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  • The development of Coffee-Toaster has been discontinued.
  • For more info check this note.
  • Looking for a similar project? Take a look at Polvo!

Coffee Toaster

Minimalist build system for CoffeeScript.

Version 0.6.13


  • Inheritance support across multiples files for the lazy
  • Vendors management
  • Automagically packaging system with namespaces
  • Micro build routines
  • Exports aliases
  • Broken and circular-loop dependencies validation
  • Live syntax-check
  • Growl support
  • Debug Mode
  • Minify support
  • Scaffolding routines


Do not hesitate to open a feature request or a bug report.

Mailing List

A place to talk about it, ask anything, get in touch. Luckily you'll be answered sooner than later.

NOTE: The list is active and maintained, though the low activity. So don't be shy.


Minimalist build system for CoffeeScript, made for those who dare to use class definitions in CoffeeScript while being able to easily inherit from external files. The system is powered with import directives that uses wildcards facilities, exposed scopes, excluded files filter options and a packaging system that can inject your folders-as-namespaces to all your classes based on where they are under your src folder.

CoffeeToaster was created initially as a base for creating the Theoricus Framework.


# Installing ----

npm install -g coffee-toaster

# Scaffolding ----

There are two simple scaffolding routines bundled with CoffeeToaster for creating new projects structure from the scratch and also for creating the config file for existent projects.

## Initializing new app

CoffeeToaster suggests a very simple structure for initial projects, you can customize it as you like.

toaster -n mynewapp

You will be asked for some things:

source folder

Relative folderpath to your source folder, default is src.

release file

Relative filepath to your release file, default is www/js/app.js

http folder

The folderpath to reach your debug file through http, default is an empty string. Imagine that the www is your root web folder, and inside of it you have a js dir where you put your debug file. In this case you'd just need to inform 'js' as the http folder. It tells toaster how to reach your debug js file starting from the / on your server.

This property is only for debug, your release file will not be affected.

Considering all the default values, you'll end up with a structure as such:

├── src
├── vendors
├── www
    └── js

4 directories, 1 file
## Initializing config file

You can also initialize an existing project with a config file such as:

cd existing-project
toaster -i

Some of the same information (src, release and httpfolder) will be required, answer everything according to your project's structure and a config file will be created inside of it.

# Usage ----

Toaster help screen.

  Minimalist build system for CoffeeScript

  toaster [options] [path]

  toaster -n myawsomeapp   (required)
  toaster -i [myawsomeapp] (optional)
  toaster -w [myawsomeapp] (optional)
  toaster -wd [myawsomeapp] (optional)

  -n, --new          Scaffold a very basic new App                   
  -i, --init         Create a config ( file           
  -w, --watch        Start watching/compiling your project           
  -c, --compile      Compile the entire project, without watching it.
  -d, --debug        Debug mode (compile js files individually)      
  -a, --autorun      Execute the script in node.js after compilation
  -j, --config       Config file formatted as a json-string.           [string]
  -f, --config-file  Path to a different config file.                  [string]
  -v, --version                                                      
  -h, --help 
## Import directive

The import directive is known by:

#<< app/views/user_view
#<< app/utils/*

By putting #<< app/views/user_view in your CoffeeScript file, you're telling CoffeeToaster that there's a dependency. It's like a require, except that you can't save a reference of the imported file to a variable. Instead, this directives shoud be put in the first lines of your files.

This is how you organically tells Toaster about the specific ordering options to be considered when all of your files get merged. Files imported this way will only be gracefully sorted out in your final output javascript so every file is always defined before it's needed.

Wild cards #<< app/utils/* are also accepted as a handy option.

If you're writing a class B that will extends the class A, you shoud first import the class A so it will be available for being extended by class B.

  • src/app/a
class A
    console.log 'Will be used as base class.'
  • src/app/b
#<< app/a
class B extends A
    console.log 'Using class A as base class'

Think of it as a glue that you use to chain all of your files appropriately.

## Compile

Compile your project according your config file.

cd existing-project
toaster -c
## Watch

Starts Toaster in watching'n'compiling mode:

cd existing-project
toaster -w

Any changes you make to your src files will trigger the compile action.

## Debug

In debug mode option -d all files will be compiled individually inside a folder called toaster in the same directory you've pointed your debug file, aiming to ease the debugging process.

toaster -wd
toaster -cd

For example, if you have release/app-debug.js, a folder will be created at release/toaster and all your CoffeeScript files will be compiled to Javascript within.

