a small proff of concept game in p5.js
all the "game engine" was coded in p5.js with no external libs, currently the game is a wave based top down fighting game, but it has code in it for block placement and other features, i plan to work in different features and different game formats while developing a basic game engine underneath
you can try the game in this link: https://arthur12320.github.io/p5game/index.html
just have fun at the moment
The project came as a idea to keep programming while in downtime, i needed some kind of project to work on that wasn't work or university relates. The idea of a game was always in my mind, because it gave the oportunity to try a number of different ideas and game mechanics. The project is all made in JS by choice, altough i know all the limitations it will impose me, i wanted to see what i could do with one of my favorite programming languages and with no external games lib
Here are some of the things in my todo list with the project:
- polish up the "waves" mode
- add more itens and more mobs
- add ranged weapons
- make the "game engine" more indenpendent of the game style
- take out most of the uses of global variables 💩💩💩
- start working on other game modes
Here are some of the things i wished the project could do some day but not right now:
- multiplayer support (socket.io maybe)
- economy system
while trying to make the game my focus qas to try to create something that worked and didn't made me want to quick halfway, but with that a lot of bugs were createed, and most of them i can't figure out how to solve:
- variable size of screen (with any size of the display screen the game should recalculate and work fine)
- variable block sizes (some freaky things happen with collision currently)
- some good kind of melee colision (at the moment i use a circle hit box, because it was the one i got working 😂😂😂)
if you stumbled in this project i would really apreciate it if you gave it a try and gave me any feedback, have fun =)