My instructor code examples for unit assignments in Programming I with Java.
This Java program, "QuizGame," is a console-based quiz application that tests the user's knowledge on various topics. The program utilizes an array to store a series of multiple-choice questions and their corresponding answers. Users interact with the program through the console, selecting their answers for each question. The application validates user input to ensure it matches the expected format (A, B, C, or D). After answering all questions, the program calculates and displays the user's score as a percentage. This simple yet interactive application serves as an excellent example of array handling, input validation, and basic control structures in Java.Description:
The "LibrarySystem" is a Java-based application that simulates a basic library management system. It offers functionalities such as adding books to the library, borrowing books, returning books, and displaying the current inventory. The program uses a HashMap to store book details, where the book title acts as the key, and a custom Book class (storing author and quantity) serves as the value. The system allows users to interact through a menu-driven interface in the console, facilitating various library operations. This application exemplifies the use of data structures, object-oriented programming concepts, and basic user input handling in Java. It's an ideal project for understanding fundamental programming constructs and real-world application development.