Test it online: https://javascript-throttle-debounce.netlify.com
Download it to your PC and open baby.htm or text.htm on a browser.
- Learn what is Throttle.
- Learn what is Debounce.
- Implement Throttle and debounce (10 lines of code each).
- Use lodash (and talk about leading edge, trailing edge, cancel).
Leading edge: When the event starts invoking the function. Trailing edge: After the event stops invoking the function.
- Baby: https://iconmonstr.com/generation-1-svg/
- Mom: https://iconmonstr.com/generation-10-svg/
- Dad: https://iconmonstr.com/generation-11-svg/
- Pee: https://iconmonstr.com/drop-6-svg/
- Diaper: diaper by Nociconist from the Noun Project https://thenounproject.com/term/diaper/1549135/