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This Neovim plugin provides key-mapping and text objects for archers. You can add more mappings by providing keys to the config.

  1. Requirements
  2. Installation
  3. Mappings
  4. Augmentation
  5. Text Objects
  6. License


This plugin supports Neovim v0.7.0 or newer.

This plugin depends are the following libraries. Please make sure to add them as dependencies in your package manager:


Use your favourite package manager to install this library.


	dependencies = { "arsham/arshlib.nvim" },
	config = true,
  -- or to provide configuration
  -- config = { mapping = false, ..}


  requires = { "arsham/arshlib.nvim" },
  config = function()


By default this pluging adds all necessary commands and mappings. However you can change or disable them to your liking.

To disable set them to false. For example:

  mappings = false, -- completely disable mappings
  textobj = {
    in_char = nil,

You can add your own keys to ending and in_chars by adding to the config options. For instance if you want to have an extra ending mapping for s, which makes S the removal part, or whatever else you choose:

  mappings = {
    ending = {
      ending_o = { -- this name is arbitrary but should be unique
        add = "o",
        remove = "O",
  textobj = {
    extra_in_chars = { "a", "b", "c" }, -- don't replace the in_chars

Here is the default settings:

  mappings = {
    space = {
      before = "[<space>",
      after = "]<space>",
    ending = {
      period = {
        add = ".",
        remove = ">",
      comma = {
        add = ",",
        remove = "lt",
      semicolon = {
        add = ";",
        remove = ":",
    brackets = "<M-{>",
    augment_vim = {
      jumplist = 4, -- put in jumplist if count of j/k is more than 4
  textobj = {
    next_obj = {
      i_next = "in",
      a_next = "an",
    -- i_ i. i: i, i; i| i/ i\ i* i+ i- i#
    -- a_ a. a: a, a; a| a/ a\ a* a+ a- a#
    in_chars = { "_", ".", ":", ",", ";", "|", "/", "\\", "*", "+", "-", "#" },
    line = {
      i_line = "il",
      a_line = "al",
    backtick = "`",
    numeric = {
      i_number = "iN",
      a_number = "aN",
    fold = {
      i_block = "iz",
      a_block = "az",
    context = { "ix", "ax" },      -- n lines from above and below.
    last_changed = { "iC", "aC" }, -- last pasted or changed text.

For consistency, context and last_changed are given a table, otherwise there are no difference in and around motions.

In order to disable all mappings and textobjs and only enable the ones you need, you can also set the default_mappings to false, and set the values you require. In the following example only the mappings for adding spaces above/below current line is set, and everything else is ignored:

  default_mappings = false,
  mappings = {
    space = {
      before = "[<space>",
      after = "]<space>",


Empty Lines

Normal mode only:

Mapping Notes
[<space> Add empty line above without moving
]<space> Add empty line below without moving

End of Lines

Normal, insert and visual mode. The idea is an opposite of adding a key should be the same key with shift. The default modifier key is the Alt key. You can change it if you need to.

To add/remove to/from a block of text, visually select them and initiate.

Add Remove Notes
<M-.> <M->> Period
<M-,> <M-<> Comma
<M-;> <M-:> Semicolon

You can add more if you want.

Pair of Brackets

In normal and insert modes, you can hit the <M-{> key to add a pair of brackets at the end of line and enter in the block on the next line:

Assuming the cursor is at | and you initiate <M-{>, before the action:

for a := 0|; a < 10; a++


for a := 0; a < 10; a++ {

Substitute in Motion


At the moment we have one augmentation. By default we hook into numbered jumps (j and k), and if the count is greater than the value, we populate the jump list. To change the count number:

  mappings = {
    augment_vim = {
      jumplist = 2,

Text Objects

Next Object

Works like normal i and a, but operates on the next pair. For example in the following example assuming the cursor | is at the beginning of the line, cin( will put you in the inner ():


|tx.Query(ctx, getQuery(badNameQuery))


tx.Query(ctx, getQuery(|))

Pseudo Line

il and al work for a line.

In and Around Backticks

You can do "di`" or "ya`" for multi-line backtick operations.

In and Around More Characters

There are sets of i* and a* text objects, where * can be any of: _ . : , ; | / \ * + - #

You can add more if you like.

In and Around Numbers

With iN and aN you can operate on any numbers, even floating point numbers.

In and Around Folds

iz and az matches in and around folds.


A context is one or more lines above the cursor, plus the same amount of lines below it.

              ┌────────────► Context of 2
Line 1 ◄──────┼────────┐
Line 2 ◄──────┴──────┐ │
Line 3 ◄───────────┐ │ │
Line 4 ◄── Cursor  │ │ ├───► Context of 3
Line 5 ◄──────┬────┘ │ │
Line 6 ◄──────┼──────┘ │
Line 7 ◄──────┼────────┘
              └────────────► Context of 1

From line 4, you can delete lines 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 with d3ix or d3ax.

Last Changed

For pasted or last text change. For example to yank the last change: yaC.


Licensed under the MIT License. Check the LICENSE file for details.