Project to insert all AWS terrafrom experiment.
- Create a separate folder for each project (you can re-use maintf file for default aws provider and variables)
- Copy sample.env file to .env inserting your AWS credentials
- edit Makefile TERRAFORM_BIN constant to point to your terrafrom binary
- use make passing PROJECT varialble with the same name as your project folder
make PROJECT=vm_import init
make PROJECT=vm_import validate
make PROJECT=vm_import plan
WARNING: no apply confimration will be preompt!
make PROJECT=vm_import apply
WARNING: no destroy confimration will be preompt!
make PROJECT=vm_import destoy
Full Kubernetes Eks cluster with both fargate and a single node ec2 instance.
Apply will also produce kubecondif file to be used to connect to the cluster.
⚠️⚠️⚠️ EKS cluster costs are outside AWS free plan! ⚠️⚠️⚠️
- Creates a VPC with a public and a private subnet for each abailability zone.
- Creates an autoscaling group to maintain a single worpress insance available across the 3 availability zones
- Creates an Elastic Ip and uses a Livecycle hook with a python lambta to keep it attached to the running instance upon scaling events.
Retrieve current running wodpress insance and "manually" attach elastic IP to it
Creates an HelloWord lambra function and exposes it via Api Gateway
Creates a S3 backed with proper roles to be used to import AMI images from OVA Templates
Creates a private VPC with a Wordpress VM inside, configures http/https and ssh access
- Creates a private VPC with a Docker-ready VM inside, configures http/https and ssh access.
- Creates a ECR Docker regisry and setup endpoints to be reachable from internal docker to pull images and execute on the VM