# node
brew install node
# yarn
brew install yarn
# mysql
brew install mysql
# clone the repo
git clone git@github.com:aricallen/jmnjams.git && cd jmnjams
# start mysql
# setup user with password => 'password'
mysqladmin -u root password password
# create db
mysqladmin -u root -p create jmnjams;
# import base sql file
mysql -u root -p jmnjams < ./config/db.sql
# install node dependencies
yarn install
# cp env file to project root
cp ./config/_.env ./.env
You may run into a mysql version mismatch error running mysql 8
After running server (yarn serve
) and the local frontend (yarn start
), you may see
In this case, update the local user with the following command
# start console
mysql -u root -p jmnjams # enter password
# update root user
ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'password';
# start mysql
# start local backend server -- http://localhost:4243
yarn serve
# start local frontend development server -- http://localhost:4242
yarn dev
View that app in browser at http://localhost:4242 If everything was setup correctly you'll see the following in the browser's console
api server status -> OK!
db status -> OK!
├── config # setup files
├── scripts # shell scripts to help with deploying to server
├── server # backend api routes/controllers
│ ├── controllers
│ ├── middleware
│ ├── routers
│ ├── schemas
│ └── utils
└── src # frontend app
├── assets # static assets
│ ├── favicons
│ ├── fonts
│ └── logos
├── components
│ ├── common # shared components
│ └── features # components related to specific features
│ └── store
│ └── blog
│ └── admin
│ └── <other features>
├── constants
├── redux
│ ├── session
│ └── utils
│ └── <other store slices>
├── services
├── styles
└── utils