A clean private photo-sharing app for sharing photos among friends!
Cross platform mobile app developed using Mowbly(http://www.mowbly.com) and cloud services running out of a google app engine app
Developed as part of a workshop conducted at Pondicherry Engineering College (www.pec.edu) with the 3rd year CSE students on 7-8 February 2014.
###Mobile app
- Create a free dev account at http://wwww.mowbly.com and import the picsy-mobile project as a zip to the Mowbly Cloud IDE
- Change the _url variable in picsy.js to your app engine url hosting the services from picsy-cloud project
- Open MyPicsy.pack from the project file explorer and click on Pack
- Download Mowbly app from app store on any mobile OS(Android, iOS, Windows Phone, BB10)
- Login with your account on the mobile to view the MyPicsy on your mobile!
Note: You can also view the app as a webapp by going to http://wwww.mowbly.com/webapp :)
Secret Note ;) The app has optional offline mode. To use it, just uncomment relevant code.
- Create an app ID from http://www.appengine.google.com
- Import the picsy-cloud project to your Eclipse workspace
- Deploy to App engine!
###Deploying to app stores
Mowbly offers a direct-to-use client builder feature. This means Picsy can be generated as OS-specific builds right from the IDE, ready to deploy to individual app stores.
- In the IDE, open MyPicsy.pack from the project file explorer and click on Pack
- Click on Build
- Upload splash images, icons and signing profiles for each OS and choose OS from Android, iOS, Windows Phone and BB10 to build from
- Request a build
- Wait for an email to the registered ID with build attached, ready to be published in the app store! :)
- Alternatively, you can check the status of the build from the Build Status menu in the same screen
Happy snapping! :)