- Very simple api chat window
- Multiple chat in the same view
- auto scroll on new message
- load more button
- optional beep on new message
$ meteor add cesarve:simple-chat
Just paste the template
{{>SimpleChatWindow roomId=<roomId> username=<username> name=<name> avatar=<avatar> limit=<limit> showViewed=<showViewed> showJoined=<showJoined> publishChats=<publishChats> allow=<allow> custom=<custom>}}
: required, plain string or function return a unique id for each room<username>
: required, plain string or function return a string with unique user id or user name or any unique identifier<name>
: optional, plain string or function return a string with display name [default: theusername
: optional, plain string or function return a string avatar image source<limit>
: optional number for limiting the last n messages for subscription, [default: 50]<beep>
: optional boolean emit sound on new message [default: false]<showViewed>
: optional boolean for showing or not when the messages are viewed (like WhatsApp) [default: false (this feature can use a lot of server resource)]<showReceived>
: optional boolean for showing or not when the messages are received (like whatsapp) [default: false (this feature can use a lot of server resource)]<showJoined>
: optional boolean for showing message when some user join to a room [default: false]<publishChats>
: optional function return true for allow publish message, or false to deny this function receive as arguments (roomId
) and context is publish context [default: return true]<allow>
: optional function return true for allow insert new message or false to deny, this function receive as arguments (message
) and context is methods context [default: return true]<custom>
: optional any custom value<loadMore>
: text for load more button [default: 'Load More']<placeholder>
: text for input placeholder [default: 'Type message...']<button>
: text for button submit [default: 'Send']<join>
: text for message Join [default: 'joined the']<left>
: text for message left [default: 'left']<room>
: text for message Room [default: 'room']<height>
: css height for the message Room [default: '300px']<inpuTemplate>
: a custom template for the input [default: 'SimpleChatInput']<loadMoreTemplate>
: a custom template for 'Load More' section [default: 'LoadMore']
Note: this values can be a literal a helper or template data
{{>SimpleChatWindow roomId="free room" username=this.username limit=limit}}
// roomIn is a literal
// username is data template
// limit is a helper
//somewhere in both (client and server)
import {SimpleChat} from 'meteor/cesarve:simple-chat/config'
SimpleChat.configure ({
loadMore: 'Load More',
placeholder: 'Type message ...',
button: 'send',
join: 'joined the',
left: 'left',
room: 'room at'
limit: 5,
beep: true,
showViewed: true,
showReceived: true,
showJoined: true,
publishChats: function(roomId, limi){ //server
//here the context is the same for a Publications, that mean you have access to this.userId who are asking for subscribe.
// for example
return isLoggedAndHasAccessToSeeMessage(this.userId)
allow: function(message, roomId, username, avatar, name){
//here the context is the same for a Methods, thats mean you hace access to this.userId also
// for example
return isLoggedAndHasAccessSendMessages(this.userId)
return true
onNewMessage:function(msg){ //both
onReceiveMessage:function(id, message, room){ //server
onJoin:function(roomId, username, name,date){ //server
onLeft:function(roomId, username, name,date) { //server
height: '300px', // Configure the height of the chat
inputTemplate: 'SimpleChatInput', // In case you want to overwrite the template
loadMoreTemplate: 'LoadMore', // In case you want to overwrite the template
These options can be overwritten individually on:
{{>SimpleChatWindow roomId=<roomId> username=<username> avatar=<avatar> limit=<limit> showViewed=true showJoined= true publishChats=publishChats allow=allow}}
You have to control the access where you insert the template, and you can control the access to data with these 2 options:
publishChats: function(roomId, limi){ //server
//here the context is the same for a publication, that means you have access to this.userId who are asking for subscribe.
// for example
return isLoggedAndHasAccessToSeeMessage(this.userId)
allow: function(message, roomId, username, avatar, name){
//here the context is the same for a Method, that means you hace access to this.userId also
// for example
return isLoggedAndHasAccessSendMessages(this.userId)
return true
Chat html was taken from https://almsaeedstudio.com/themes/AdminLTE/documentation/index.html with direct chat widget.
Icons: http://simpleschat.herokuapp.com/icons.html
To Jetbrains.com for give us a free licences of their amazing softwares
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- Pull request are very welcome:
- Fork the repo
- Make changes
- Commit
- make a pull request