virtualenv-mgr is a tool to manage multiple virtualenvs at once.
Use a file with paths to the root of multiple virtualenvs to perform operations in all of them at the same time.
- Install, uninstall or upgrade specific packages in all virtualenvs at once.
- Print statistic, a histogram, about the usage of packages over all environments.
- Find/list virtualenvs for further processing, eg. as input for virtualenv-mgr
- Find all envs having a package installed
pip install virtualenv-mgr
Find all virtualenvs ar your current location / subdictionarys (look for the '/bin/activate' pattern)
virtualenv-mgr --envfreeze
virtualenv-mgr -z
Define a searchroot, where the scrip should search in:
virtualenv-mgr --envfreeze --searchroot /Users/name/workspace/2014
virtualenv-mgr -zs /Users/name/workspace/2014
Save the paths to a file which you can use later.
virtualenv-mgr -zs /Users/name/workspace/2014 > example-env-file.txt
Environments from a list:
virtualenv-mgr example-env-file.txt
Or input over a pipe:
virtualenv-mgr --envfreeze | virtualenv-mgr
Manualy define environments, use "," to seperate the paths (-m, --multiple)
virtualenv-mgr -m=/absolute/path,relative/path/,../../env
No arguments --> active virtualenv
Install a package / multiple packages
virtualenv-mgr example-env-file.txt -i "django==1.4.16,djangotransmeta"
Uninstall a package / multiple packages
virtualenv-mgr example-env-file.txt -u "django==1.4.16"
Find packages / multiple packages (can look for exact packages '==' or if the package is installed)
virtualenv-mgr example-env-file.txt -f "django==1.4.6"
Install or Uninstall packages in envs where certain other packages are installed.
virtualenv-mgr example-env-file.txt -f "django==1.4.12" -i "django==1.4.16" -u "django-transmeta"
All virtual-environments which have installed django==1.4.12 will install django==1.4.16 and uninstall django-transmeta.
pipoption allows you to add options to the pip commands ( install / uninstall ) , use the ',' to separate multiple commands
virtualenv-mgr example-env-file.txt -i django==1.4.18 -o='--index-url=,--extra-index-url='
You can print table that displays the differences of the installed packages in multiple virtualenvs (-d, --diff)
virtualenv-mgr compare-envs.txt -d
Filter: Apps that are not installed on all virtualenvs (-n, --notinstalled, -dn)
virtualenv-mgr compare-envs.txt -n
Filter: Apps that dont have the same version in all virtualenvs (-a, -versiondiff, -da)
virtualenv-mgr compare-envs.txt -a
Combine (-an , -dna)
virtualenv-mgr compare-envs.txt -na
Neglects eggs
print the pip histo (overview over all installed packages) (-p,--piphisto)
virtualenv-mgr example-env-file.txt -p
Distinguishes between different versions (-v,-version ; -pv)
virtualenv-mgr example-env-file.txt -v
Take eggs into the histo (-e,-egg ; -pe)
virtualenv-mgr example-env-file.txt -e
Combine (-ve, -pve)
virtualenv-mgr example-env-file.txt -ve
-z, --envfreeze
prints all the envs on .-s SEARCHROOT, --searchroot SEARCHROOT
path for envfreeze, where to search-m MULTIPLE, --multiple MULTIPLE
Add paths to envs, sepereate with ","
-f FIND, --find FIND
find app, use commas to search for more-i INSTALL, --install INSTALL
installes an app, use commas to add more-u UNINSTALL, --uninstall UNINSTALL
uninstalles an app, use commas to add more
Pip Option
-o, --pipoption
allows you to add options to the pip command(-i/--install and -u/--uninstall)
Env Diff
-d, --diff
commpares the packages installed in envs-n, --notinstalled
lists apps that are not installed on all envs-a, --versiondiff
lists apps that dont have the same version number on all envs
Pip Histo
-p, --piphisto
pip histogram-e, --egg
pip histogram takes eggs into consideration-v, --version
pip histogram takes versions into consideration
- OS X
- Linux/UNIX
Windows support was not tested yet. Please feel free to contribute.
virtualenv-mgr is free software. If you find it useful and would like to give back, please consider to make a donation using Bitcoin or PayPal. Thank you! |