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The first SDK on Arweave to bring you programmable fiat top ups, Turbo-powered upload reliability, and fast data and indexing finality for TypeScript based Web and Node projects.


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@ardriveapp/turbo-sdk 🚀


Welcome to the @ardrive/turbo-sdk! This SDK provides functionality for interacting with the Turbo Upload and Payment Services and is available for both NodeJS and Web environments.

Table of Contents


npm install @ardrive/turbo-sdk


yarn add @ardrive/turbo-sdk

Quick Start

import { TurboFactory, ArweaveSigner } from '@ardrive/turbo-sdk';

// load your JWK directly to authenticate
const jwk = fs.readFileSync('./my-jwk.json');
const address = arweave.wallets.jwkToAddress(jwk);
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({ privateKey: jwk });

// or provide your own signer
const signer = new ArweaveSigner(jwk);
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({ signer });

// get the wallet balance
const { winc: balance } = await turbo.getBalance();

// prep file for upload
const filePath = path.join(__dirname, './my-image.png');
const fileSize = fs.statSync(filePath).size;

// get the cost of uploading the file
const [{ winc: fileSizeCost }] = await turbo.getUploadCosts({
  bytes: [fileSize],

// check if balance greater than upload cost
if (balance < fileSizeCost) {
  const { url } = await turbo.createCheckoutSession({
    amount: fileSizeCost,
    owner: address,
    // add a promo code if you have one
  // open the URL to top-up, continue when done

// upload the file
try {
  const { id, owner, dataCaches, fastFinalityIndexes } = await turbo.uploadFile(() => {
    fileStreamFactory => () => fs.createReadStream(filePath),
    fileSizeFactory => () => fileSize,
  // upload complete!
  console.log('Successfully upload data item!', { id, owner, dataCaches, fastFinalityIndexes });
} catch (error) {
  // upload failed
  console.error('Failed to upload data item!', error);
} finally {
  const { winc: newBalance } = await turbo.getBalance();
  console.log('New balance:', newBalance);


The SDK is provided in both CommonJS and ESM formats, and it's compatible with bundlers such as Webpack, Rollup, and ESbuild. Utilize the appropriately named exports provided by this SDK's package.json based on your project's configuration. Refer to the examples directory to see how to use the SDK in various environments.


Bundlers (Webpack, Rollup, ESbuild, etc.)


import { TurboFactory } from '@ardrive/turbo-sdk';

const turbo = TurboFactory.unauthenticated();
const rates = await turbo.getFiatRates();


Polyfills are not provided by default for bundled web projects (Vite, ESBuild, Webpack, Rollup, etc.) . Depending on your apps bundler configuration and plugins, you will need to provide polyfills for various imports including crypto, process, fs and buffer. Refer to your bundler's documentation for how to provide the necessary polyfills.


import { TurboFactory } from '@ardrive/turbo-sdk/<node/web>';

const turbo = TurboFactory.unauthenticated();
const rates = await turbo.getFiatRates();


<script type="module">
  import { TurboFactory } from '';

  const turbo = TurboFactory.unauthenticated();
  const rates = await turbo.getFiatRates();



Example available in the examples/typescript/cjs.


Example available in the examples/typescript/esm.


The SDK provides TypeScript types. When you import the SDK in a TypeScript project:

import { TurboFactory } from '@ardrive/turbo-sdk/<node/web>';

Types are exported from ./lib/types/[node/web]/index.d.ts and should be automatically recognized, offering benefits such as type-checking and autocompletion.


Examples are available in the examples directory. To run examples:

  • yarn example:web - opens up the example web page
  • yarn example:cjs - runs example CJS node script
  • yarn example:esm - runs example ESM node script




Creates an instance of a client that accesses Turbo's unauthenticated services.

const turbo = TurboFactory.unauthenticated();


Creates an instance of a client that accesses Turbo's authenticated and unauthenticated services. Requires either a signer, or private key to be provided.

