This is a translation from French performed by Google. OriginaPDF is here
The current version is to only a very limited extent reviewed and improved with regards to the Google translation.
The same protocol is used by the Multiroom receivers branded, Roxcore, sold by Kjell&Company in Scandinavia. When searching internet for these devices, one can find out that the above brands are OEM for a company called Linkplay. This explains why there are a number of devices supporting the same REST like interface.
A list of devices controlled by this protocol is here.
In addition to being compatible with the DLNA and Airplay streaming protocols, Sonoé IEast also offers local file playback via Mirco SD card, Multi-room, audio streaming controon different Sonoé iEast, transmission User-defined read control and other functions, all with User-friendly controand wireless WIFI Audio technology.
In addition, we developed an API allowing interaction with Sonoé IEast mainly via http-type query.
The HTTP (get method) request is sent to the embedded Web server in Sonoé iEast, it is analyzed, an a response is returned by Sonoé iEast and the corresponding function is executed. The query and reply issued by Sonoé iEast is in JSON format.
Query Format http: command is:
Httpapi.asp? Command = setPlayerCmd: play: uri
http://a.b..c.d/httpapi.asp = ********? Command = or Httpapi.asp? Command = setPlayerCmd: play
Example: Play Internet Radio
IP address of Sonoé iEast:
- Command: Play
The IP address of Sonoé iEast can be obtained by looking upnp such as (url assume the following interfaces IP)
Example: Play from NAS
The current specification is dated: 15/05/2016
Description: Obtain basic information about the device, such as ssid, the version of Equipment, IP wifi and IP Ethernet, etc.
Supported Formats: JSON
HTTP Request: GET
Command: getStatus
"Language": "en_us",
"Ssid": "FA5100_a4dc",
"Firmware": "WIFIAudio.multil_room.1.2.20140324",
"Builddate": "release",
"Release": "20140324",
"Group": "",
"Expired": "0",
"Internet": "0",
"Uuid": "FF123456nnnnnnnnnnnn",
"Netstat": "0",
"Essid": "",
"Apcli0": "",
"Eth2": "",
"Hardware": "Wi Mu-A03",
Description of Fields:
Fields | Description |
Language | Language |
SSID | SSID equipment |
Firmware | Software version |
Build | Note: Actual output is output, debug, save Three cases, indicates the version of the type generally press. |
Release | Date of Release |
Group | Name of the group |
Expired | Outdated software flag: 0: valid; 1: Out of date |
MAC | Mac Address |
Internet | Internet access: 0; 1: true |
Uuid | UDID device, the first 8 bytes of the project ID, followed by the device's unique identifier |
Netstat | WIFI connection state. 0: not connected 1: transient state 2: Connected |
Essid | WIFI router to connect to, use the command GetStatus returned using hex coded hex to support the transmission of special characters. |
Apcli0 | The IP address of WIFI |
Eth2 | IP address of the Ethernet |
Hardware | Hardware version |
Project | Name of the project |
VersionUpdate | New version available |
NewVer | Available version number |
Mcu_ver | The version MCU, if 0 indicates the absence of MCU |
DeviceName | Name upnp and airplay of Sonoé iEast |
Temp_uuid | Temp uuid, will change after boot up |
Streams | Bit: 0 if MFI airplay activated 1 airplay activated 2 if DLNA enabled 3 if Qplay 10 if TTPod 11 if DoubanFM 14 if QingTing 15 if ximalaya 16 TuneIn 17 iHeartRadio 18 Tida 21 Pandora 22 Spotify |
Streams_all | The audio streams to be displayed showing the user interface |
External | Have a light control |
Preset_key | Presets key number |
Plm_support | 0 LineIn (Aux) 1 BT 2 optical |
WifiChannel | WiFi Channel WiFi bands |
AP_clients | number of AP clients |
battery | 1 means battery is in charging |
Battery_percent | 0 to 100 |
Securemode | WiFi secured or not |
psk | If the WiFi is secured, allows to fill in the password |
usb_storagesize | U disk storage size |
usb_freesize | Udisk free size |
mmc_storagesize | Mmc storage size , otherwise this one, there are no T cards |
mmc_freesize | Mmc free size |
Part1_storage | User1 part in ROM, storage size |
Part1_free | User1 part in ROM, free size |
Part2_storage | User2 part in ROM, storage size |
Part2_free | User2 part in ROM, free size |
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getsyslog
Description: No use? But you can go to http://$ReceiverIpAddress/data/sys.log to download the log. Fileformat is unknown.
