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Database Rider

So you can ride the database in your JUnit tests!

Build Status (Travis CI) Coverage Maven Central

This project aims for bringing DBUnit closer to your JUnit tests so database testing will feel like a breeze!

Watch 1.0 promo video to get an idea.

A lot of this work is based on Arquillian persistence extension and focus on simplicity (one dependency - dbunit). If you need a more robust and reliable solution (tests closer to production), I’d suggest arquillian persistence.

1. Introduction

Consider the following (jpa) entities:

public class User {

    private long id;

    private String name;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "user")
    private List<Tweet> tweets;

    @OneToMany(mappedBy = "followedUser")
    private List<Follower> followers;



public class Tweet {

    private String id;

    @Size(min = 1, max = 140)
    private String content;

    private Integer likes;

    private Date date;

    private User user;

public class Follower {

    private long id;

    @JoinColumn(name = "follower_id")
    private User followerUser;

    @JoinColumn(name = "user_id")
    private User followedUser;


and the following dbunit yaml dataset:

  - id: 1
    name: "@realpestano"
  - id: 2
    name: "@dbunit"
  - id: abcdef12345
    content: "dbunit rules!"
    user_id: 1
  - id: 1
    user_id: 1
    follower_id: 2

You should be able to prepare your database before test execution, like below:

public class UserIt {

   public EntityManagerProvider emProvider = EntityManagerProvider.instance("rules-it");

   public DBUnitRule dbUnitRule = DBUnitRule.instance(emProvider.getConnection());

   @DataSet(value = "datasets/yml/users.yml")
   public void shouldLoadUserFollowers() {
        User user = (User) emProvider.em().createQuery("select u from User u left join fetch u.followers where = 1").getSingleResult();
        assertEquals(user.getTweets().get(0).getContent(), "dbunit rules!");
        Follower expectedFollower = new Follower(2,1);
EntityManagerProvider is a simple JUnit rule that creates a JPA entityManager (and caches it) for each test. DBunit rule don’t depend on EntityManagerProvider, it only needs a JDBC connection;

2. Documentation

A getting started guide can be found here

For main features overview see project living documentation.

Older documentation versions can be found here:

3. Rider Core

This module is the basis for subsequent modules. It contains a JUnit rule (shown above), the api for dataset, DBunit configuration and DataSetExecutor which is responsible for dataset creation.

3.1. Adding Database Rider core to your project


It will bring the following (transitive) dependencies to your test classpath:


3.2. DataSet executor

A DataSet executor is a component which creates DBUnit datasets. Datasets are "sets" of data (tables and rows) that represent the state of the database. DataSets are defined as textual files in YAML, XML, JSON, CSV or XLS format, see examples here.

As in DBUnit Rule, dataset executor just needs a JDBC connection to be instantiated:

import static com.github.database.rider.util.EntityManagerProvider.em;
import static com.github.database.rider.util.EntityManagerProvider.instance;

public class DataSetExecutorIt {

    public EntityManagerProvider emProvider = instance("executor-it");

    private static DataSetExecutorImpl executor;

    public static void setup() {
        executor = DataSetExecutorImpl.instance(new ConnectionHolderImpl(emProvider.getConnection()));

    public void shouldSeedUserDataSetUsingExecutor() {
         DataSetConfig dataSetConfig = new DataSetConfig("datasets/yml/users.yml");(1)
         User user = (User) em().createQuery("select u from User u where = 1").getSingleResult();
  1. As we are not using @Rule, which is responsible for reading @DataSet annotation, we have to provide DataSetConfig so executor can create the dataset.

  2. this is done implicitly by @Rule DBUnitRule.

