Requirements: Java JDK and Maven
mvn clean package
java -jar rdf2rdf.jar <input.xml> <output.xml> [config.yaml]
Input and output can be any RDF serialization (XML, JSON, Turtle). Input format will be transformed to the output format.
A optional yaml configuration can be included. In this configuration you can add SPARQUL queries dat will construct triples from the input format. The input model will be available in the named graph <urn:input>
, the output model will be expected in the named graph <urn:output>
. Please look at the example config.yaml for the exact format.
A custom function is available to create UUID uri's from a string value - to make persistent uri's without any reference to some original value, for example:
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX f: <java:nl.architolk.rdf2rdf.>
SELECT (f:uuid5(?label) as ?uri)
?s rdfs:label ?label