Supported Formats: non-json form value
HTTP Request: GET
Command: getsyslog
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8"> </head>
<DIV><span id="dl"> <a href=data/sys.log>download</a><hr></span></DIV>
Get list of WIFI networks Available (SSID)
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=wlanGetApList
Description: List all wifi networks (SSID) identified by Sonoé iEast.
Supported Formats: JSON
HTTP Request: GET
Command: wlanGetApListEx
Response: (here 3 wifi networks)
{"Res": "0", "aplist": [
{"Ssid": "wmmAudio_a7b8", "bssid": "00: 22: 6c: 00: a7: b8", "rssi"
Th ":" OPEN "," encry ":" NONE "," extch ":" 1 "},
(Ssid): "WIIMU_Network", "bssid": "20: dc: e6: cb: 7e: 78", "rssi"
Th ":" WPA2PSK "," encry ":" AES "," extch ":" 0 "},
{"Ssid": "WIFIAudio_29b0", "bssid": "00: 22: 6c: 16: 29: b0", "rssi": "65"
Th ":" OPEN "," encry ":" NONE "," extch ":" 0 "}]}
Description of fields:
Fields | Description |
res | Back to the list |
Aplist | SSID List |
Ssid | Wifi visible name, wlanGetApListEx returned ssid Hexadecimal encoding to support speciacharacters and the Chinese. |
Bssid | Mac Address |
Rssi | Signal Strength |
channel | Wifi channel |
auth | Encrypt |
encry | Encryption Type |
Extch | ? |
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=wlanConnectAp:ssid:channel:auth:encry : Pwd: chext
Description: Allows Sonoé iEast to be connected to a wifi network selected.
Supported Formats: JSON
HTTP Request: GET
Command: WlanConnectApEx: SSID = xxx: ch = n: auth = xxx: encty = xxx: pwd = xxx: chext n =
Parameter | Mandatory? | Type | Description |
Ssid | True | string | When connecting the wifi name ssid, wlanConnect ApEx, in hexadecimal code transmission |
channel | True | string | Wifi channel to connect, optional 1-12 |
auth | True | string | Whether the encryption is OPEN or WPA2PSK |
Encry | True | string | Encryption type, AES or NONE |
Pwd | True | string | Password Wifi, type the password is OPEN NONE; When wlanConnect ApEx, when transmitting hexadecimacode, if the Password is empty, you do not have to enter. |
Chext | True | string | 1 to fill |
- Response: Does not return any value, you must call the connection state of The query interface, to determine if the connection was successful.
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=GetCurrentWirelessConnectEx
Description: Request the SSID of the WiFi the Sonoé iEast is connected to, SSID will be in hex
Returns a non-json form value
HTTP Request: GET
Command: wlanGetConnectState
Response: res:4D79535349444E616D65:1
Response '4D79535349444E616D65' has to be converted to ASCII 'MySSIDName'. Value '1' is unknown.
Connect to a hidden wifi network
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=wlanConnectHideApEx:ssid:pwd
Description: Allows Sonoé iEast to be connected to a wifi network selected. The ssid and pwd must be in hexadecimal format.
Supported Formats: JSON
HTTP Request: GET
Command: wlanConnectHideApEx: SSID: pwd
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=wlanGetConnectState
Description: Allows you to request the status of the Sonoé iEast wifi connection.
