public fun upsert<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &mut simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: Key, value: Value): (option::Option<Key>, option::Option<Value>)
public fun upsert<Key: store, Value: store>(
self: &mut SimpleMap<Key, Value>,
key: Key,
value: Value
): (std::option::Option<Key>, std::option::Option<Value>) {
let data = &mut;
let len = vector::length(data);
let i = 0;
while (i < len) {
let element = vector::borrow(data, i);
if (&element.key == &key) {
vector::push_back(data, Element { key, value });
vector::swap(data, i, len);
let Element { key, value } = vector::pop_back(data);
return (std::option::some(key), std::option::some(value))
i = i + 1;
vector::push_back(&mut, Element { key, value });
(std::option::none(), std::option::none())
Return all keys in the map. This requires keys to be copyable.
public fun keys<Key: copy, Value>(self: &simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>): vector<Key>
public fun keys<Key: copy, Value>(self: &SimpleMap<Key, Value>): vector<Key> {
vector::map_ref(&, |e| {
let e: &Element<Key, Value> = e;
Return all values in the map. This requires values to be copyable.
public fun values<Key, Value: copy>(self: &simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>): vector<Value>
public fun values<Key, Value: copy>(self: &SimpleMap<Key, Value>): vector<Value> {
vector::map_ref(&, |e| {
let e: &Element<Key, Value> = e;
Transform the map into two vectors with the keys and values respectively Primarily used to destroy a map
public fun to_vec_pair<Key: store, Value: store>(self: simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>): (vector<Key>, vector<Value>)
public fun to_vec_pair<Key: store, Value: store>(
self: SimpleMap<Key, Value>): (vector<Key>, vector<Value>) {
let keys: vector<Key> = vector::empty();
let values: vector<Value> = vector::empty();
let SimpleMap { data } = self;
vector::for_each(data, |e| {
let Element { key, value } = e;
vector::push_back(&mut keys, key);
vector::push_back(&mut values, value);
(keys, values)
For maps that cannot be dropped this is a utility to destroy them using lambdas to destroy the individual keys and values.
public fun destroy<Key: store, Value: store>(self: simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, dk: |Key|, dv: |Value|)
public inline fun destroy<Key: store, Value: store>(
self: SimpleMap<Key, Value>,
dk: |Key|,
dv: |Value|
) {
let (keys, values) = to_vec_pair(self);
vector::destroy(keys, |_k| dk(_k));
vector::destroy(values, |_v| dv(_v));
Remove a key/value pair from the map. The key must exist.
public fun remove<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &mut simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: &Key): (Key, Value)
public fun remove<Key: store, Value: store>(
self: &mut SimpleMap<Key, Value>,
key: &Key,
): (Key, Value) {
let maybe_idx = find(self, key);
assert!(option::is_some(&maybe_idx), error::invalid_argument(EKEY_NOT_FOUND));
let placement = option::extract(&mut maybe_idx);
let Element { key, value } = vector::swap_remove(&mut, placement);
(key, value)
fun find<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: &Key): option::Option<u64>
fun find<Key: store, Value: store>(
self: &SimpleMap<Key, Value>,
key: &Key,
): option::Option<u64> {
let leng = vector::length(&;
let i = 0;
while (i < leng) {
let element = vector::borrow(&, i);
if (&element.key == key) {
return option::some(i)
i = i + 1;
struct SimpleMap<Key, Value> has copy, drop, store
data: vector<simple_map::Element<Key, Value>>
pragma intrinsic = map,
map_new = create,
map_len = length,
map_destroy_empty = destroy_empty,
map_has_key = contains_key,
map_add_no_override = add,
map_del_return_key = remove,
map_borrow = borrow,
map_borrow_mut = borrow_mut,
map_spec_get = spec_get,
map_spec_set = spec_set,
map_spec_del = spec_remove,
map_spec_len = spec_len,
map_spec_has_key = spec_contains_key;
public fun length<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>): u64
pragma intrinsic;
public fun new<Key: store, Value: store>(): simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>
pragma intrinsic;
pragma opaque;
aborts_if [abstract] false;
ensures [abstract] spec_len(result) == 0;
ensures [abstract] forall k: Key: !spec_contains_key(result, k);
public fun new_from<Key: store, Value: store>(keys: vector<Key>, values: vector<Value>): simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>
pragma intrinsic;
pragma opaque;
aborts_if [abstract] false;
ensures [abstract] spec_len(result) == len(keys);
ensures [abstract] forall k: Key: spec_contains_key(result, k) <==> vector::spec_contains(keys, k);
ensures [abstract] forall i in 0..len(keys):
spec_get(result, vector::borrow(keys, i)) == vector::borrow(values, i);
public fun create<Key: store, Value: store>(): simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>
pragma intrinsic;
public fun borrow<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: &Key): &Value
pragma intrinsic;
public fun borrow_mut<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &mut simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: &Key): &mut Value
pragma intrinsic;
public fun contains_key<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: &Key): bool
pragma intrinsic;
public fun destroy_empty<Key: store, Value: store>(self: simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>)
pragma intrinsic;
public fun add<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &mut simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: Key, value: Value)
pragma intrinsic;
public fun add_all<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &mut simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, keys: vector<Key>, values: vector<Value>)
pragma intrinsic;
public fun upsert<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &mut simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: Key, value: Value): (option::Option<Key>, option::Option<Value>)
pragma intrinsic;
pragma opaque;
aborts_if [abstract] false;
ensures [abstract] !spec_contains_key(old(self), key) ==> option::is_none(result_1);
ensures [abstract] !spec_contains_key(old(self), key) ==> option::is_none(result_2);
ensures [abstract] spec_contains_key(self, key);
ensures [abstract] spec_get(self, key) == value;
ensures [abstract] spec_contains_key(old(self), key) ==> ((option::is_some(result_1)) && (option::spec_borrow(result_1) == key));
ensures [abstract] spec_contains_key(old(self), key) ==> ((option::is_some(result_2)) && (option::spec_borrow(result_2) == spec_get(old(
), key)));
native fun spec_contains_key<K, V>(t: SimpleMap<K, V>, k: K): bool;
native fun spec_remove<K, V>(t: SimpleMap<K, V>, k: K): SimpleMap<K, V>;
public fun keys<Key: copy, Value>(self: &simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>): vector<Key>
pragma verify=false;
public fun values<Key, Value: copy>(self: &simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>): vector<Value>
pragma verify=false;
public fun to_vec_pair<Key: store, Value: store>(self: simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>): (vector<Key>, vector<Value>)
pragma intrinsic;
pragma opaque;
ensures [abstract]
forall k: Key: vector::spec_contains(result_1, k) <==>
spec_contains_key(self, k);
ensures [abstract] forall i in 0..len(result_1):
spec_get(self, vector::borrow(result_1, i)) == vector::borrow(result_2, i);
public fun remove<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &mut simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: &Key): (Key, Value)
pragma intrinsic;
fun find<Key: store, Value: store>(self: &simple_map::SimpleMap<Key, Value>, key: &Key): option::Option<u64>
pragma verify=false;