DataSet executor setup and logic is hidden by DBUnit @Rule and @DataSet annotation:

import static com.github.database.rider.util.EntityManagerProvider.em;
import static org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat;

public class ConnectionHolderIt {

    public EntityManagerProvider emProvider = EntityManagerProvider.instance("rules-it");

    public DBUnitRule dbUnitRule = DBUnitRule.
        instance(() -> emProvider.getConnection());

    public void shouldListUsers() {
        List<User> users = em().createQuery("select u from User u").getResultList();

3.3. Configuration

There are two types of configuration in Database Rider: DataSet and DBUnit.

DataSet Configuration

this basically setup the dataset which will be used. The only way to configure a dataset is using @DataSet annotation.

It can be used at class or method level:

     @DataSet(value ="users.yml", strategy = SeedStrategy.UPDATE,
            disableConstraints = true,cleanAfter = true,transactional = true)
     public void shouldLoadDataSetConfigFromAnnotation(){


Here are possible values:

Name Description Default


Dataset file name using test resources folder as root directory. Multiple, comma separated, dataset file names can be provided.



Name of dataset executor for the given dataset.



DataSet seed strategy. Possible values are: CLEAN_INSERT, INSERT, REFRESH and UPDATE.

CLEAN_INSERT, meaning that DBUnit will clean and then insert data in tables present on provided dataset.


If true dbunit will look at constraints and dataset to try to determine the correct ordering for the SQL statements.



A list of table names used to reorder DELETE operations to prevent failures due to circular dependencies.



Disable database constraints.



If true Database Rider will try to delete database before test in a smart way by using table ordering and brute force.



If true Database Rider will try to delete database after test in a smart way by using table ordering and brute force.



If true a transaction will be started before test and committed after test execution.



A list of jdbc statements to execute before test.



A list of jdbc statements to execute after test.



A list of sql script files to execute before test. Note that commands inside sql file must be separated by ;.



A list of sql script files to execute after test. Note that commands inside sql file must be separated by ;.


DBUnit Configuration

this basically setup DBUnit itself. It can be configured by @DBUnit annotation (class or method level) and dbunit.yml file present in test resources folder.

    @DBUnit(cacheConnection = true, cacheTableNames = false, allowEmptyFields = true,batchSize = 50)
    public void shouldLoadDBUnitConfigViaAnnotation() {


Here is a dbunit.yml example, also the default values:

cacheConnection: true
cacheTableNames: true
leakHunter: false
caseInsensitiveStrategy: !!com.github.database.rider.core.api.configuration.Orthography 'UPPERCASE' (1)
  batchedStatements:  false
  qualifiedTableNames: false
  caseSensitiveTableNames: false
  batchSize: 100
  fetchSize: 100
  allowEmptyFields: false
  driver: ""
  url: ""
  user: ""
  password: ""
  1. Only applied when caseSensitiveTableNames is false. Valid values are UPPERCASE and LOWERCASE.

    @DBUnit annotation takes precedence over dbunit.yml global configuration which will be used only if the annotation is not present.
Both configuration mechanisms work for all Database Rider modules.

3.4. JDBC Connection

As seen in examples above DBUnit needs a JDBC connection to be instantiated. To avoid creating connection for each test you can define it in dbunit.yml for all tests or define in @DBUnit on each test.

@DBUnit annotation takes precedence over dbunit.yml global configuration.

3.4.1. Example

@DBUnit(url = "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1", driver = "org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver", user = "sa") (1)
public class ConnectionConfigIt {

    public DBUnitRule dbUnitRule = DBUnitRule.instance(); (2)

    public static void initDB(){
        //trigger db creation

    @DataSet(value = "datasets/yml/user.yml")
    public void shouldSeedFromDeclaredConnection() {
        User user = (User) em().createQuery("select u from User u where = 1").getSingleResult();
  1. driver class can be ommited in new JDBC drivers since version 4.

  2. Note that the rule instantiation doesn’t need a connection anymore.

As CDI module depends on a produced entity manager, connection configuration will be ignored.

3.5. Rule chaining

DBUnit Rule can be chained with other rules so you can define execution order among rules.