Returns a non-json form value
HTTP Request: GET
Command: wlanGetConnectState
Response: OK
Description of fields:
Field | Description |
PROCESS | Liaison Process |
PAIRFAIL | Password Error |
FAIL | Error, then captured state then 10s continuously Captured, in order to ensure that this state is stable, otherwise it There may be only a temporary cut |
OK | Connection is successful |
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setHideSSID:1
Description: Allows you to request a SSID to be hidden or shown Tested on an August WR320
Returns a non-json form value
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setHideSSID:1
Command: setHideSSID:0
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getNetwork
Description: Allows you to request information about the built in AP Tested on SACKit MOVEit firmware 3.6.4105 release 20170205
Supported Formats: JSON
HTTP Request: GET
Command: getNetwork
"securemode": "1",
"auth": "WPAPSKWPA2PSK",
"encry": "AES",
"psk": "wifipassword"
Field | description |
securemode | unknown, maybe if authentication is enabled |
auth | security protocol used for authentication |
encry | encryption standard used for authentication |
psk | encryption key for the network |
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getPlayerStatus
Description: Allows you to query Sonoé iEast to find out: The currently playing song, the title of the song and other metadata
- Supported Formats: JSON
- HTTP Request: GET
- Command: getPlayerStatus Response:
"Type": "0",
"Ch": "0",
"Mode": "10", "
"Loop": "0", "
"Status": "play",
"Curpos": "12900",
"Totlen": "229000",
"Title": "736865",
"Artist": "47726f6f766520436f766572616765",
"Album": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"Plicount": "1",
"Plicurr": "1",
"Flight": "90",
"Mute": "0",
Field | description |
type | 0: Normal Main speaker Loudspeaker 1: Sub-Speakers |
ch | Channel 0 indicates stereo, 1 left channel, 2 of the right channel |
loop | Song playback modes playlist: 0: 1 play order: Single Cycle 2: Random Playback 3: List Cycle |
eq | The current equalizer settings |
status | Current status: play, load, stop, pause |
curpos | Current location, in milliseconds |
totlen | The total length, in milliseconds |
Title | Title, hexadecimal code, the name of the song; unknown if The song name displays the file name or the display unknown |
Artist | Hexadecimal coding of artists |
Album | Album name, hexadecimal encoding |
plicount | The total number of playlists |
plicurr | The current track of the playlist index |
vol | Current volume |
mute | Is currently muted |
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:playlist:uri:
Description: Allows you to play a playlist with an extension index
Supported Formats: none
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPlayerCmd: playlist: uri:
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:pause
Description: Controls the player.
pause: pause current playback
resume: resume playback
onepause: if you pause in the resume, if playback is paused -
Supported Formats: none
HTTP Request: GET Controls:
setPlayerCmd: pause
setPlayerCmd: onepause
setPlayerCmd: resume
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:play:
Description: Starts playback of a file after one Pause
Supported Formats: none
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPlayerCmd: play:
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:prev
Description: Allows you to play back a previous song
Supported Formats: none
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPlayerCmd:prev
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:next
Description: Allows you to play back a previous song
Supported Formats: none
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPlayerCmd:next
Response: OK
URInterface: Http://10.10.254/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:seek:position
Description: Allows you to play back or fast-forward one piece
Supported Formats: none
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPlayerCmd:seek:position
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:stop
Description: Stops the current playback
Supported Formats: none
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPlayerCmd:stop
Response: OK
URInterface: Http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:vol:value
Description: Adjusting the volume of the player, the value is one volume value of 0-100. Speakers will also change the volume Main and under loudspeaker
Supported Formats: none
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPlayerCmd:vol:value
Response: OK
Description: Activation of the Mute mode, according to the following parameter Activation = 1 and Deactivation = 0
Supported Formats: none
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPlayerCmd:mute:1
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:loopmode:0
Description: Starts different playback mode.
Available modes:
0 Reading in order
1 Continuous playback
2 Shuffle playback
-1 Continuous play of a song -
Supported Formats: none
HTTP Request: SET
Command: setPlayerCmd:loopmode:0
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:equalizer:mode
Description: Adjusts the equalizer.
Available options:
0 Close Equalizer Mode
1 Classic Mode
2 mode Popular
3 mode Jazzy
4 Vocal Mode -
Supported Formats: none
HTTP Request: SET
Command: setPlayerCmd: equalizer: mode
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getEqualizer
Description: Allows to interrogate the mode device Equalizer in Progress
Supported Formats: none
HTTP Request: GET
Command: getEqualizer
Response: Mode 0/1/2/3/4 (See modes explained in previous paragraf (set) )
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getLocalPlayList
Description: Get a list of music files on the Disk, the list of network files to return the results
Supported Formats: JSON
HTTP Request: GET
Command: getLocalPlayList
"Num": "2",
"Locallist": [
"File": "/ media / sda1 / avrilavigne - tik tok.mp3"
"File": "/ media / sda1 / Aprilavigne - hush hush.mp3"
Description of fields:
Field | Description |
Num | Number of files |
locallist | List of files available on disk |
file | File path (hexadecimal encoding) |
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getFileInfo:index:range
- Description: Allows to obtain the detailed information of each of the files, on the basis of the index of each one in the list and from 0. (metadata in hexadecimal encoding).
