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logarithm Is A Koa Middleware That Records Logs In ElasticSearch. The CLI binary also allows to execute commands on the ElasticSearch instance via the API, such as:

  • creating snapshots,
  • installing templates,
  • etc
yarn add logarithm

Table Of Contents


The package is available by importing its default function and a named function:

import logarithm, { ping } from 'logarithm'

  options: !Config,
): !_goa.Middleware

Creates a middleware for logging requests in Koa/Goa web-server and returns it.

  • options* !Config: Options for the middleware.

Config: Options for the program.

Name Type & Description Default
app* string -
The name of the website application.
url* string -
ElasticSearch endpoint URL, e.g.,
timeout number 5000
Timeout for the connection after which an error is shown.
pipeline string info
The pipeline in ElasticSearch, for example to parse GeoIP info and User-Agent.
index string -
The name of the index. Defaults to the app name if not specified.
strategy (index: string, date: !Date) => string
How to construct the index name. By default, monthly strategy is used: ${index}-${yyyy}.${mm}.
index* string: The general name of the index.
date* !Date: The date of the request.
/* yarn example/ */
import core from '@idio/idio'
import logarithm, { ping } from 'logarithm'

(async () => {
  await ping(process.env.ELASTIC)

  // setup for idio web-server
  const { url, app } = await core()

    app: '',
    url: process.env.ELASTIC,
    index: 'clients',
  app.use(async (ctx) => {
    ctx.body = 'hello world'

The following data structure is sent to the server:

Hit: A record sent to ElasticSearch.

Name Type Description
app* string The application name from the config.
ip* string Client IP address.
path* string The decoded request path.
headers* !Object The request headers.
status* number The status code.
date* !Date The date of the request.
method* string The method of the request, e.g., GET or POST.
query !Object Possible query from the request.

async ping(
  url: string,
  timeout: number,
): void

Check that a connection to the ElasticSearch server can be established. Will throw an error after timeout.

  • url* string: The ElasticSearch URL.
  • timeout* number: The timeout for the request in ms.


Logarithm also provides a CLI tool to be able to install index patterns and a pipeline for the use by the middleware API.

logarithm -h
ElasticSearch utility for creating a pipeline and index templates
for logging request using logarithm middleware.

  logarithm <url> [-TPS] [-p pipeline] [-d]

	url            	The ElasticSearch URL.
	               	If protocol is not given, `http` is assumed.
	--stats, -s    	Display statistics by indices.
	--templates, -T	List all index templates.
	--delete, -d   	Delete an index, snapshot or pipeline.
	               	Used with the relevant flag.
	--index, -i    	Select an index for operations.
	--pipeline, -p 	Create a pipeline with `User-Agent`
	               	and `GeoIp` plugins.
	--pipelines, -P	Display installed pipelines.
	--snapshots, -S	List registered snapshot repositories.
	--help, -h     	Print the help information and exit.
	--version, -v  	Show the version's number and exit.

Snapshots: used to print info, create and restore snapshots.

  logarithm <url> [-r repo] [-s snapshot] [-s3 snapshot --bucket bucket] [--status|-d]

	--repository-s3, -s3	Create a new `s3` snapshot repo with this name.
	--bucket            	The bucket name for the `s3` snapshot repository.
	--repo, -r          	The name of the repo.
	--snapshot, -s      	The name of the snapshot.
	--restore           	Restore this snapshot.
	--status            	Fetch the status.

Templates: creates a template for an app.

  logarithm <url> -t {app-name} [-s shards] [-r replicas] [-d]

	--template, -t	Create an index template for storing
	              	log data in the `{template}-*` index.
	--shards, -s  	The number of shards for index template.
	              	Default: 1.
	--replicas, -r	The number of replicas for index template.

Methods: send data from JSON files.

  logarithm <url> [--post data.json] -p path

	--post    	Send POST request with data from the file.
	--path, -p	The path to send a request to.

📙 Read Wiki For More Documentation

List Templates, -T

To see what templates are installed.

logarithm -T
Name                           Patterns          Shards  Replicas
kibana_index_template:.kibana  .kibana           1  *  1       0
hits-clients                   clients-*         1       0
hits-client2                   client2-*         1       0

Statistics, -s

The stats can be used to monitor created indices.

logarithm -s
Name                      Memory    Docs  Size          11.6 KB   1     21.6 KB  60.4 KB   8859  3.3 MB  64.4 KB   116   179.5 KB   151.4 KB  63    279.1 KB   120.7 KB  5747  2.2 MB

Copyright & License

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

Art Deco © Art Deco™ 2020


A Koa Middleware For Web-Server To Record Hits In ElasticSearch.







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