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aromanro committed Nov 17, 2024
1 parent 6fc152a commit 028d270
Showing 1 changed file with 366 additions and 0 deletions.
366 changes: 366 additions & 0 deletions QCSim/StabilizerState.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
#pragma once

#include <random>
#include <cassert>

#include "QubitRegisterCalculator.h"
#include "Generator.h"

namespace QC {
namespace Clifford {

class StabilizerState {
StabilizerState() = delete;

explicit StabilizerState(size_t nQubits)
: destabilizerGenerators(nQubits), stabilizerGenerators(nQubits), gen(std::random_device{}()), rnd(0.5)
// this puts it in the |0> state
// for each stabilizer generator there is a corresponding destabilizer generator
// a stabilizer generator anticommutes with the corresponding destabilizer generator
// but commutes with all the other destabilizer generators
// this is preserved during the simulation
for (size_t q = 0; q < nQubits; ++q)

destabilizerGenerators[q].X[q] = true;
stabilizerGenerators[q].Z[q] = true;

bool MeasureQubit(size_t qubit)
size_t p;
if (IsRandomResult(qubit, p))
// grab the first anticommuting generator
Generator& h = stabilizerGenerators[p];
// then multiply each other anticommuting one (stabilizer or destabilizer) with it
for (size_t q = 0; q < getNrQubits(); ++q)
if (p == q) continue;

if (destabilizerGenerators[q].X[qubit])
rowsum(destabilizerGenerators[q], h);

if (stabilizerGenerators[q].X[qubit])
rowsum(stabilizerGenerators[q], h);

destabilizerGenerators[p] = h;

h.Z[qubit] = true;
h.PhaseSign = rnd(gen);

return h.PhaseSign;

// case 2 - Z (on measured qubit) commutes with all generators
// no change to generators, just need to compute the sign in order to get the measurement result
return GetTheDeterministicOutcome(qubit);

double GetQubitProbability(size_t qubit)
size_t p;
if (IsRandomResult(qubit, p))
return 0.5;

return GetTheDeterministicOutcome(qubit) ? 1. : 0.;

double getBasisStateProbability(size_t State)
const size_t nrQubits = getNrQubits();
std::vector<bool> state(nrQubits);

for (size_t i = 0; i < nrQubits; ++i)
state[i] = (State & 1) == 1;
State >>= 1;

return getBasisStateProbability(state);

double getBasisStateProbability(const std::vector<bool>& state)
const size_t nrQubits = getNrQubits();
size_t p;

std::vector<bool> handledQubits(nrQubits, false);

size_t firstRandomQubit = 0;
size_t firstP = 0;

// first deal with the deterministic qubits, it might turn out that the probability is 0
// in that case, we can return immediately
size_t countRandomQubits = 0;
for (size_t qubit = 0; qubit < nrQubits; ++qubit)
if (IsRandomResult(qubit, p))
if (0 == countRandomQubits)
firstRandomQubit = qubit;
firstP = p;
if (GetTheDeterministicOutcome(qubit) != state[qubit])
return 0.;

handledQubits[qubit] = true;

if (countRandomQubits == 0) // if there is no random result and we reached here, the probability will stay 1
return 1.;
else if (countRandomQubits == 1)
return 0.5;

double prob = 1.0;

// we're going to modify the generators, so let's save the current state, to be restored at the end
auto saveDest = destabilizerGenerators;
auto saveStab = stabilizerGenerators;

do {
prob *= 0.5; // a random qubit has the 0.5 probability

Generator& h = stabilizerGenerators[firstP];

for (size_t q = 0; q < nrQubits; ++q)
if (firstP == q) continue;

if (destabilizerGenerators[q].X[firstRandomQubit])
rowsum(destabilizerGenerators[q], h);

if (stabilizerGenerators[q].X[firstRandomQubit])
rowsum(stabilizerGenerators[q], h);

destabilizerGenerators[firstP] = h;

h.Z[firstRandomQubit] = true;

// set the measured outcome to the expected value for this state
h.PhaseSign = state[firstRandomQubit];

handledQubits[firstRandomQubit] = true; // not really needed, we won't look back
countRandomQubits = 0;

// this measurement might have been turned some not measured yet qubits to deterministic, so let's check them
// this also checks if we still have some non deterministic qubits left
for (size_t qubit = firstRandomQubit + 1; qubit < nrQubits; ++qubit)
if (!handledQubits[qubit])
if (IsRandomResult(qubit, p))
// there is still at least one more random qubit
if (0 == countRandomQubits)
firstRandomQubit = qubit;
firstP = p;
if (GetTheDeterministicOutcome(qubit) != state[qubit])
// restore the state before returning

return 0;

handledQubits[qubit] = true;

if (countRandomQubits == 1)
prob *= 0.5;
} while (countRandomQubits > 1);