Arweave JWK
const jwk = await arweave.crypto.generateJWK();
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({ privateKey: jwk });
const signer = new ArweaveSigner(jwk);
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({ signer });
const signer = new ArconnectSigner(window.arweaveWallet);
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({ signer });
const signer = new EthereumSigner(privateKey);
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({ signer });
Ethereum Private Key
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({
  privateKey: ethHexadecimalPrivateKey,
  token: 'ethereum',
POL (MATIC) Private Key
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({
  privateKey: ethHexadecimalPrivateKey,
  token: 'pol',
const signer = new HexSolanaSigner(bs58.encode(secretKey));
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({ signer });
Solana Secret Key
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({
  privateKey: bs58.encode(secretKey),
  token: 'solana',
KYVE Private Key
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({
  privateKey: kyveHexadecimalPrivateKey,
  token: 'kyve',
KYVE Mnemonic
import { privateKeyFromKyveMnemonic } from '@ardrive/turbo-sdk';

const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({
  privateKey: privateKeyFromKyveMnemonic(mnemonic),
  token: 'kyve',



Returns the list of currencies supported by the Turbo Payment Service for topping up a user balance of AR Credits (measured in Winston Credits, or winc).

const currencies = await turbo.getSupportedCurrencies();


Returns the list of countries supported by the Turbo Payment Service's top up workflow.

const countries = await turbo.getSupportedCountries();

getFiatToAR({ currency })

Returns the current raw fiat to AR conversion rate for a specific currency as reported by third-party pricing oracles.

const fiatToAR = await turbo.getFiatToAR({ currency: 'USD' });


Returns the current fiat rates for 1 GiB of data for supported currencies, including all top-up adjustments and fees.

const rates = await turbo.getFiatRates();

getWincForFiat({ amount })

Returns the current amount of Winston Credits including all adjustments for the provided fiat currency.

const { winc, actualPaymentAmount, quotedPaymentAmount, adjustments } =
  await turbo.getWincForFiat({
    amount: USD(100),

getWincForToken({ tokenAmount })

Returns the current amount of Winston Credits including all adjustments for the provided token amount.

const { winc, actualTokenAmount, equivalentWincTokenAmount } =
  await turbo.getWincForToken({
    tokenAmount: WinstonToTokenAmount(100_000_000),

getUploadCosts({ bytes })

Returns the estimated cost in Winston Credits for the provided file sizes, including all upload adjustments and fees.

const [uploadCostForFile] = await turbo.getUploadCosts({ bytes: [1024] });
const { winc, adjustments } = uploadCostForFile;

uploadSignedDataItem({ dataItemStreamFactory, dataItemSizeFactory, signal })

Uploads a signed data item. The provided dataItemStreamFactory should produce a NEW signed data item stream each time is it invoked. The dataItemSizeFactory is a function that returns the size of the file. The signal is an optional AbortSignal that can be used to cancel the upload or timeout the request.

const filePath = path.join(__dirname, './my-signed-data-item');
const dataItemSize = fs.statSync(filePath).size;
const uploadResponse = await turbo.uploadSignedDataItem({
  dataItemStreamFactory: () => fs.createReadStream(filePath),
  dataItemSizeFactory: () => dataItemSize,
  signal: AbortSignal.timeout(10_000), // cancel the upload after 10 seconds

createCheckoutSession({ amount, owner })

Creates a Stripe checkout session for a Turbo Top Up with the provided amount, currency, owner. The returned URL can be opened in the browser, all payments are processed by Stripe. To leverage promo codes, see TurboAuthenticatedClient.

Arweave (AR) Fiat Top Up
const { url, winc, paymentAmount, quotedPaymentAmount, adjustments } =
  await turbo.createCheckoutSession({
    amount: USD(10.0), // $10.00 USD
    owner: publicArweaveAddress,
    // promo codes require an authenticated client

// Open checkout session in a browser
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
  // macOS
  exec(`open ${url}`);
} else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
  // Windows
  exec(`start "" "${url}"`, { shell: true });
} else {
  // Linux/Unix
Ethereum (ETH) Fiat Top Up
const turbo = TurboFactory.unauthenticated({ token: 'ethereum' });

const { url, winc, paymentAmount } = await turbo.createCheckoutSession({
  amount: USD(10.0), // $10.00 USD
  owner: publicEthereumAddress,
Solana (SOL) Fiat Top Up
const turbo = TurboFactory.unauthenticated({ token: 'solana' });

const { url, winc, paymentAmount } = await turbo.createCheckoutSession({
  amount: USD(10.0), // $10.00 USD
  owner: publicSolanaAddress,
Polygon (POL / MATIC) Fiat Top Up
const turbo = TurboFactory.unauthenticated({ token: 'pol' });

const { url, winc, paymentAmount } = await turbo.createCheckoutSession({
  amount: USD(10.0), // $10.00 USD
  owner: publicPolygonAddress,
KYVE Fiat Top Up
const turbo = TurboFactory.unauthenticated({ token: 'kyve' });

const { url, winc, paymentAmount } = await turbo.createCheckoutSession({
  amount: USD(10.0), // $10.00 USD
  owner: publicKyveAddress,

submitFundTransaction({ txId })

Submits the transaction ID of a funding transaction to Turbo Payment Service for top up processing. The txId is the transaction ID of the transaction to be submitted.


Use this API if you've already executed your token transfer to the Turbo wallet. Otherwise, consider using topUpWithTokens to execute a new token transfer to the Turbo wallet and submit its resulting transaction ID for top up processing all in one go

const turbo = TurboFactory.unauthenticated(); // defaults to arweave token type
const { status, id, ...fundResult } = await turbo.submitFundTransaction({
  txId: 'my-valid-arweave-fund-transaction-id',



Issues a signed request to get the credit balance of a wallet measured in AR (measured in Winston Credits, or winc).

const { winc: balance } = await turbo.getBalance();


Returns the native address of the connected signer.

const address = await turbo.signer.getNativeAddress();

getWincForFiat({ amount, promoCodes })

Returns the current amount of Winston Credits including all adjustments for the provided fiat currency, amount, and optional promo codes.

const { winc, paymentAmount, quotedPaymentAmount, adjustments } =
  await turbo.getWincForFiat({
    amount: USD(100),
    promoCodes: ['MY_PROMO_CODE'], // promo codes require an authenticated client

createCheckoutSession({ amount, owner, promoCodes })

Creates a Stripe checkout session for a Turbo Top Up with the provided amount, currency, owner, and optional promo codes. The returned URL can be opened in the browser, all payments are processed by Stripe. Promo codes require an authenticated client.

const { url, winc, paymentAmount, quotedPaymentAmount, adjustments } =
  await turbo.createCheckoutSession({
    amount: USD(10.0), // $10.00 USD
    owner: publicArweaveAddress,
    promoCodes: ['MY_PROMO_CODE'], // promo codes require an authenticated client

// Open checkout session in a browser
if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
  // macOS
  exec(`open ${url}`);
} else if (process.platform === 'win32') {
  // Windows
  exec(`start "" "${url}"`, { shell: true });
} else {
  // Linux/Unix

uploadFile({ fileStreamFactory, fileSizeFactory, signal, dataItemOpts })

Signs and uploads a raw file. The provided fileStreamFactory should produce a NEW file data stream each time is it invoked. The fileSizeFactory is a function that returns the size of the file. The signal is an optional AbortSignal that can be used to cancel the upload or timeout the request. dataItemOpts is an optional object that can be used to configure tags, target, and anchor for the data item upload.

const filePath = path.join(__dirname, './my-unsigned-file.txt');
const fileSize = fs.stateSync(filePath).size;
const uploadResult = await turbo.uploadFile({
  fileStreamFactory: () => fs.createReadStream(filePath),
  fileSizeFactory: () => fileSize,
  dataItemOpts: {
    // optional
    tags: [
        name: 'Content-Type',
        value: 'text/plain',
        name: 'My-Custom-Tag',
        value: 'my-custom-value',
    // no timeout or AbortSignal provided

uploadFolder({ folderPath, files, dataItemOpts, signal, maxConcurrentUploads, throwOnFailure, manifestOptions })

Signs and uploads a folder of files. For NodeJS, the folderPath of the folder to upload is required. For the browser, an array of files is required. The dataItemOpts is an optional object that can be used to configure tags, target, and anchor for the data item upload. The signal is an optional AbortSignal that can be used to cancel the upload or timeout the request. The maxConcurrentUploads is an optional number that can be used to limit the number of concurrent uploads. The throwOnFailure is an optional boolean that can be used to throw an error if any upload fails. The manifestOptions is an optional object that can be used to configure the manifest file, including a custom index file, fallback file, or whether to disable manifests altogether. Manifests are enabled by default.

NodeJS Upload Folder
const folderPath = path.join(__dirname, './my-folder');
const { manifest, fileResponses, manifestResponse } = await turbo.uploadFolder({
  dataItemOpts: {
    // optional
    tags: [
        // User defined content type will overwrite file content type
        name: 'Content-Type',
        value: 'text/plain',
        name: 'My-Custom-Tag',
        value: 'my-custom-value',
    // no timeout or AbortSignal provided
  manifestOptions: {
    // optional
    indexFile: 'custom-index.html',
    fallbackFile: 'custom-fallback.html',
    disableManifests: false,
Browser Upload Folder
<input type="file" id="folder" name="folder" webkitdirectory />
<script type="module">
  const folderInput = document.getElementById('folder');

  folderInput.addEventListener('change', async (event) => {
    const selectedFiles = folderInput.files;
    console.log('Folder selected:', selectedFiles);

    const { manifest, fileResponses, manifestResponse } =
      await turbo.uploadFolder({
        files: Array.from(selectedFiles).map((file) => file),

    console.log(manifest, fileResponses, manifestResponse);

topUpWithTokens({ tokenAmount, feeMultiplier })

Tops up the connected wallet with Credits by submitting a payment transaction for the token amount to the Turbo wallet and then submitting that transaction id to Turbo Payment Service for top up processing.

  • The tokenAmount is the amount of tokens in the token type's smallest unit value (e.g: Winston for arweave token type) to fund the wallet with.
  • The feeMultiplier (optional) is the multiplier to apply to the reward for the transaction to modify its chances of being mined. Credits will be added to the wallet balance after the transaction is confirmed on the given blockchain. Defaults to 1.0, meaning no multiplier.
Arweave (AR) Crypto Top Up
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({ signer, token: 'arweave' });

const { winc, status, id, ...fundResult } = await turbo.topUpWithTokens({
  tokenAmount: WinstonToTokenAmount(100_000_000), // 0.0001 AR
  feeMultiplier: 1.1, // 10% increase in reward for improved mining chances
Ethereum (ETH) Crypto Top Up
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({ signer, token: 'ethereum' });

const { winc, status, id, ...fundResult } = await turbo.topUpWithTokens({
  tokenAmount: ETHToTokenAmount(0.00001), // 0.00001 ETH
Polygon (POL / MATIC) Crypto Top Up
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({ signer, token: 'pol' });

const { winc, status, id, ...fundResult } = await turbo.topUpWithTokens({
  tokenAmount: POLToTokenAmount(0.00001), // 0.00001 POL
Solana (SOL) Crypto Top Up
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({ signer, token: 'solana' });

const { winc, status, id, ...fundResult } = await turbo.topUpWithTokens({
  tokenAmount: SOLToTokenAmount(0.00001), // 0.00001 SOL
KYVE Crypto Top Up
const turbo = TurboFactory.authenticated({ signer, token: 'kyve' });

const { winc, status, id, ...fundResult } = await turbo.topUpWithTokens({
  tokenAmount: KYVEToTokenAmount(0.00001), // 0.00001 KYVE


Install CLI

Global installation:

npm install -g @ardrive/turbo-sdk


yarn global add @ardrive/turbo-sdk

or install locally as a dev dependency:

npm install --save-dev @ardrive/turbo-sdk


yarn add -D @ardrive/turbo-sdk

CLI Usage

turbo --help

or from local installation:

yarn turbo --help
npx turbo --help


  • -V, --version - output the version number

  • -h, --help - display help for command

  • --dev - Enable development endpoints (default: false)

  • -g, --gateway <url> - Set a custom crypto gateway URL

  • --upload-url <url> - Set a custom upload service URL

  • --payment-url <url> - Set a custom payment service URL

  • -t, --token <token> - Token type for the command or connected wallet (default: "arweave")

  • -w, --wallet-file <filePath> - Wallet file to use with the action. Formats accepted: JWK.json, KYVE, ETH, or POL private key as a string, or SOL Secret Key as a Uint8Array

  • -m, --mnemonic <phrase> - Mnemonic to use with the action (KYVE only)

  • -p, --private-key <key> - Private key to use with the action



Get the balance of a connected wallet or native address in Turbo Credits.

