This repo contains a computer generated lib for the nextcloud cookbook app. It is an intermediate lib until the great nextcloud dart library is ready to support both the cookbook api and some other serialisation candy we need.
This is the public API definition of the cookbook app for the nextcloud server.
The total API is separated into two parts:
- There is the public API part that can be used from 3rd party apps and scripts.
- There is the internal API that is used only by the web app of the cookbook app. This is described here.
The internal part is intended only to be used by the internal web app. It uses session based authentication and thus requires a requesttoken
to protect against CSRF attacks. The generation and updating of these tokens is not part of the app but the regular browser capabilities and the nextcloud web frontend is used here instead.
In contrast, the External APIs are intended for use by external services. These endpoints require the user credentials to be present in every request. Thus, no session is created and no cookies or similar needs to be handled. Technically, there is a CORS preflight possible but it is not required for the function of the endpoints.
Further contact can be found on the server in the room for general questions. Additionally, there is for questions related to the API and third party integration. Further information on the different versions can be found in the API overview page.
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 0.1.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartDioClientCodegen
- Dart 2.15.0+ or Flutter 2.8.0+
- Dio 5.0.0+ (
To use the package from, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
nc_cookbook_api: 0.1.0
If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
#ref: main
To use the package from your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml
path: /path/to/nc_cookbook_api
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:nc_cookbook_api/nc_cookbook_api.dart';
final api = NcCookbookApi().getCategoriesApi();
try {
final response = await api.listCategories();
} catch on DioError (e) {
print("Exception when calling CategoriesApi->listCategories: $e\n");
All URIs are relative to http://localhost:8000/apps/cookbook
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
CategoriesApi | listCategories | GET /api/v1/categories | Get all known categories |
CategoriesApi | recipesInCategory | GET /api/v1/category/{category} | Get all recipes of a certain category |
CategoriesApi | renameCategory | PUT /api/v1/category/{category} | Rename a category |
MiscApi | getConfig | GET /api/v1/config | Get the current configuration of the app |
MiscApi | reindex | POST /api/v1/reindex | Trigger a rescan of all recipes into the caching database |
MiscApi | setConfig | POST /api/v1/config | Set the configuration for the current user |
MiscApi | version | GET /api/version | Get the version of the API endpoint |
RecipesApi | callImport | POST /api/v1/import | Import a recipe using metadata from a website |
RecipesApi | deleteRecipe | DELETE /api/v1/recipes/{id} | Delete an existing recipe |
RecipesApi | getImage | GET /api/v1/recipes/{id}/image | Get the main image of a recipe. If no image is stored a fallback image is delivered. |
RecipesApi | listRecipes | GET /api/v1/recipes | Get all recipes in the database |
RecipesApi | newRecipe | POST /api/v1/recipes | Create a new recipe |
RecipesApi | recipeDetails | GET /api/v1/recipes/{id} | Get a single recipe from the server |
RecipesApi | search | GET /api/v1/search/{query} | Search for recipes for keywords, tags and categories with the named search string |
RecipesApi | updateRecipe | PUT /api/v1/recipes/{id} | Update a recipe |
TagsApi | listKeywords | GET /api/v1/keywords | Get all known keywords |
TagsApi | recipesWithKeyword | GET /api/v1/tags/{keywords} | Get all recipes associated with certain keywords |
- APIVersion
- Category
- CategoryInformation
- Config
- Error
- Keyword
- Nutrition
- Recipe
- RecipeAllOf
- RecipeStub
- RecipeStubAllOf
- RecipeStubInformation
- RenameCategoryRequest
- Url
- Version
- VisibleInfoBlocks
- Type: HTTP basic authentication