// we're done, restore the state

return prob;

std::vector<double> AllProbabilities()
const size_t nrQubits = getNrQubits();
if (nrQubits > 32) throw std::runtime_error("The simulator has too many qubits for computing all probabilities");

const size_t nrStates = 1ULL << nrQubits;
std::vector<double> probs(nrStates, 0);

for (size_t state = 0; state < nrStates; ++state)
probs[state] = getBasisStateProbability(state);

return probs;

size_t getNrQubits() const { return stabilizerGenerators.size(); }

void SaveState()
savedDestabilizerGenerators = destabilizerGenerators;
savedStabilizerGenerators = stabilizerGenerators;

void RestoreSavedState()
destabilizerGenerators = savedDestabilizerGenerators;
stabilizerGenerators = savedStabilizerGenerators;

void RestoreSavedStateDestructive()

void ClearSavedState()

inline bool IsRandomResult(size_t qubit, size_t& p) const
for (size_t q = 0; q < getNrQubits(); ++q)
if (stabilizerGenerators[q].X[qubit])
// Z anticommutes with X
p = q;
return true;

return false;

// call it only in the case 2, Z (on measured qubit) commutes with all generators
inline bool GetTheDeterministicOutcome(size_t qubit)
const size_t nrQubits = getNrQubits();

// no change to generators, just need to compute the sign in order to get the measurement result
Generator h(nrQubits);

// all the stabilizer generators for which the corresponding destabilizer anticommuntes with Z are multiplied together
// if this is called, all stabilizer generators commute with Z, by the way
for (size_t q = 0; q < nrQubits; ++q)
if (destabilizerGenerators[q].X[qubit])
rowsum(h, stabilizerGenerators[q]);

return h.PhaseSign;

inline static bool XOR(bool a, bool b)
return a != b;

// returns the exponent of the i that multiplies the product of the two corresponding Pauli matrices
// 0, 1 or -1
// for example for x1 = 1, z1 = 0, x2 = 0, z2 = 1
// we have X * Z = -i Y so the result should be -1
// for x1 = 1, z1 = 0, x2 = 1, z2 = 0
// we have X * X = I so the result should be 0
static inline int g(int x1, int z1, int x2, int z2)
if (0 == x1 && 0 == z1) return 0; // I for the 1st generator, 0 exponent no matter what the second generator is
else if (1 == x1)
if (1 == z1) return z2 - x2;

return z2 * (2 * x2 - 1);

return x2 * (1 - 2 * z2);

// multiplies the two generators and stores the result in the first one
static inline void rowsum(Generator& h, Generator& j)
const size_t nrQubits = h.X.size();
// phase sign is negative when 'PhaseSign' is true
// 2 because i^2 = -1
long long int m = (h.PhaseSign ? 2 : 0) + (j.PhaseSign ? 2 : 0);

if (nrQubits < 1024)
for (size_t q = 0; q < nrQubits; ++q)
const int x1 = j.X[q] ? 1 : 0;
const int z1 = j.Z[q] ? 1 : 0;
const int x2 = h.X[q] ? 1 : 0;
const int z2 = h.Z[q] ? 1 : 0;

// add up all the exponents of i that contribute to the sign of the product
m += g(x1, z1, x2, z2);

// X * X = I, Z * Z = I, so the value is set when there is only one of them
h.X[q] = (x1 ^ x2) == 1;
h.Z[q] = (z1 ^ z2) == 1;
const auto processor_count = QC::QubitRegisterCalculator<>::GetNumberOfThreads();

long long int mloc = 0;

#pragma omp parallel for reduction(+:mloc) num_threads(processor_count) schedule(static, 256)
for (long long int q = 0; q < static_cast<long long int>(nrQubits); ++q)
const int x1 = j.X[q] ? 1 : 0;
const int z1 = j.Z[q] ? 1 : 0;
const int x2 = h.X[q] ? 1 : 0;
const int z2 = h.Z[q] ? 1 : 0;

// add up all the exponents of i that contribute to the sign of the product
mloc += g(x1, z1, x2, z2);

// X * X = I, Z * Z = I, so the value is set when there is only one of them
h.X[q] = (x1 ^ x2) == 1;
h.Z[q] = (z1 ^ z2) == 1;

m += mloc;

// the mod 4 that appears here is because the values for the powers of i keep repeating
assert(m % 4 == 0 || m % 4 == 2 || m % 4 == -2);
h.PhaseSign = m % 4 != 0;

std::vector<Generator> destabilizerGenerators;
std::vector<Generator> stabilizerGenerators;

std::vector<Generator> savedDestabilizerGenerators;
std::vector<Generator> savedStabilizerGenerators;

std::default_random_engine gen;
std::bernoulli_distribution rnd;

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