Sails.js V1.5 hook to use Sequelize ORM V6 New version adding automatic datadbase settup for sqlserver (experimental)
Loading (take care not sure you will have access to the last version due to problems with npm publish)
Install this hook with:
$ npm install sails-hook-sequeliz --save
"sails-hook-sequelize": "git://",
"hooks": {
"orm": false,
"pubsub": false
Include in package.json git reference to this package (see following example)
"name": "test",
"private": true,
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "application",
"keywords": [],
"dependencies": {
"@babel/preset-env": "7.15.6",
"sails": "^1.5.0",
"sails-disk": "~2.1.0",
"sails-hook-cron": "^3.2.0",
"sails-hook-grunt": "^5.0.0",
"sails-hook-sequelize": "git://",
"sails-hook-sequeliz-blueprints": "git://",
"sails-hook-sockets": "2.0.1",
"sails-hook-validation": "^0.4.7",
"sequelize": "^6.6.5",
"sequelize-cli": "^6.2.0",
"tedious": "^12.2.0",
"repository": {
"devDependencies": {
"config": {
"grunt": "./node_modules/sails/node_modules/.bin/grunt"
"main": "app.js",
"license": "MIT",
"engines": {
"node": "~14.17.x",
"npm": "~7.20.x"
Also you can set some parameters in config/sequelize.js
to override defaults.
module.exports.sequelize = {
"clsNamespace": "sails-sequelize",
"exposeToGlobal": true
Sequelize connection with sqlserver 2019 Express
asqlserver: {
dialect: 'mssql',
username: 'YourUserName',
password: 'YourPassword',
server : 'localhost',
options : {
dialect: 'mssql',
host : 'localhost',
port : 1433,
username: 'YourUserName',
password: 'YourPassword',
database: 'YourDBName',
encrypt: false,
Insert a new promise function "preProcess" at same level as stores. (limitation) Only One connection from datastores is supported (the first avalaible)
Exemple of implementation
const config = require('./config.js');
const async = require('async');
const Sequelize = require('sequelize');
console.log('Connection to SQL DataBase: ' + config.BaseSQLName);
console.log('Loading... ', __filename);
const OsPlatform = process.platform;
let connections;
const connectionsWinDev = {
* *
* Local disk storage for DEVELOPMENT ONLY *
* *
* Installed by default. *
* *
memory: {
adapter: 'sails-disk',
inMemory: true
test: {
adapter: 'sails-disk'
local: {
adapter: 'sails-disk'
* Preloader permits to settup automatically user database in sqlserver
* During elevation of Sequelize Hook preloader will be called to execute :
* 1) create a connection and log under system database (i.e. master )
* 2) check if user database exist
* if not create database
* associate owner
* 3) check if broker is enabled
* if not broker is enabled
* 4) finally close this connection.
* @param {*} connection
* {
dialect: 'mssql',
username: 'sa',
password: 'userpass',
server: 'localhost',
options: {
dialect: 'mssql',
host: 'localhost',
port: 1433,
username: 'sa',
password: 'userpass',
database: 'userdatabase',
encrypt: false,
logging: false,
preload: {
database: 'master',
username: 'sa',
password: 'sapass'
preProcess : function(connection){
return new Promise( (resolve,reject)=>{
sails.log.silly('Preload database function :', connection);
const opt = Object.assign({},connection.options);
const preloadUser = opt.preload.username;
const preloadDb = opt.preload.database;
const preloadPass = opt.preload.password;
const dbName= opt.database;
opt.username = preloadUser;
opt.password = preloadPass;
opt.database = preloadDb;
delete opt.preload;
let toCreate = false;
let isBroker = false;
let safe = false;
let steps = [];
const preload = new Sequelize(preloadDb,
sails.log.silly('Preload database connected :', opt, preloadDb, dbName);
return preload.query('SELECT name FROM master.sys.databases WHERE name = N\'' + dbName + '\'' ).then((exists)=>{
sails.log.silly('Data base checking :', exists);
if(exists && exists.length && exists[0].length){
let db = exists[0][0].name;
sails.log.silly('Data base exists[0][0] :', exists[0][0], db, dbName);
toCreate = db && db !== dbName;
} else toCreate = true;
return cb();
return cb(err);
sails.log.silly('Data base to create');
preload.query('CREATE DATABASE ' + dbName ).then(()=>{
preload.query('ALTER AUTHORIZATION ON DATABASE::' + dbName +' TO sa').then((v)=>{
sails.log.silly('Data base created :', v);
safe = true;
}).catch((err) =>{
} else {
(cb) => {
preload.query('SELECT is_broker_enabled FROM sys.databases WHERE name = N\'' + dbName + '\'' ).then((broker) =>{
if(broker && broker.length){
sails.log.silly('Broker enabled :', broker[0]);
let enabled = broker[0];
if(enabled && enabled.length){
isBroker = enabled[0].is_broker_enabled;
sails.log.silly('Broker enabled :', isBroker);
}).catch((err) =>{
(cb) => {
preload.query('ALTER DATABASE ' + dbName + ' SET ENABLE_BROKER WITH ROLLBACK IMMEDIATE' ).then(()=>{
}).catch((err) =>{
} else {
async.series(steps, (err) =>{
if (err) reject(err);
/* sequelize connection parameters
sqlserver: {
dialect: 'mssql',
username: 'username',
password: 'userpass',
server : 'localhost',
options : {
dialect: 'mssql',
host : 'localhost',
port : 1433,
username: 'username',
password: 'userpass',
database: 'userdb',
encrypt: false,
preload: {
database: 'master',
username: 'sa',
password: 'sapass'
if (OsPlatform === 'darwin'){
connections = connectionsDarwin;
} else {
if(process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development'){
connections = connectionsWinDev;
} else {
connections = connectionsWinProd;
module.exports.connections = connections;
Sequelize model definition models/user.js
Imperative: the options directive is mandatory in this release. It could be reduced to an empty object {}
module.exports = {
attributes: {
name: {
type: Sequelize.STRING,
allowNull: false
age: {
type: Sequelize.INTEGER
associations: function() {
user.hasMany(image, {
foreignKey: {
name: 'owner',
allowNull: false
defaultScope: function() {
return {
include: [
{model: image, as: 'images'}
options: {
tableName: 'user',
classMethods: {},
instanceMethods: {},
hooks: {},
scopes: {},
Modified by Raymond FEST 2021 to work with Sails ^V1.5.0 new version applications Sequelize ^V6.6 MsSqlServer 2019 express
This project was originally created by Gergely Munkácsy (@festo).
MIT [github-url]: