Automatic local file backup to two of S3 buckets.
Your local PC directory (A) -> AWS S3 bucket (B) -> AWS S3 bucket (C)
- node-s3-multisync-auto (node-s3ma) detects file modification under running directory (A).
- node-s3ma uploads modified file form (A) to the AWS S3 bucket (B).
- node-s3ma syncs uploaded file from (B) bucket to (C) bucket.
npm install node-watch aws-sdk mime moment
Please use config.json and config_mime.types under "conf" directory.
"watchDir": "/tmp",
"accessKeyId": "AKIA******",
"secretAccessKey": "**********",
"region": "us-west-2",
"bucket": "*******-oregon",
"topPrefix": "backup/",
"bucketSync": "**********-ireland",
"topPrefixSync": "backup/",
"endpointSync": ""
"accessKeyId": KeyId for S3.
"secretAccessKey": Key for S3.
"region": Bucket region of the 1st upload.
"bucket": Bucket name of the 1st upload.
"topPrefix": Bucket key prefix of the 1st upload.
"bucketSync": Bucket name of the 2nd sync.
"topPrefixSync": Bucket key prefix of the 2nd sync.
"endpointSync": Bucket endpoint URL of the 2nd sync.
application/x-test test
It is come from
Genereted logs are sent by syslogd with ain2 (
- 1xx information ** 101 SKIP hidden file: .hidden ** 102 DIR filename
- 2xx success ** 201 UPLOADEDED bucket/filename ETag 1234567890123456 ** 202 SYNCED hoge TO fuga LastModified 2014-04-12T23:52:23.000Z
- 4xx error ** 400 error ** 401 s3.putObject filename ** 402 mtimeFile(filename) ** 403 uploadFile() ** 404 s3sync.copyObject()
cd /home/account/target
node node-s3ma.js
- Daemonize with forever (
- Multipart S3 upload for large file.