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Open Source Study Results

The file results.csv in this repository contains the coded and anonymized survey results from This readme documents the columns and the meaning of the data inside them below.


Below is a description of each column name and what the contents of those columns means. Square brackets ([]) after the name means the question allowed multiple answers and the results may contain strings separated by spaces indicating multiple choices were made. An asterisk (*) after the name means the question was required.


Is there anything you would change about the current project communication methods?

Answer Choice Meaning
centralize Communication currently occurs across too many platforms and the project would like to use fewer
something-tbd Communication currently feels out of hand, but no specific methods have been considered to resolve this


Through what official means do maintainers, contributors, and users communicate about the project?

Answer Choice Meaning
announcement-list Mailing list for announcements
chat Chat platform
discussion-list Mailing list for discussion
email Email directly to or from maintainers
forum Forums like Discourse or Stack Exchange
office-hours Regularly held office hours
social Social media
tracker Public bug or issue tracker
website Project website
wiki Project specific wiki


What topics are communicated via the selected communication methods?

Answer Choice Meaning
bug-reports Bug reports
cve-announcements Vulnerability announcements
docs Documentation
feature-requests Feature requests
funding-requests Funding requests
labor-requests Requests for labor
open-finances Project finances
release-announcements Release announcements
roadmap Project roadmap
support Help and support


Why did the funding method change?

Answer Choice Meaning
limited-time-funding A previous method of funding was for a set period of time
sponsorship-ended A sponsorship deal ended


How is the project currently funded?

Answer Choice Meaning
collective-funding Collective donations from individuals on GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective, Patreon, etc.
collective-sponsor-funding Collective donations from organizations on GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective, Patreon, etc.
gov-grant-funding Government grants
internal-funding Directly as an internal project of a legal entity
nonprofit-grant-funding Grants from grantmaking non-profit institutions
revenue-other-funding Generating revenue by selling other things, like project T-shirts and stickers
revenue-product-funding Revenue-generating products, like a pro version with additional functionality
revenue-support-funding Revenue-generating activities, like paid support or consulting
self-funding Self-funded by core contributor(s)
sponsor-funding Sponsored directly by a for-profit entity


Is there anything you would change about the current funding methods?

Answer Choice Meaning
grants-too-little Grants do not provide enough funding for stability
less-feast-or-famine Funding is often available, but inconsistent
more-from-large-users Large users are seen as free-riders


How are funds and expenses managed?

Answer Choice Meaning
monarchy A single person makes all decisions
oligarchy A handful of people make joint decisions
participatory Collective decision-making by many people
none Not applicable


What other funding has the project used in the past, if any?

Answer Choice Meaning
collective-funding Collective donations from individuals on GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective, Patreon, etc.
collective-sponsor-funding Collective donations from organizations on GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective, Patreon, etc.
gov-grant-funding Government grants
internal-funding Directly as an internal project of a legal entity
nonprofit-grant-funding Grants from grantmaking non-profit institutions
revenue-other-funding Generating revenue by selling other things, like project T-shirts and stickers
revenue-product-funding Revenue-generating products, like a pro version with additional functionality
revenue-support-funding Revenue-generating activities, like paid support or consulting
self-funding Self-funded by core contributor(s)
sponsor-funding Sponsored directly by a for-profit entity


How are funds currently used?

Answer Choice Meaning
bug-bounties Bug bounties
feature-bounties Feature bounties
full-time-pay Full-time pay for one or more people
infrastructure Infrastructure costs
part-time-pay Part-time pay for one or more people
professional-services Professional services (legal, accounting, marketing, etc.)
none Not applicable


Is there anything you would change about how funds are currently used?

Answer Choice Meaning
fund-contributors Project would like to provide some amount of funding to maintainers and contributors


Is there anything you would like to change about how the project is currently governed?

Answer Choice Meaning
add-formal-leadership-structure Formalize who maintainers actually are
better-documented-process Provide written guidance on how the project is governed
expand-decision-making Allow more people to help in decision making
introduce-proposals-process Create a formal process for proposing project changes


Roughly how many people have contributed labor to the project in the past year?

Answer Choice Meaning
1 This is a solo project
2-10 A small group worked on this project
11-50 A medium sized group worked on this project
51+ This is a large project


How many of these contributors participate in project decision-making processes?