In example below [EntityManagerProvider rule] executes before DBUnit rule:

 EntityManagerProvider emProvider = EntityManagerProvider.instance("rules-it");

   public TestRule theRule = RuleChain.outerRule(emProvider).

3.6. Multiple Databases

Each executor has a JDBC connection so multiple databases can be handled by using multiple dataset executors:

import static com.github.database.rider.util.EntityManagerProvider.instance;

public class MultipleExecutorsIt {

    private static List<DataSetExecutorImpl> executors = new ArrayList<>;

    public static void setup() { (1)
        executors.add(DataSetExecutorImpl.instance("executor1", new ConnectionHolderImpl(instance("executor1-pu").getConnection())));
        executors.add(DataSetExecutorImpl.instance("executor2", new ConnectionHolderImpl(instance("executor2-pu").getConnection())));

    public void shouldSeedUserDataSet() {
         for (DataSetExecutorImpl executor : executors) {
             DataSetConfig dataSetConfig = new DataSetConfig("datasets/yml/users.yml");
                User user = (User) EntityManagerProvider.instance(executor.getId() + "-pu").em().createQuery("select u from User u where = 1").getSingleResult();

  1. As you can see each executor is responsible for a database, in case a JPA persistence unit

Also note that the same can be done using @Rule but pay attention that you must provide executor id in @DataSet annotation.

    public EntityManagerProvider emProvider1 = EntityManagerProvider.instance("dataset1-pu");

    public EntityManagerProvider emProvider2 = EntityManagerProvider.instance("dataset2-pu");

    public DBUnitRule exec1Rule = DBUnitRule.instance("exec1",emProvider1.getConnection());(1)

    public DBUnitRule exec2Rule = DBUnitRule.instance("exec2",emProvider2.getConnection());

    @DataSet(value = "datasets/yml/users.yml",disableConstraints = true, executorId = "exec1") (2)
    public void shouldSeedDataSetDisablingContraints() {
        User user = (User) emProvider1.em().createQuery("select u from User u where = 1").getSingleResult();

    @DataSet(value = "datasets/yml/users.yml",disableConstraints = true, executorId = "exec2")
    public void shouldSeedDataSetDisablingContraints2() {
        User user = (User) emProvider2.em().createQuery("select u from User u where = 1").getSingleResult();
  1. exec1 is the id of executor reponsible for dataset1-pu

  2. executorId must match id provided in @Rule annotation

3.7. Expected DataSet

Using @ExpectedDataSet annotation you can specify the database state you expect after test execution, example:

  - id: 1
    name: "expected user1"
  - id: 2
    name: "expected user2"
    @ExpectedDataSet(value = "yml/expectedUsers.yml",ignoreCols = "id")
    public void shouldMatchExpectedDataSet() {
        User u = new User();
        u.setName("expected user1");
        User u2 = new User();
        u2.setName("expected user2");
As you probably noticed, there is no need for assertions in the test itself.

Now with an assertion error:

    @ExpectedDataSet(value = "yml/expectedUsers.yml",ignoreCols = "id")
    public void shouldMatchExpectedDataSet() {
        User u = new User();
        u.setName("non expected user1");
        User u2 = new User();
        u2.setName("non expected user2");

And here is how the error is shown in JUnit console:

Expected :expected user1
Actual   :non expected user1
 <Click to see difference>
	at org.dbunit.assertion.JUnitFailureFactory.createFailure(
	at org.dbunit.assertion.DefaultFailureHandler.createFailure(
	at org.dbunit.assertion.DefaultFailureHandler.handle(
	at com.github.database.rider.assertion.DataSetAssert.compareData(

You can also use regular expressions in expected DataSet, for that just prepend column value with regex::

  - id: "regex:\\d+" #any number
    name: regex:^expected user.*  #starts with regex
  - id: "regex:\\d+"
    name: regex:.*user2$   #ends with example

The test remains the same as above but without the need to ignore id column.