- Supported Formats: JSON
- HTTP Request: GET
- Command: getFileInfo:index:range
Response: If num is greater than 1, the file info returned is multiple.
{"Num": "2", "infolist": [
"Filename": "/ media / sda1 / avrilavigne - hush hush.mp3",
"Totlen": "0",
"Title": "unknown",
"Artist": "unknown",
"Album": "unknown"
"Filename": "/ media / sda1 / avrilavigne - hush hush2.mp3",
"Totlen": "0",
"Title": "unknown",
"Artist": "unknown",
"Album": "unknown"
If num is less than 1, the file info return is unique;
"Filename": "/ media / sda1 / avrilavigne - hush hush.mp3",
"Totlen": "0",
"Title": "unknown",
"Artist": "unknown",
"Album": "unknown"
Description of fields:
Field | Description |
filename | File name (hexadecimal encoding) |
totlen | Always returns "0" |
Title | Song title or unknown (hexadecimacoding) |
Artist | Artist of the song or unknown (hexadecimacoding) |
Album | Album of the song or unknown (hexadecimacoding) |
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:playLocalList:index
Description: Allows you to select a file based on the getLocalPlayList playlists, playing songs automatically.
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPlayerCmd:playLocalList:index
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getCacheList
Description: Provides a list of cached files
Supported Formats: JSON
HTTP Request: GET
Command: getCacheList
"Num": "2",
"Cachelist": [
"File": "/ media / sda1 / avrilavigne - tik tok.mp3"
"File": "/ media / sda1 / Aprilavigne - hush hush.mp3"
Description of fields:
Field | Description |
num | Number of files |
cachelist | List of Cached Files |
file | File path (hexadecimal encoding) |
URinterface http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getCacheFileInfo:index:range
Description: Allows to obtain the detailed information of each of the files, on the basis of the index of each one in the list and from 0. (metadata in hexadecimal encoding).
Supported Formats: JSON
HTTP Request: GET
Command: getCacheFileInfo:index:range
Response: If num is greater than 1, the fileinfo returned is multiple.
{"Num": "2", "infolist": [
"Filename": "/ media / sda1 / avrilavigne - hush hush.mp3",
"Metadata": "unknown",
"Filename": "/ media / sda1 / avrilavigne - hush hush2.mp3",
"Metadata": "unknown",
If num is 1, the fileinfo returned is single.
"Filename": "/ media / sda1 / avrilavigne - hush hush.mp3",
"Metadata": "unknown",
Description of fields:
Field | Description |
Filename | File name (hexadecimacoding) |
Metadata | Song information or unknown (Hexadecimal encoding) |
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=multiroom:getSlaveList
Description of the interface: Allows to obtain the list of the devices using the same communication protocol.
Supported Formats: JSON
HTTP Request: GET
Command: Multiroom:getSlaveList
"Slaves": "1",
"Slave_list": [
"Name": "FA5100_a3f4",
"Mask": "0",
"Volume": "90",
"Mute": "0",
"Channel": "0",
"Ip": "",
"Version": "WIFIAudio.1.2.2321"
Field | Description |
Slaves | Number of Sonoé iEast available |
Slave_list | Information about each Sonoé iEast case available |
name | Name |
mask | Case already in Multi-Room mode, Yes = 1, No = 0 |
Volume | Volume level |
Mute | Enable Mute mode, Yes = 1, Off = 0 |
Channel | Wifi channel |
ip | IP address of the Sonoé iEast Boot |
version | firmware version |
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=multiroom:SlaveKickout:ip
Description of the interface: Allows to remove from the multiroom mode a device Based on its IP address.
Supported Formats: None
HTTP Request: GET
Command: Multiroom: SlaveKickout: ip
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=multiroom:SlaveMask:ip
Description of the interface: Allows to integrate a multi-room mode a device Based on its IP address. It is thus rendered invisible from the IP network.
Supported Formats: None
HTTP Request: GET
Command: Multiroom:SlaveMask:ip
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=multiroom:SlaveUnMask:ip
Description of the interface: Allows to release from the multi-room mode based on its IP address. It is thus visible on the IP network.