Command Options:

  • -a, --address <nativeAddress> - Native address to get the balance of


turbo balance --address 'crypto-wallet-public-native-address' --token solana
turbo balance --wallet-file '../path/to/my/wallet.json' --token arweave

Top up a connected wallet or native address with Turbo Credits using a supported fiat currency. This command will create a Stripe checkout session for the top-up amount and open the URL in the default browser.

Command Options:

  • -a, --address <nativeAddress> - Native address to top up
  • -c, --currency <currency> - Currency to top up with
  • -v, --value <value> - Value of fiat currency for top up. e.g: 10.50 for $10.50 USD


# Open Stripe hosted checkout session in browser to top up for 10.00 USD worth of Turbo Credits
turbo top-up --address 'crypto-wallet-public-native-address' --token ethereum --currency USD --value 10

Fund a wallet with Turbo Credits by submitting a payment transaction for the crypto amount to the Turbo wallet and then submitting that transaction id to Turbo Payment Service for top up processing. Alternatively, submit a transaction ID of an existing funding transaction to Turbo Payment Service for top up processing.

Command Options:

  • -v, --value <value> - Value of crypto token for fund. e.g: 0.0001 for 0.0001 KYVE
  • -i, --tx-id <txId> - Transaction ID of an existing funding transaction


turbo crypto-fund --value 0.0001 --token kyve --private-key 'b27...45c'
turbo crypto-fund --tx-id 'my-valid-arweave-fund-transaction-id' --token arweave

Upload a folder of files and create and upload a manifest file for the folder upload to the Turbo Upload Service.

Command Options:

  • -f, --folder-path <folderPath> - Path to the folder to upload
  • --index-file <indexFile> - File to use for the "index" path in the resulting manifest
  • --fallback-file <fallbackFile> - File to use for the "fallback" path in the resulting manifest
  • --no-manifest - Disable manifest creation
  • --max-concurrency <maxConcurrency> - Maximum number of concurrent uploads


turbo upload-folder --folder-path '../path/to/my/folder' --token solana --wallet-file ../path/to/sol/sec/key.json

Upload a file to the Turbo Upload Service.

Command Options:

  • -f, --file-path <filePath> - Path to the file to upload


turbo upload-file --file-path '../path/to/my/file.txt' --token ethereum --wallet-file ../path/to/eth/private/key.txt

Get the current credit price estimate from Turbo Payment Service for a given value and price type.

Command Options:

  • --value <value> - Value to get the price for. e.g: 10.50 for $10.50 USD, 1024 for 1 KiB, 1.1 for 1.1 AR
  • --type <type> - Type of price to get. e.g: 'bytes', 'arweave', 'usd', 'kyve'. Default: 'bytes'


turbo price --value 10.50 --type usd
turbo price --value 1024 --type bytes
turbo price --value 1.1 --type arweave



  • nvm
  • node (>= 18)
  • yarn

Setup & Build

  • yarn install - installs dependencies
  • yarn build - builds web/node/bundled outputs


  • yarn test - runs integration tests against dev environment (e.g. and
  • yarn test:docker - runs integration tests against locally running docker containers (recommended)
  • yarn example:web - opens up the example web page
  • yarn example:cjs - runs example CJS node script
  • yarn example:esm - runs example ESM node script

Linting & Formatting

  • yarn lint:check - checks for linting errors
  • yarn lint:fix - fixes linting errors
  • yarn format:check - checks for formatting errors
  • yarn format:fix - fixes formatting errors


  • Code to interfaces.
  • Prefer type safety over runtime safety.
  • Prefer composition over inheritance.
  • Prefer integration tests over unit tests.

For more information on how to contribute, please see


The first SDK on Arweave to bring you programmable fiat top ups, Turbo-powered upload reliability, and fast data and indexing finality for TypeScript based Web and Node projects.







Contributors 4
