- #23 [BUGFIX] Fixed undefined toast in Vue prototype.
- #6 [IMPROVEMENT] Improved error message of
to show correct method signature.
- Now Vue-izitoast is accessed through
- #16 / #17 / #20 / #22 [BUGFIX] Removed Node Engine from package.json
- [FEATURE] Implemented Types;
- [FEATURE] Implemented Tests;
- [FEATURE] Implemented Github Workflow;
- [FEATURE] Implemented Storybook and released as GH Pages;
- [FEATURE] Improves on building process;
- Update builded files.
- Bumped IziToast version to 1.3.0
- #1 [BUGFIX] Update _checkEventNames where was a logical typo causing a always true check.
- Included code examples
- First release