migrate-consul is a migration assistant for Consul KV that features:
- Migration script generation and processing
- Ability to run up and down migrations
- Ability to edit json values with jsonpath
- Migration history stored in mongodb
- Ability to verify scripts and diff the output with the existing values
- Ability to backup keys
- Restore keys by date
- Now can write scripts in Typescript!
# yarn
yarn global add migrate-consul
# npm
npm i -g migrate-consul
# create a directory to store your migrations and cd to it
mkdir consul_migrations && cd consul_migrations
# initialize the project and enter the details in the prompt
migrate-consul init
? path: /path/to/consul_migrations
? Name of the migrations directory: migrations
> Edit the generated config file at /path/to/consul_migrations/migrate-consul-config.jsonc
// configure mongodb
"database": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "27017",
"dbname": "consul_migrations"
// configure consul agent
"consul": {
"host": "localhost",
"port": "8500",
"secure": false,
"acl": false,
"aclTokenEnvVar": ""
// configure script generation options
"generation": {
"printExamples": true,
"generateTypesFromKeys": false,
"includeTypes": true
// configure verify --diff options
"diff": {
"maxDiffLength": 10000,
"colors": {
"bg": "bgCyan",
"added": "green",
"removed": "red",
"unchanged": "grey"
// environment config
"migrationsDirectory": "migrations",
"environment": "local",
"debug": false
# create a new migration
migrate-consul create my_test_migration
> Generated migration file at /path/to/consul_migrations/migrations/20220701123423-my_test_migration.ts
import { IMigrationClient, Consul } from '../types/types'
export default {
up: async (consul: IMigrationClient, env: string, client: Consul.Consul) => {
// write your migration here. Must be awaited or return Promise
await consul.key(`sample`).val(`Hello from migrate-consul`).save()
down: async (
consul: IMigrationClient,
env: string,
client: Consul.Consul
) => {
// write your rollback here. Must be awaited or return Promise
await consul.key(`sample`).drop()
# stage migration for deployment
migrate-consul stage --author me
> staged 20220701123423-my_test_migration.ts
# verify the script is valid
migrate-consul verify
> verified 20220701123423-my_test_migration.ts
# shows status of migrations
migrate-consul status
│ Name │ Author │ Status │ Last Changed By │ Date of Last Change │ Date Migration Applied │
│ 20220701123423-my_test_migration.ts │ me │ PENDING │ │ Fri Jul 1 2022 17:51:18 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time) │ │
# run the migration up
migrate-consul up
> migrated up 20220701123423-my_test_migration.ts
# rollback the migration
migrate-consul down
> migrated down 20220701123423-my_test_migration.ts
# unstage last migration
migrate-consul unstage
> unstaged 20220701123423-my_test_migration.ts
up: (consul: IMigrationClient, env: string, client: Consul.Consul) {
// migrate a key with a string val
await consul.key('my_key').val('hello from migrate-consul').save()
// migrate a different value per env (env parameter is set in config file)
const envs = {
dev: 'localhost', // ex: migrate-consul-config.jsonc ."environment": "dev"
production: 'api.mysite.com' // ex: migrate-consul-config.jsonc ."environment": "production"
await consul.key('host').val(envs[env]).save()
// migrate a key with a JSON val
await consul.key('my_json_key').val({
a: 1,
nested: {
b: 'string'
// output
// "a: 1,
// "nested": {
// "b": "string"
// }
// edit a JSON value
await consul.key('my_json_key').jsonpath('$.nested.b').val('new string').save()
// output
// "a": 1,
// "nested": {
// "b": "new string"
// }
// use the consul client directly for more advanced operations (https://www.npmjs.com/package/consul)
const lock = client.lock({key: 'my_key'})
lock.on('acquire', function() {
console.log('lock acquired');
lock.on('release', function() {
console.log('lock released');
down: (consul: IMigrationClient, env: string, client: Consul.Consul) {
// delete a key
await consul.key('my_key').drop()
// delete a value from JSON
await consul.key('my_json_key').jsonpath('$.nested.b').drop()
// output
// "a": 1,
// "nested": {}