You are busy with your day-to-day job and forget to check to see how many people are coming to your next event. No worries. This webtask will check to see if you have any upcoming events for a group that you host and if there is an event upcoming, it will send you an SMS notification of the number of people who are RSVP. No need to remember everything now, it's automated! You can update the scheduler to send you as many notifications you want throughout the week, day, hour, or minute.
To run this application you will need:
- Meetup API Key
- Twilio SID Number
- Twilio Auth Token
- Twilio Number
- Your Cell Phone Number
- Your Group URL on
The easiest way to set this up would be to create a .env
file with these values:
To run this cron webtask with the values above in the webtask context run:
wt cron schedule 5m ./webtask.js --secrets-file .env
You may want to update the scheduler to be more or less than 5 minutes.