3.8. Transactional Tests

In case of ExpectedDataSet you’ll usually need a transaction to modify database in order to match expected dataset. In such case you can use a transactional test:

    @ExpectedDataSet(value = "yml/expectedUsers.yml",ignoreCols = "id")
    public void shouldMatchExpectedDataSet() {
        User u = new User();
        u.setName("non expected user1");
        User u2 = new User();
        u2.setName("non expected user2");

Note that Database Rider will start a transaction before test and commit the transaction after test execution but before expected dataset comparison.

Below is a pure JDBC example where commented code is not needed because the test is transactional:

    @DataSet(cleanBefore = true, transactional = true)
    @ExpectedDataSet(value = "usersInserted.yml")
    public void shouldInserUsers() throws SQLException {
        Connection connection = flyway.getDataSource().getConnection();
        //connection.setAutoCommit(false); //transactional=true
        java.sql.Statement statement = connection.createStatement(ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE,

        statement.addBatch("INSERT INTO User VALUES (1, 'user1')");
        statement.addBatch("INSERT INTO User VALUES (2, 'user2')");
        statement.addBatch("INSERT INTO User VALUES (3, 'user3')");
Above example code (which uses JUnit5 and Flyway) can be found here.

3.9. EntityManagerProvider

It is a component which holds JPA entity managers for your tests. To activate it just use the EntityManagerProvider rule in your test use:

public class DatabaseRiderIt {

    public EntityManagerProvider emProvider = EntityManagerProvider.instance("PU-NAME");(1)

  1. It will retrieve the entity manager based on a test persistence.xml and store in into EntityManagerProvider which can hold multiple entity managers.

You can use @BeforeClass instead of junit rule to instantiate the provider.
EntityManagerProvider will cache entity manager instance to avoid creating database multiple times, you just need to be careful with JPA first level cache between tests (EntityManagerProvider Rule and CDI interceptor clears first level cache before each test).

Now you can use emProvider.getConnection() to retrieve jdbc connection and emProvider.em() to retrieve underlying entityManager.

PU-NAME refers to test persistence.xml unit name:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">

    <persistence-unit name="PU-NAME" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">


        <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:hsqldb:mem:test;DB_CLOSE_DELAY=-1"/>
        <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver"/>
        <property name="javax.persistence.schema-generation.database.action" value="drop-and-create"/>
        <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="sa"/>
        <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value=""/>
        <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="INFO"/>
        <property name="eclipselink.logging.level.sql" value="FINE"/>
        <property name="eclipselink.logging.parameters" value="false"/>


It will only work with transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL" because internally it uses Persistence.createEntityManagerFactory(unitName) to get entityManager instance.

Above JPA configuration depends on hsqldb (an in memory database) and eclipse link (JPA provider):

A hibernate entity manager config sample can be found here.
EntityManager provider utility also can be used in other contexts like a CDI producer, see here.

4. CDI module

If you use CDI in your tests then you should give a try in Database Rider CDI module:


4.1. DBUnit Interceptor

CDI module main component is a CDI interceptor which configures datasets before your tests. To enable DBUnit interceptor you’ll need configure it in you test beans.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""


and then enable it in your tests by using @DBUnitInterceptor annotation (class or method level):

public class DeltaspikeUsingInterceptorIt {

    DeltaSpikeContactService contactService;

    public void shouldQueryAllCompanies() {

Make sure the test class itself is a CDI bean so it can be intercepted by DBUnitInterceptor. If you’re using Deltaspike test control just enable the following property in test/resources/META-INF/


5. Cucumber module

this module brings a Cucumber runner which is CDI aware.

If you don’t use CDI you need to create datasets Programmatically because Cucumber official runner doesn’t support JUnit rules.

Now you just need to use CdiCucumberTestRunner.

