This is a small application written in C++ which simulates both the M3 and M4, 3 and 4 rotor variants of the Enigma machine which was utilised by German forces during WWII to encode information. It is a copy of the Python version found here.
Included within this package is a demo application which provides a terminal based user interface. The application is built with CMake>=3.20
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
cd ..
Running the app will allow the user to specify settings such as the key, the rotor type choice (unique numbers from 1-8), and rotating the internal wiring within each rotor (Ringstellung). The user enters then enters their input next to the INPUT:
prompt. The machine can be reset at any point to the start settings for decoding using the reset
command within the app. Quit the application using the quit
To create a new instance of Enigma the default can be used which is an M3 instance with pre-selected rotor arrangement and reflector choice, or all settings can be chosen by the user. Note as with the machine itself, one of the 8 numbered rotor types may only be selected once.
#include "Enigma.hxx"
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char** argv)
const std::vector<int> my_rotor_list = {1, 4, 6, 4}; // 3 or 4 of 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8
const char my_reflector = 'B'; // 'B' or 'C'
const std::string machine_type = "M4"; // 'M3' or 'M4' (should match rotor list)
const bool debug_mode = false; // Run Enigma in debug mode
Enigma* enigma = new Enigma( my_rotor_list, my_reflector, machine_type, debug_mode );
enigma->ringstellung("right", 2); // Perform an internal wire rotation on the right rotor of 2 steps
// for M3 the rotors are {"left", "middle", "right"}
// for M4 the rotors are {"left", "middle left", "middle right", "right"}
const std::string key = "NERO";
const std::string cipher = enigma->type_phrase(phrase);
std::cout << phrase << " -> " << cipher;
return 0;
For testing Enigma during the development Google Test has been included within the build procedure when running CMake, to launch the included unit tests run the executable within the tests