This repository provides public data for "High-performance Kerr quantum battery" paper published in Applied Physics Letters 123, 034001 (2023). If you find our paper or this repository useful for your research, kindly consider citing the publication.
- data: this folder contains all calculation/simulation data of figures 2-4 of the paper.
- PlotQB-data.ipynb: the main file for plotting and polishing figures 2-4 of the paper.
- QuTiP-simulation.ipynb: this file gives a rough sketch of all QuTiP simulations performed in this study.
Corresponding authors for the paper:
- M. S. Ukhtary (
- M. A. Majidi (
Additionally, the following author contributed mostly to the coding and plotting:
- A. R. T. Nugraha (
Other co-authors:
- A. B. Cahaya (
- A. Rusydi (