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This is a very brief introduction for installing and using JBoost.
For more documentation, see or the ./doc
directory included in this distribution.

*************** SETTING UP JAVA *************** 

JBoost depends on Java.  Please be sure to have an up to date version
installed on your machine.  Before beginning, be sure that your
CLASSPATH environment variable is set correctly.

For bash, this can be accomplished via
$> export CLASSPATH="JBOOST_HOME/dist/jboost.jar:JBOOST_HOME/lib/concurrent.jar"

For tcsh, this can be accomplished via
$> setenv CLASSPATH "JBOOST_HOME/dist/jboost.jar:JBOOST_HOME/lib/concurrent.jar"  

*************** COMPILING JBOOST *************** 

This distribution is already compiled, but if you wish to compile
yourself, this is quick how-to.  Be sure to have a current version of
the Jakarta tool "ant".  

Before compiling, it is usually wise to remove all old files:

$>  ant clean

To compile the jboost code:  

$> ant jar

To create a distro:

$> ant dist

*************** GETTING HELP *************** 

If you need to know more about an option, have troubles with JBoost,
find a bug, or anythign else, you should follow the following steps:

1) Run JBoost with no options to get command line options.  This will
ensure that you are correctly using the options.

$> java -Xmx100M jboost.controller.Controller

2) Check the ./doc directory or the most up to date documentation at

3) Before sending email, be sure to look through the frequently asked
questions.  Send email (depending on the question/request/etc) to (mailing list).

*************** EXAMPLE USAGE *************** 

A .spec, .train and .test file should be created following the
formatting specifications given in the formal documentation.  An
example of such data files is given in the ./demo directory (the files

You can create a configuration file which contains command line
options.  This configuration file should then be specified on the
command line via -CONFIG or in the default file jboost.config.
Examples of config files can be found in the ./demo directory.

To run jboost on one of the demo files, do the following:

$> cd demo
$> java -Xmx100M jboost.controller.Controller -S stem <other_options>

The option '-Xmx100M' tells java to use 100 megabytes of memory.  'stem'
is the name of the data files, and <other_options> can be found by
running jboost without arguments.

If everything works correctly, jboost will generate two files
containing information about its run in <stem>.log and <stem>.info.
The generated tree will be stored in <stem>.output.tree.  If you 
provide output filenames (described in usage), Java and C
code representing this tree will be generated in files with those