Supported Formats: None
HTTP Request: GET
Command: Multiroom:SlaveUnMask:ip
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=multiroom:SlaveVolume:ip:volume
Description: Allows you to adjust the individual volume of the each of the devicees via the IP address of the device and the definition of a value going from from 1 to 100. Note: these settings will be lost when deactivating multi-room mode (kickout)
Supported Formats: None
HTTP Request: GET
Command: Multiroom:SlaveVolume:ip:volume
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:slave_vol:volume
Description: Adjusts the overal volume of the multi-room with the definition of a value ranging from 1 to 100. Note: thesis settings will be lost When disabling multi-room mode
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPlayerCmd:slave_vol:volume
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=multiroom:SlaveMute:ip:mute
Description: Enables the Mute on each device via the IP address of the device and by enabling (1) and disabling (0)
Supported formats: None
HTTP Request: GET
Command: Multiroom: SlaveMute:ip:mute
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:slave_mute:mute
Description: Enables the muting
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPlayerCmd: slave_mute: mute
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:slave_mute:unmute
- Description: To disable the mute mode so overal the
- Supported formats: None
- HTTP Request: GET
- Command: setPlayerCmd:slave_mute:unmute
- Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=multiroom:SlaveChannel:ip:channel
Description: Enables the Mute on Each of the devices via the IP address of the device and by this parameter to signal right only Channe0 = left and only 1 = Channel signal
HTTP Request: GET
Command: Multiroom:SlaveChannel:ip:channel
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:slave_channel:channel
Description: Enables the Mute on Each of devices via the IP address of the device and by this parameter to signal right only Channel= 0 and left signal only 1 = Channel
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPlayerCmd:slave_channel:channel
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=multiroom:SlaveSetDeviceName:%ip:%s
Description: individual settings of the name of the square in mode UPnP / Airplay
HTTP Request: GET
Command: Multiroom: SlaveSetDeviceName: ip%:%s
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=multiroom:Ungroup
Description: Disables the multi-room mode
HTTP Request: GET
Command: Multiroom : Ungroup
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=wpsservermode
Description: Opening of WPS standby server integration of new device
HTTP Request: GET
Command: wpsservermode
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=wpscancel
Description: Opening of WPS standby server integration of new devices
HTTP Request: GET
Command: wpscancel
Response: OK
URL: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=wpsclientmode
Description: WPS server to integrate opening a device
HTTP Request: GET
Command: wpsclientmode
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setSSID:value
Description: Sets a new network name (SSID) of the device in hexadecimaformats
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setSSID:value
Response: No response. The system restarts partner after the call.
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setNetwork:1:password
Description: Setting a new password using letters and / or numbers and crossing of setnetwork setting: 1 (Securing WIFI network (WPAPSK) in contrast, setnetwork: 0 (oPEN) Makes the network open WIFI.
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setnetwork: 1: password
Response: No response the system restarts after the validation of the new password. password The Therefore must reconnect to the WiFi network and enter the new password. password.
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=restoreToDefault
Description: To restore factory settings, erasing defined configurations. The device restarts.
Supported Formats: No HTTP Request: GET
Command: restoreToDefault the response back: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=reboot
Description: Allows you to reboot the device
Supported Formats: None
HTTP Request: GET
Command: reboot
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setShutdown:sec
Description: Used to turn off the device time immediately sec0 gold SECN n milliseconds
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setShutdown:sec
Response: OK
URInterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getShutdown
Description: Shows the current information about time left to shut down (in seconds)
HTTP Request: GET
Command: getShutdown
Response: number (in seconds)
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPowerWifiDown
Description: Turns off the WIFI signadevice
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPowerWifiDown
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=MCUDisplayText:xxxx
- Description: Manage a MCU text display in the limit of 32 characters.
- Supported Formats: None
- HTTP Request: GET
- Command: MCUDisplayText:xxxx
- Response: OK
URL http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setDeviceName:%s
Description: Sets the name UPnP, DLNA and Airplay of the device (Hex)
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setDeviceName:%s
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getMvRemoteUpdateStartCheck
Description: Search for the firmware updates available
Supported Formats: No
HTTP Request: GET
Command: getMvRemoteUpdateStartCheck
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getMvRemoteUpdateStatus
Description: Allows you to check if an update is available. May need to call Severatimes Because The device Itself need to query the server if updates are available.
Supported Formats: No
HTTP Request: GET
Command: getMvRemoteUpdateStatus
Value | Meaning |
40 | Improved package |
10 | Being Analyzed |
others | update Refusal |
URL: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getMvRemoteUpdateStart
Description: After calling the interface, if a new version is available, the device starts to download updates. At the end of the download, the update process starts.