### Representative Structure

Bellow is a representative directory structure after compiling in debug mode.

|-- src
|   `-- app
|       |-- controllers
|       |   `--
|       |-- models
|       |   `--
|       `-- views
|           `--
|-- www
|   `-- js
|       |-- app-debug.js
|       |-- app.js
|       `-- toaster
|           `-- app
|               |-- controllers
|               |   `-- users_controller.js
|               |-- models
|               |   `-- user_model.js
|               `-- views
|                   `-- user_view.js

Every CoffeeScript file is compiled individually inside the www/js/toaster directory, so you can debug it sanely.

The debug file www/js/app-debug.js is the boot-loader responsible for loading all these individual compiled JS files into the right order.

## Autorun

In autorun mode option -a the script is recompiled after each file change and it is executed in a node.js child process. It is possible to use autorun in combination with debug option -d to set the script breakpoint on the first line

toaster -a
toaster -da

of if you like the watch option

toaster -wa
toaster -wda

to better debug your application via node.js you can use some tools like node-inspector

It is also possible to pass arguments to the compiled script

toaster -wa argument argument2 argument3
toaster -wda argument argument2 argument3

Please note that the -a arguments has to be the last of the group in order to make it work: toaster -ad argument will not behave as expected and toaster -da argument should be used instead

## HTML inclusion

So in your .html you'll have two options:

  1. Include your release file.
<script src="js/app.js"></script>
  1. Include the toaster boot-loader (your debug mode).
<script src="js/app-debug.js"></script>
## Advanced options

You can pass your own config file for toaster instead of the default one, with the -f or --config-file option:

toaster -wdf config/

NOTE: It's important that you always call this from your project base folder, otherwise the paths of your config can get messy. Remembers also that the paths in your config file shoud ideally be always relative to your project base folder.

Alternativelly, you can even pass the whole configuration as a JSON string, with the -j or --config option:

toaster -wdj '{"folders":{"src":""},"expose":"window","release":"app.js","debug":"app-debug.js"}'

NOTE: The same above.

## Conlusion

Every time something changes, CoffeeToaster recompiles all of your application by:

  • collecting all .coffee files and processing everything, adding namespace's declarations to class definitions based on the folder they are located
  • reordering everything, always defining files and classes before they're needed
  • merge all yours vendors in the given order
  • declare root namespaces
  • merge everything
### VIM Users

Due to the way VIM handles files, you'll need to disable the creation of swap and backup files.

To do it, just put these three lines in your .vimrc:

" for coffee-toaster
set nobackup       " no backup files
set nowritebackup  " only in case you don't want a backup file while editing
set noswapfile     " no swap files

This will guarantee the expected behavior of Toaster and make it play nicely with VIM without any conflicts. For more info about why it's really needed, please check this thread.

# Config file ----

The is the config file from where Toaster seek all information about your app, vendores, build options and so on. There are two main usages you can make of this file:

  • 1) Single source folder:

When all your code is bellow one single source folder your set up the main toast call passing the folder path directly.

# src folder
toast 'src'

  # excluded items (will be used as a regex)
  exclude: ['folder/to/exclude', 'another/folder', '.DS_Store' ]

  # packaging vendors among the code
  vendors: ['vendors/x.js', 'vendors/y.js' ]

  # gereral options (all is optional, default values listed)
  bare: false
  packaging: true
  expose: '' # can be 'window', 'exports' etc
  minify: false

  # httpfolder (optional), release and debug (both required)
  httpfolder: 'js'
  release: 'www/js/app.js'
  debug: 'www/js/app-debug.js'
  • 2) Multi source folder:

When your code is splitted between two or more source folders you can set the main toast call without any path, and inform your folders right bellow it.

    'src/my/app/folder': 'app'
    'src/my/lib/folder': 'lib'
    # ...
## Config options

Let's take a closer look at all properties you can have in your file and what each one of these is responsible of.

### `folders`

Mandatory: no
Type: Object
Default: null

In case you have more than one src folder, you can set an object of objects containing setup information about all your source folders, in the format 'folderpath':'folderalias'.

The hash-key is the path of your folder, and the hash-value is the alias you want to prepend to all files under that.

Pay attention to this specially when using Toaster with the '-j' option.

