Pagination PHP - a PHP Library for create the pagination pages
require_once('Pagination.php'); // load the Pagination Class
$pagination = new Pagination();
$total = 100;
$per_page = 5;
$page = 1;
// setup the pagination
'total' => $total, // total of records
'per_page' => $per_page, // limit per page that shown
'page' => $page, // init for current page
'base_page_url' => '', // init URL for first page
'page_url' => '', // init URL for URL Pagination
'ul_class' => 'custom-class', // optional, for customize the <ul> CSS style
// generate HTML script pagination
$script_paging = $pagination->createPaginationLink();
echo $script_paging;
areoid a.k.a areg_noid |