Summer internship (UROP: Undergraduate Research Opportunity Program) at USI Lugano: Implementation of Geometrical Algorithms - The Farthest Line-Segment Voronoi Diagram (supervised by Prof. Evanthia Papadopoulou, Ioannis Mantas, Martin Suderland).
To compile an own non-shipped program creating executable
(adapt according to
CGAL version):
cd /path/to/program
cgal_create_CMakeLists -s executable
cmake -DCGAL_DIR=$HOME/CGAL-4.9.1 .
To compile an Ipelet copy the file CMakeLists.txt
, then after
delete the other Ipelets and add own. Don't
forget to create a lua/
folder where to put the libCGAL_ipeletname.lua
files (as described on the
Ipelets manual).
To see prerequisites: brew info cgal
To install: brew install cgal
Then download the source code from the official website (get the same version
as in brew
), extract it where you need it (for example your home directory),
cd CGAL-X.Y # e.g. CGAL-4.9.1
cmake .