Research into reverse engineering fl studio's .fnv (curve/envelope/state) files and creation of an editor for them.
for more info, read
- [-] RIIR?.. - in progress!
- [-] Complete reverse engineering of the format + an unofficial spec
- [-] Command-line app
- ability to convert JSON to .fnv and vice versa;
- support for different streams (stdout, from file, pipe etc.)
- A full, Qt-based WYSIWYG visual editor
- support for every function FL Studio's curve system has
- additional features such as advanced grids, warping curves, inputting more precise data, formula input, conversion between curve types
- Possible support for Serum's .shp and Vital's .vitallfo (might be the easiest, since it's just a minified JSON string)
- Possible support for synchronising FL Studio with the editor (not sure, since it most likely would include hacking into FL Studio's process memory)
- Kaitai struct implemenation