- vstack: Stacks vertically the items within it and it centers them horizontally
- hstack: Stacks horizontally the items within it and it centers them vertically
- pill: Makes anything a pill styled item (with 16px border radius)
- circle: Makes anything looks like circled (with 50% border radius)
- container: Adds padding horizontally (16em) {could change due to
query} - grid-container: Makes a 3 column layout grid {could change due to
- card-container: Makes a card layout with shadow and border radius
- card-image: Places and image to card
- card-title: Formats title card text
- card-subtitle: Formats subtitle card text
- card-button: Adds a padding to card button
- btn-simple: Styles a simple button with color
and shadow
- navbar: Styles the navbar with color and width to 100%
- list: Removes list-decoration
- link: Styles everylink that uses it with white foreground color
- logo: Styles the logo
- checkout-container: Styles the checkout button container
- clipboard:
- notification: Adjust checkout notification badge to relative
- badge: Styles the notification badge
Disclaimer: {could change due to @media
- Adjust the list item on mobile version