This version of the Lattice-App is packaged as a docker image at rippmn/lattice-app
ltc create lattice-app rippmn/lattice-app
###Displayed Application Name This application will include the lattice/cloud foundry app name in the logging messages and landing page. This value is set by reading the PROC_GUID environment variable on lattice and the "application name" value from the VCAP_APPLICATION environment variable on cloud foundry. Either of these values may be overridden by supplying an environment variable named APP_NAME. When running locally, or where these environment variables are not set, this value defaults to "lattice-app"
###Environment Variables to Customize Appearance This application supports customization of the color scheme by supplying one of the following environment variables:
- HEX_COLOR - hexidecimal representation of the RGB color value. If an invalid value(including white) is supplied the default color will be used.
- COLOR_NUM - integer value representing one of 20 preset color values (indexes outside this range will use the default colors).
: a simple landing page displaying the index and uptime
: displays environment variables
: instructs Lattice to exit with status code 1
Assumes you have the go toolchain (with the ability to cross-compile to different platforms) and docker installed and pointing at your docker daemon.