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Vue Static SFC Plugin for Vite

Serve .vue files as static assets


npm install vite-plugin-vue-static-sfc


// vite.config.js

import staticVuePlugin from 'vite-plugin-vue-static-sfc';
// require('vite-plugin-vue-static-sfc') is also supported

export default {
  plugins: [


I've created a static website (a typing game for kids) that avoids build tools and uses vue3-sfc-loader to process .vue files dynamically at runtime.

While developing, I wanted to use Vite as an http server to serve the website and leverage its hot reloading, but it tried to process .vue files and requested to install a dedicated plugin to do so.

I just wanted Vite to serve the .vue files as if they were simple text files.

With this plugin, Vite will do that.


  • The HMR will reload the entire webpage if a change in a .vue file is detected