This is a utility built with Angular, Golang and Datatables for accessing the Brightspace APIs
- It makes the 3-legged OAuth2 authentication easier by walking you through the redirects
- It makes the developer OAuth2 procedure a breeze by automatically refreshing tokens for you whenever you need them
- Converts JSON list data retrieved from an API into a great looking Datatable and allows exports to .xlsx format
Before you run the web server you do need to create a .devenv.json
file that contains this information but filled in...
"clientID": "",
"clientSecret": "",
"hostURL": "",
"scope": ""
With the format above!
To run the application simply execute BrightSpaceAPISearch.exe
You can build it first by running go build
if you are on Linux
In conjuction you can also build the Angular files with ng build
NOTE: You need Golang, Angular, NPM... installed to build it
- Authorize button, for going through 3 legged oauth [ ]
- Autocomplete search with successful past searchs [ ]
- Display data that doesn't conform to ResultSet type properly [ ]
- Load all results -> HasMoreItems should trigger more requests [ ]