Supported Formats: No
HTTP Request: GET
Command: getMvRemoteUpdateStart
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getMvRemoteUpdateStatus
Description: Get the download progress.
Supported formats: None
HTTP Request: GET
Command: getMvRemoteUpdateStart
Value | Meaning |
10 | Under review |
21 | The verification of the downloaded update file failed |
22 | Downloading the update file failed |
23 | The verification of the downloaded update file failed |
25 | Start downloading |
27 | Download complete |
30 | Downloading and verification completed |
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getMvRomBurnPrecent
Description: Status of updating
Supported Formats: None
HTTP Request: GET
Command: getMvRemoteUpdateStart
" status ":" 0 "," progress ":" 50 "
Fields | Meaning |
status | State |
progress | Progress between 0 to 100% |
If the device is online, the device using the system time synchronization SNTP, Taking Time UTC, so if there is not UTC, for example, Paris is GMT+ 8, the appellant must be converted to UTC, Then calsetAlarmClock.
If the device is online, you can use to adjust the system time:
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setAlarmClock:n:trig:op:time[:day][:url]
- Description: Hooks que la indicates field is required, for example, is set to trip at a daily alarm instruction
http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setAlarmClock:n:trig:op:time:url the day is not-have
- HTTP Request : GET
- Command: setAlarmClock: n: trig: op: time [: day] [: url]
Fields | Description |
not | Can be from 0 to 2, Max 3 alarms |
trig | Trigger mode: 0 - No alarm (setAlarmClock: n: 0) 1 Once only 2 Daily 3 Weekly 4 Weekly, Extended Mode 5 All month |
op | Action to take 0 - Running the script 1 - Playing music 2 - Stop playback |
time | Format %% 02h 02m 02s% Such as 180101 for 6:01:01 pm start time: 00-23 minutes and seconds 00 to 59 |
day | Format% 04M% 02s% 02J (M: month / s week / d: day) For example 20,140,101, qui est 01 months assignment to 12 Mode Only once - no setting can mode Everyday - No feasible setting mode every week - value of 00 -06 (2 bytes) - 00 Sunday 06 Saturday day. mode Weekly, extended mode The first byte Represents the specific day of the value of triggering actions (0 Sunday to Saturday 6). if ee is set to 1 (ie, Attributed To 7F) indicates que le input power of a day. Note must be two bytes between 1 and 31. If the trigger once, Then set% 04d% 02d% 02d, for example 20,140,101, qui est 01 months to 12 assignment |
url | localize the script maximum length of 256 bytes |
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=getAlarmClock:n
Field | Description |
n | Can be from 0 to 2, Max 3 alarms. Defined: return { "enable": "1"} Undefined: return { "enable": "0"} |
trigger | "%d" |
operatio | "%d" |
Time | Format% 02h% 02m% 02s mode Just ounce - "Date": "% 02d:% 02d:% 02d" or no mode Every week (extended mode included) - "WEEK_DAY": "%d" mode Every day - "day" "% 02d "" time ":"% 02d: 02d:% 02d " |
path | "%s" |
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=alarmStop
Description: Stop Programmed alarm
Supported formats: None
HTTP Request: GET
Command: alarmStop
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=setPlayerCmd:switchmode:%s
Description: Access to the different reading mode as possible in the qui Line In. line-in : Switch to AUX mode, optical : Go SPDIF mode UDISK : Go to the Micro SD reader wifi : GB WIFI mode
HTTP Request: GET
Command: setPlayerCmd:switchmode:%s
Response: OK
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=IOSimuPullUp:%d
Description: Allows management forced the GPIO
0: nReload not recommended, Generally used for WPS and factory reset
11: GPIO_nReady (only A02)
18: GPIO1 (only A11)
17: GPIO2 (only A11)
Command: IOSimuPullUp:%d
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=IOSimuPullDown:%d
- Description: Delete GPIO management forced
- Command: IOSimuPullDown:%d
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=IOSimuRead:%d
- Description: Read GPIO leve
- Command: IOSimuRead:%d
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=IOSimuKeyIn:%d
Description: References MCU settings. The MCU MCU Receives instruction + XXX KEY +
Command: IOSimuKeyIn:%d
the URinterface: http://$ReceiverIpAddress/httpapi.asp?command=IOSimuKeyOut:%d
- Description: References MCU settings. The MCU Receives instruction AXX + KEY + XXX Voice
- Command:
the URinterface:
- Command: PromptEnable and PromptDisable