📝 Documentation - Getting started and more.
🌱 Ecosystem - Plugins, resources, and more.
🚩 Issues - Bugs end errors you encounter using inlang.
💬 Discussions - Get help, ask questions, request features, and discuss inlang.
🗣️ Discord - Hanging out with the community.
📖 Example - An example repository that uses inlang.
Inlang consists of multipe applications that can be used individually, or in combination with each other.
Manage translations in a git repository.
- git(hub) workflows like pull requests.
- no hosting, no sync pipelines
- no extra accounts
Improve the DX when working on localized codebases.
- extract translations
- see errors directly in the IDE
Automate localization via CI/CD.
- validate translations
- auto machine translate