Answer Choice Meaning
some A small portion of them
half About half of them
most Most of them
all All of them


How are disagreements resolved between contributors, maintainers, and/or other participants in collective decision-making processes?

Answer Choice Meaning
bdfl A specific individual has final say
consensus Consensus must be reached
committee Committees settle disagreements
majority Majority rule


How is the project governed?

Answer Choice Meaning
monarchy A single person makes all decisions
oligarchy A handful of people make joint decisions
participatory Collective decision-making by many people


What, if any, is the process for becoming someone who may help make decisions for the project?

Answer Choice Meaning
company-internal Must be hired by the project's backing organization to become a decision maker
election Elected by existing decision makers
fully-participatory All contributors and users are already welcome to help make decisions
invitation Existing decision makers will offer invitations to specific contributors
not-possible Governance will not be expanded
pay-to-play Sponsors making large enough investments may influence the roadmap


What is the project's current legal status?

Answer Choice Meaning
collective Project assets owned by various core contributors
corporate-core-project A core project of a for-profit entity, like WordPress
corporate-noncore-project A non-core project of a for-profit entity, like React
education A university project, like OpenStax
government A government project, like the U.S. Web Design System
individual Project assets owned by an individual
nonprofit Independent nonprofit primarily created for the project
nonprofit-nontech-project Project of an otherwise non-technology focused nonprofit
nonprofit-subsidiary Governed under a larger nonprofit, like projects under the Linux Foundation


Is there anything you would like to change about the current legal status of the project?

Answer Choice Meaning
become-nonprofit Create an independent nonprofit for the project
fiscal-or-governance Change the legal status to one that provides more funding opportunities and/or better collective governance
transfer-ownership Place maintenance and ownership of any existing infrastructure under a new owner


What decision making process, if any, led to the project taking on its current legal status?

Answer Choice Meaning
ecosystem Similar and related projects are structured this way
funding-requirement Required to achieve a specific type of funding
historical The project or maintainers have always used their current structure
values Decision makers wanted to align the legal status with their values


What other legal status has the project had in the past, if any?

Answer Choice Meaning
collective Project assets owned by various core contributors
corporate-core-project A core project of a for-profit entity, like WordPress
corporate-noncore-project A non-core project of a for-profit entity, like React
education A university project, like OpenStax
government A government project, like the U.S. Web Design System
individual Project assets owned by an individual
nonprofit Independent nonprofit primarily created for the project
nonprofit-nontech-project Project of an otherwise non-technology focused nonprofit
nonprofit-subsidiary Governed under a larger nonprofit, like projects under the Linux Foundation


Why did the legal status change?

Answer Choice Meaning
for-fundraising Changing the legal status allowed for new fundraising opportunities
transfered-ownership Ownership of project assets and infrastructure changed


Is there anything you would like to change about the current license of the project?

Answer Choice Meaning
anti-corporate Use a license less friendly to businesses
better-fit Find a license that is more appropriate for the project's goals
dual-license Offer the code under multiple licenses depending on the type of end user
forced-pay Adopt a license that requires heavier users to pay for use
no-evil Use something that restricts use on values, like the Hippocratic License


What decision making process, if any, led to the project taking on its current license?

Answer Choice Meaning
community-governance Community decision by similar or interrelated projects
fiscal Financially driven decision
formal-governance Formal decision by maintainers and contributors
hobby The license choice needed to be friendly to a hobby project


What software license does the project currently use?

The values in this column are all lowercase versions of SPDX license identifiers.


How is the license enforced?

Answer Choice Meaning
contributor-licensing Licensing agreements with contributors
litigation Litigation
user-licensing Licensing agreements with users
voluntary Voluntary


Why is this license no longer used?

Answer Choice Meaning
funding Funding was easier under a different license
less-restrictive A less restrictive license was desired
more-restrictive A more restrictive license was desired


What other licenses has the project used in the past, if any?

The values in this column are all lowercase versions of SPDX license identifiers.


About how long has the project been active, in years?

The values in this column are an integer number of years with a minimum of 1.


How would you categorize the project’s intended users?

Answer Choice Meaning
P End-users
L Software developers
PL Both


Coded and anonymized survey results from




