Code for the Cell Point Process
CPP was implemented with pytorch 1.4.0 and numpy 1.18.1.
See Example_Notebook.ipynb for an example of how to simulate data, create a video representation, and estimate parameters to the model.
Data (.mat files) used for this paper can be found at
- Python code that randomly generates parameters, simulates data across different numbers of cells and peaks, and then estimates parameters from that data
- A bash script for sending multiple jobs to the clusters. We simulated with numpy random seeds 1-50.
- frontier-figs-Copy1.ipynb: Jupyter notebook for producing the figures seen in the paper
- learned- .npz: The output from 50 simulations
- Python code for loading data from tapi_dose.mat and estimating parameters for each well
- learned-103120.npz: The npz output of
- figs_and_stats_Cop1.ipynb: Creates figures showing estimated paramters vs. tapi concentration
- lieklihood-test.ipynb: Creates graph of relative likelihood to a control model vs. tapi concentration
- spatial_lambda_ratio_plots: Creates graph of percent of conditional intensity vs tapi concentrations
- Python code for loading data from FINAL_EQ.mat (Goglia, 2019) and estimating parameters for each well
- sample-matching-edited.xlsx: Excel table of metadata for each well
- param-control-fixed- - .npz: Output of for different segments of FINAL_EQ.mat
- drug-figures-clean.ipynb: Jupyter notebook to produce figures showing 3d plot of different parameters for each class
- Python code for loading data from dataforcpp.mat and estimating parameters for each well
- learned-102920.npz: Output of (all wells)
- gfp-figs-Copy1.ipynb: Jupyter notebook to view results. The GFP figure was created in biorender.
- datadrugsnorm.mat: matlab workspace for pulse data from MDCK wound healing experiments
- Python code for loading data from datadrugsnorm.mat and estimating parameters for each well
- params-{drug}-exp-g-x10.npz: Output of, where {drug} corresponds to pharmacological condition