To give an example, the equivalent use of this config:

toast 'src'
  # ...

Would be:

    'src': ''

NOTE: Aliases take effect only if the packaging is set to true.

Aliases lets you set a virtual top namespace to your source folder, if you have src/app/ which is a class App, you'll usually access it using new app.App.

Now if you set an alias like 'src':'awesome' the whole structure under your source folder will be addressed under that awesome namespace and you need to prepend it when accessing your classes, i.e. new

### `exclude`

Mandatory: no
Type: Array
Default: []

Let's you excplicity exclude some folder, file or file type from Toaster search/process mechanism. The string you use here will effectively turn into a RegExp like that:

new RegExp '.DS_store'
new RegExp '.swp'
new RegExp 'my/folder/to/be/excluded'
### `vendors`

Mandatory: no
Type: Array
Default: []

You can define vendors such as:

  vendors: ['vendors/x.js', 'vendors/y.js', ... ]

It's an ordered array of all your vendor's paths. These files must be purely javascript, preferably minified ones -- Toaster will not compile or minify them, only concatenate everything.

### `bare`

Mandatory: no
Type: Boolean
Default: false

If true, compile your CoffeeScript files without the top-level function safety wrapper:

  (function() {
    console.log('My peace of code!');

So you will end up with just your peace of code:

  console.log('My peace of code!');
### `packaging`

Mandatory: no
Type: Boolean
Default: false

When packaging is true, Toaster will rewrite all your class declarations.

If you have a file in src/app/models/ with this contents:

class User

Toaster will rewrite your declaration prepending a namespace to it, based on the folder the class is located, resulting -- in this example -- into this:

class app.models.User

This rewriting process is saved directly into your file. In case you move this class to another folder, the prepended namespace will be rewrited again, always following your folder structure.

In other words, your don't need to worry about hardcoded namespaces in your files, because Toaster will handle all the dirty for you.

### `expose`

Mandatory: no
Type: String
Default: null

If informed, list all you packages of classes in the given scope. If you use window as your expose scope, your classes will be available also in the window object -- or whatever scope you inform, suck as exports if you're building for NodeJS.

In the end you'll be able to access your files throught this scope where your classes was exposed.

### `minify`

Mandatory: no
Type: Boolean
Default: true

If true, minify your release file using UglifyJS.

Debug files are never minified.

### `httpfolder`

Mandatory: no
Type: String
Default: ''

The folder path to reach your debug file through http, in case it is not inside your root directory. Imagine that the www is your root folder and when you access your webiste the / referes to this folder.

Inside this www folder you have another folder called js where you put all your compiled js, resulting from a config like this:

toast 'src'
  # ...
  release: 'www/js/app.js'
  debug: 'www/js/app-debug.js'

Following this case you'd just need to inform js as your http folder. Toaster will use it to reach your debug files. For that, it will writes the declarations inside the debug boot loader following this location in order to import your scripts properly when in debug mode, prepending your httpfolder to all file paths:

// app-debug.js
document.write('<scri'+'pt src="js/toaster/app.js"></scr'+'ipt>')

Without knowing that your JS files is under the js folder this path would be broken.

NOTE: Your release file will not be affected by this property.

### `release`

Mandatory: yes
Type: String
Default: null

The file path to your release file.

### `debug`

Mandatory: yes
Type: String
Default: null

The file path to your debug file.

# Examples ----

You'll certainly find some useful resources in the examples provided. Examine it and you'll understand how things works more instinctively.

Install coffee-toaster, clone the usage example and try different config options, always looking for the differences in your javascript release file.

Single folder example
Multi folder example
API example

# API ----

You can use Toaster through API as well, in case you want to power up your compiling tasks or even build some framework/lib on top of it.

See the API example for further information.

API example

  Toaster = (require 'coffee-toaster').Toaster
  toasting = new Toaster [basedir], [options], [skip_initial_build] [header_code_injection], [footer_code_injection]
# Contributing ---- ## Setting everything up

Environment setup is simple achieved by:

  git clone git://
  cd coffee-toaster && git submodule update --init
  npm link
## Building

Builds the release file inside the lib folder.

  make build
## Watching'n'Compiling

Starts watching/compiling using a previuos version of the CoffeeToaster itself.

  make watch
## Testing

Run all tests.

  make test
# Changelog ----


Minimalist build system for CoffeeScript.






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