5.1. Examples

feature file (src/test/resources/features/contacts.feature)
Feature: Contacts test
  As a user of contacts repository
  I want to crud contacts
  So that I can expose contacts service

  Scenario Outline: search contacts
    Given we have a list of constacts
    When we search contacts by name "<name>"
    Then we should find <result> contacts

  Examples: examples1
  | name     | result |
  | delta    | 1      |
  | sp       | 2      |
  | querydsl | 1      |
  | abcd     | 0      |

  Scenario: delete a contact

    Given we have a list of contacts
    When we delete contact by id 1
    Then we should not find contact 1
Cucumber cdi runner
package com.github.database.rider.examples.cucumber;

import com.github.database.rider.cucumber.CdiCucumberTestRunner;
import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

        features = {"src/test/resources/features/contacts.feature"},
        plugin = {"json:target/cucumber.json"}
        //glue = "com.github.database.rider.examples.glues" (1)
public class ContactFeature {
  1. You can use glues so step definitions and the runner can be in different packages for reuse between features.

Step definitions
package com.github.database.rider.examples.cucumber; //(1)

import com.github.database.rider.api.dataset.DataSet;
import org.example.jpadomain.Contact;
import org.example.jpadomain.Contact_;
import org.example.service.deltaspike.ContactRepository;

import javax.inject.Inject;

import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertNull;

@DBUnitInterceptor (2)
public class ContactSteps {

    ContactRepository contactRepository;

    Long count;

    @Given("^we have a list of contacts")
    @DataSet("datasets/contacts.yml") //(2)
    public void given() {
        assertEquals(contactRepository.count(), new Long(3));

    @When("^^we search contacts by name \"([^\"]*)\"$")
    public void we_search_contacts_by_name_(String name) throws Throwable {
        Contact contact = new Contact();
        count = contactRepository.countLike(contact,;

    @Then("^we should find (\\d+) contacts$")
    public void we_should_find_result_contacts(Long result) throws Throwable {

    @When("^we delete contact by id (\\d+)$")
    public void we_delete_contact_by_id(long id) throws Throwable {

    @Then("^we should not find contact (\\d+)$")
    public void we_should_not_find_contacts_in_database(long id) throws Throwable {
  1. Step definitions must be in the same package of the runner. To use different package you can use glues as commented above.

  2. Activates DBUnit CDI interceptor which will read @DataSet annotation in cucumber steps to prepare the database.

6. Programmatic creating datasets

You can create datasets without JUnit Rule or CDI as we saw above, here is a pure cucumber example (for the same feature above):

        features = {"src/test/resources/features/contacts-without-cdi.feature"},
        plugin = {"json:target/cucumber.json"}
        //glue = "com.github.database.rider.examples.glues"
public class ContactFeatureWithoutCDI {

And here are the step definitions:

public class ContactStepsWithoutCDI {

    EntityManagerProvider entityManagerProvider = EntityManagerProvider.newInstance("customerDB");

    DataSetExecutor dbunitExecutor;

    Long count;

    public void setUp(){
        dbunitExecutor = DataSetExecutorImpl.instance(new ConnectionHolderImpl(entityManagerProvider.connection()));
        em().clear();//important to clear JPA first level cache between scenarios

    @Given("^we have a list of contacts2$")
    public void given() {
        dbunitExecutor.createDataSet(new DataSetConfig("contacts.yml"));
        assertEquals(em().createQuery("select count( from Contact c").getSingleResult(), new Long(3));

    @When("^^we search contacts by name \"([^\"]*)\"2$")
    public void we_search_contacts_by_name_(String name) throws Throwable {
        Contact contact = new Contact();
        Query query =  em().createQuery("select count( from Contact c where UPPER( like :name");
        count = (Long) query.getSingleResult();

    @Then("^we should find (\\d+) contacts2$")
    public void we_should_find_result_contacts(Long result) throws Throwable {

    @When("^we delete contact by id (\\d+) 2$")
    public void we_delete_contact_by_id(long id) throws Throwable {

    @Then("^we should not find contact (\\d+) 2$")
    public void we_should_not_find_contacts_in_database(long id) throws Throwable {

7. JUnit 5

JUnit 5 is the new version of JUnit and comes with a new extension model, so instead of rules you will use extensions in your tests. See example below:

public class DBUnitJUnit5Test {

    private ConnectionHolder connectionHolder = () -> instance("junit5-pu").connection(); (1)

    public void shouldListUsers() {
        List<User> users = em().createQuery("select u from User u").getResultList();
  1. DBUnit extension will get JDBC connection by reflection so you need to declare a field or method with ConnectionHolder as return type.

