A Wordpress admin code editor plugin using the Monaco code editor that powers VisualStudio Code.
This is v3 of the existing HTML Editor Syntax Highlighter Wordpress plugin, however it is a total rewrite using the Monaco code editor rather than CodeMirror.
I don't use wordpress anymore and don't have the bandwidth to contribute to this plugin. If you want to pick it up, send me a message. It did work for the classic text editor at some point, but I haven't tested it in a long time.
I did write a tokenizer for monaco that handles a hybrid of html, css, js, wp shortcodes, and gutenberg json comments.
npm i
npm start
to build and watch with livereloadnpm run build
to build
- Code Editing In:
- Classic Editor
- Edit Theme
- Edit Plugin
- Additional Css in Customize
- HTML widget
- Gutenberg Blocks
- Code Editor - gutenberg block comment + json
- Gutenberg, View HTML mode of each block
- html block
- shortcode backwards compat
- Plugin Support:
- syntax highlighting for
- html+shortcodes
- html+gutenberg
- html, css, js, php, other stuff in the the Theme/plugin editor
- settings page for setting your own json file...
- setting open anywhere but have a page as well.
- adding themes from the vscode store
- full screen editor
- emmet / autocomplete
- save with command-s
- restore cursor place
- retain undo tree?
- ajax save
- REVISION - diffing with older revisions
- Formatting button.
- format code
- works the same anywhere it is
- intellisense for shortcodes
- translate into other languages
- Better layout so scrolling doesn't suck
- linters?
- wp auto p management
- create/manage child theme
- Scripts n styles
- use less and define global variables and functions
- js too
- on global Customize page
- tabbed interface?
- Global and Post
- Content Blocks - with visual button
- Snippets
- Define shortcodes - shortcoder plugin
- Define blocks
- only paid, one-time pay?
- user-tracking
- terms of service
- maybes?
- global find and replace - maybe only across certain content
- integration with other plugins
- detect HESH and warn
- adding vs-code extensions?
- copy pricing from: https://www.csshero.org/ https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/
- process user settings
- AJAX forms
- Ajax Save Post
- wp usage stats
- Assets Info
- Gutenberg Hub, Other links
- Extend Blocks
- Gutenberg API
- Gutenberg HTML comment syntax
- Events or hooks
https://code.visualstudio.com/blogs/2017/10/24/theicon https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/visualstudio/2017/03/08/iterations-on-infinity/
- TinyMCE Advanced: has an option to Keep paragraph tags
- this option disables
content filter and re-implements it in js - search for
in mce/wptadv/plugin.js - this causes other problems apparently
- this option disables
- Gutenberg maybe use the gutenberg js version of
js in conjunction with the disabling the ppwpautop
content filter - Preserved HTML Editor Markup Plus Plugin ?
- html tidy is included in some php apparently
- js beautify is what vs code uses
- replace shortcode
with<@brackets @></@brackets @>
, beautify, and then replace them back. - test on beautifier.io
- beautify for gutenberg-html-comment-json could run selectively in comment blocks as a separate operation