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MS365 E5 Subscription Renewer

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What is this

A tool to renew e5 subscription by calling msgraph APIs

How to use

  1. Create Application

    See Register Application and Configure Permissions for more info. We need tenant id, client id and client secret of your application to access msgraph APIs.

    Tips for people who like certificate instead secret:
    • If you add certificate after created application and added secret, the client_id may be changed so please update it.

    • Using pfx format to this tool is tested. But you only need to upload public key part(*.crt) to Azure.

    • If your certificate has a password, you can create a passwords key in config like this:

          "passwords": {
              "<sha512sum>": "<password>"

      <sha512sum> is the sha512 sum of the certificate file in lower case and <password> is its password in plain, please keep the configuration in secret to avoid someone using your certificate without being permitted.

  2. Create Configuration

    Copy config.json.example to config.json, edit it as your need. You can always add more credentials. Please edit auth_token so only people you authenticated can access the statistics.

    We will listen on tcp socket by default, if listen_addr is an empty string and your platform supports Unix domain socket, we will listen on Unix domain socket with path listen_socket and permission listen_socket_permission.

    If you want to use certificate instead secret, which is better for security, you can write a certificate key with path to your certificate file instead secret key.

    Tips: We support json, yaml and toml formats, just let their contents be equal, the configuration result is same.

  3. Install .NET

    See here for more info, we need .NET 8 and later.

  4. Get program

    You can download prebuilt program at Release page, simply choose which one you want, download it, unpack it and run it. If you want to build from source, you can run dotnet publish and you will find binaries at bin/Release/net8.0.

  5. Run program

    Simply run ./E5Renewer in binaries folder.

Get running statistics

Using curl or any tool which can send http request, send request to http://<listen_addr>:<listen_port> or unix socket <listen_socket>, each request should be sent with header Authentication: <auth_token>. You will get json response if everything is fine. If it is a GET request, send milisecond timestamp in query param timestamp, If it is a POST request, send milisecond timestamp in post json with key timestamp and convert it to string.

For example:

HTTP API for /v1/list_apis
curl -H 'Authentication: <auth_token>' -H 'Accept: application/json' \
    'http://<listen_addr>:<listen_port>/v1/list_apis?timestamp=<timestamp>' | jq '.'
    "method": "list_apis",
    "args": {},
    "result": [
        "Chats.Get", "Communications.Get",
    "timestamp": "<timestamp_returned_by_server>"

Server will only accept request less than 30 seconds older than server time.

See for possible apis

Note: This program supports HTTP only, and it is insecure. Please use a reverse proxy tool like nginx or apache in front of it to transfer data through untrusted environment.