You can configure JDBC connection using @DBUnit annotation or dbunit.yml, see JDBC Connection.

You can use @DBRider (at test or method level) to enable the extension:

public class DBRiderAnnotationIt {

    private ConnectionHolder connectionHolder = () ->

    @DBRider //shortcut for @ExtendWith(DBUnitExtension.class) and @Test
    @DataSet(value = "usersWithTweet.yml")
    public void shouldListUsers() {
        List users = EntityManagerProvider.em().
                createQuery("select u from User u").getResultList();
        assertThat(users.get(0)).isEqualTo(new User(1));

8. Leak Hunter

Leak hunter is a component based on this blog post which counts open jdbc connections before and after test execution.

To enable it just use leakHunter = true in @DBUnit annotation, example:

@DBUnit(leakHunter = true)
public class LeakHunterIt {

    public DBUnitRule dbUnitRule = DBUnitRule.instance(new ConnectionHolderImpl(getConnection()));

    public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none();

    public void shouldFindConnectionLeak() {
         exception.expect(LeakHunterException.class); (1)
         exception.expectMessage("Execution of method shouldFindConnectionLeak left 1 open connection(s).");

     public void shouldFindTwoConnectionLeaks()  {
         exception.expectMessage("Execution of method shouldFindTwoConnectionLeaks left 2 open connection(s).");

     @DBUnit(leakHunter = false)
     public void shouldNotFindConnectionLeakWhenHunterIsDisabled() {

  1. If number of connections after test execution are greater than before then a LeakHunterException will be raised.

Complete source code of example above can be found here.

9. Export DataSets

Manual creation of datasets is a very error prone task. In order to export database state after test execution into datasets files one can use @ExportDataSet Annotation or use DataSetExporter component.

9.1. Example

    @ExportDataSet(format = DataSetFormat.XML,outputName="target/exported/xml/allTables.xml")
    public void shouldExportAllTablesInXMLFormat() {
       //data inserted inside method can be exported

After above test execution all tables will be exported to a xml dataset.

XML, YML, JSON, XLS and CSV formats are supported.
Full example above (and other related tests) can be found here.

9.2. Configuration

Following table shows all exporter configuration options:

Name Description Default


Exported dataset file format.



A list of table names to include in exported dataset.

Default is empty which means ALL tables.


A list of select statements which the result will used in exported dataset.



If true will bring dependent tables of declared includeTables.



Name (and path) of output file.


9.3. Programatic export

You can also export DataSets without @ExportDataSet by using DataSetExporter component programmatically:

    public void shouldExportYMLDataSetWithoutAnnotations() throws SQLException, DatabaseUnitException{
    	User u1 = new User();
    	em().persist(u1);//just insert a user and assert it is present in exported dataset
    	new DataSetExportConfig().outputFileName("target/user.yml"));
    	File ymlDataSet = new File("target/user.yml");
               contains("USER:"+NEW_LINE +
                  "  - ID: 1"+NEW_LINE +
                  "    NAME: \"u1\""+NEW_LINE);


9.4. DBUnit addon

You can export datasets using JBoss forge, see DBUnit Addon.

10. Examples

There are a lot of examples that can also be used as documentation.

The examples module which contains:

And also each module contain a lot of tests that you can use as example.

11. Changelog

See project release changelog here.

12. Snapshots

Snapshots are available in maven central, to use it just add the following snippet in your pom.xml:



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