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This is a simple battleships game made with Next.js and React. It is a work in progress.

How to Use

Install Dependencies

npm install

Run on Terminal

npm run start:cli

Run Dev Server

npm run dev

Build for Production

npm run build

Build for Production and Run Server

> npm run build
> npm run start

Run Jest Tests

npm test

Change Log


  • I started this project today. I have created the basic structure of the project using Next.js with Jest and React Testing Library for testing.

  • I have also created the basic entities for the ship, the board and the game with some basic methods.

  • I have created tests for the entities and the methods. Then I used TDD to create the methods and the basic logic for the game.


  • I have refactored the code by making separate modules for the entities.

  • I have separated tests for the entities.

  • I have created an index.ts file to play the game in the web console.

  • I have used some design patterns like the factory pattern to create the ships and the builder pattern to build the board.

  • I have created a node console interface to play the game in the terminal using the @inquirer/prompts package.

  • I have renamed the entities and other things for better abstraction and readability.


  • I have used more design patterns to improve the code.

  • I have created a basic UI using React and Next.js.

  • I have set up storybook to create the UI components.

  • I have set up Chromatic to test the UI components.


  • more Design Patterns

  • add more features to the game (players, score, etc.)

  • improve UI (add animations, add sounds, etc.)

  • improve tests

  • improve documentation