Automate boring clicks on !! (using Edge, you can change webdriver by replace the current in the folder)
click numbers and wait period randomized to bypass any potential automation detection technique!
Follow these steps :
1- Download source code.
2- Install Python 3.9
3- run "pip install -r req.txt"
4- run "python"
5- If code not work visit Edge web driver and download webdriver depend on your Edge version and replace it in folder!
Click here to download Chrome web driver
Click here to download Firefox web driver
paste this code in your browser console :
var rand_num = Math.random() * (100) + 650;const app=document.querySelector("#app").__vue__;function pop(){var rand_num = Math.random() * (100) + 650;for(var i=0;i<=rand_num;i++)setTimeout(()=>{document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown",{key:"s",ctrlKey:!0}))},Math.random() * (5) + 5)}document.cookie="country=SY;expires=Sat, 24 FEB 2022 12:00:00 UTC;path=/",document.dispatchEvent(new KeyboardEvent("keydown",{key:"s",ctrlKey:!0}));setInterval(()=>{pop()},30000);
Enjoy :)