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Project overview:

Non technical overview:

The aim of this project is to build a system which allows multiple agents to interact
with each other via different communication channels. Agent - is a unit of the system, which can:

  • do some actions (e.g.: move robotic arm, open doors, etc.)
  • consume data (e.g.: commands to open door or move robotic arm, video\audio streams)
  • produce data (e.g.: commands to open door or move robotic arm, video\audio streams) With that in mind, examples of agents are:
  • camera, which can send media (video\audio streams)
  • user, who can consume such streams and give commands to camera to move
  • automatic pet feeder, which could be controlled by the camera when pet comes closer
  • and many more

Communication channel is a transport protocol together with application level protocol, for example:

  • sip
  • grpc
  • telegram messages


  • ethernet
  • wifi
  • bluetooth

As being said - not only user can control agents, but agents themselves could be controlled by each other.
Such capabilities will be enabled by visual data flow language, which allows users to build their own agents interconnection network.
For example, the goal could be to turn on an electrical fan when the temperature will reach certain point. This task could be achieved (roughly) with following diagram:

thermomether --|temperature|--> fan: turn on if temperature >= 26

One of the goals of the project is to provide DIY (do it yourself) people an ability to create their own devices, based on popular chips. To make this possible an SDK (software development kit) will be developed, which will allow to write only logic and the rest of discussed features, as interconnections between agents, will be free.

Data flow programming and user interactions with agents will be performed through graphical user interface, either via web browser or smartphone.

Useful materials

Introductionary WebRTC article
Hole punching explained
GStreamer parts
GStreamer sources
GStreamer sinks
WebRTC Basics
WebRTC Signalling
Sample frontend applciaiton

Demos and samples

GStreamer WebRTC
Awesome WebRTC

WebPhone Demo

Configure Docker registry

Install aws-cli (snap install aws-cli --classic for ubuntu)

Take credentials from deployment/production/, then:

> aws configure
  AWS Access Key ID [****************]: xxxxxxxxx
  AWS Secret Access Key [****************]: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Default region name [None]: eu-central-1
  Default output format [None]: 

> bash -c "$(aws ecr get-login --no-include-email)"
WARNING! Using --password via the CLI is insecure. Use --password-stdin.
Login Succeeded


Run (option 1). With docker-compose

--build will make sure that all images are built from current Dockerfile's

docker-compose up --build

Run (option 2). Without docker-compose

docker run -p 5000:5000 robolive_signalling
docker run -e "SERVER=ws://$(ip -4 addr show docker0 | grep -Po 'inet \K[\d.]+'):5000" robolive_robot
docker run -p 8080:80 robolive_static


Deploy production

cd deployment/production
terraform init
terraform apply

Run locally

export VIDEO_SRC='videotestsrc is-live=true pattern=ball ! videoconvert'
export SIGNALLING_SIP_URI='sip:localhost:9031'

Run on Jetson Nano

To run robot on Jetson Nano with CSI camera you can override video/audio source:

export AUDIO_SRC='audiotestsrc wave=silence ! audioconvert'
export VIDEO_SRC='nvarguscamerasrc sensor_mode=3 ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM),width=1280, height=720, framerate=60/1, format=NV12 ! nvvidconv flip-method=0 ! videoconvert'

Run robot connected to Production using docker

First you need to create robot_configs directory in project root. Then run docker-compose command below:

# CONFIG_PATH is where robot credentials will be stored
docker-compose run --no-deps -e -e INVENTORY_USE_PLAINTEXT=false -e ROBOT_NAME='FromDevMachine' robot

sensor_mode values

# Resolution FPS Exposure, us
0 3264 x 2464 21 47619048
1 3264 x 1848 28 35714284
2 1920 x 1080 30 33333334
3 1280 x 720 60 16666667
4 1280 x 720 120 8333333

Build protobuf for frontend

Will create ./client/generated folder with generated protobuf code.
Do not change, all changes will be overwritten by protoc.
If you want to change something consider change .proto files in protocols folder

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t client_proto --output ./client/src/ -f Dockerfile.client_proto .

How to create a session:

  1. Open BloomRPC
  2. Import protocols from ./protocols folder to BloomRPC
  3. Click on SessionEndpoint.DoAllowSession in BloomRPC
  4. Paste something like the following:
  "clientId": "test", // this is the name you enter on client
  "agentId": "782e60f6-a996-4cf2-8453-ab19d8e78fd5", // this id could be found in `InfoEndpoint`.`AgentList`
  "durationInSeconds": 3600 // time the session is active
  1. Change address to:
  2. Set TLS settings to Server Certificate
  3. Push Play button

Other methods are used to get information about ongoing Sessions or to remove session.
They are, more or less, self explanatory. =))