This is a course project for CSCB58 at UTSC in 2020 Fall.
Kitty Jump is a game similar to the classic "Doodle Jump" game, implemented in MIPS assembly language.
The project is written and tested in MARS 4.5 developed by Pete Sanderson and Ken Vollmar at Missouri State University.
Open the code file in MARS 4.5, and go to Tools - Bitmap Display. Set the configuration as below:
- Unit width in pixels: 8 - Unit height in pixels: 8 - Display width in pixels: 256 - Display height in pixels: 512 - Base Address for Display: 0x10008000 ($gp)
Resize the window to fit the bitmap display. Click on Connect to MIPS.
Then go to Tools - Keyboard and Display MMIO Simulater. Again, click on Connect to MIPS.
Simply click on
on the toolbar to assemble the program and then click on
to run it.
Congratulations! You are now all set! Enjoy the game!
Control the Kitty by hitting J (move left) or K (move right) keys on your keyboard.
Pause the game by hitting P. Hit P again to continue.
(Make sure you set the focus to the textbox in the Keyboard and Display MMIO Simulater window.)