A tutoring platform created as a final project for Salt.
Eruditio uses WebRTC to allow users to make real time video calls. Besides WebRTC, we have used the following main technologies:
- NodeJS and Express for the backend
- ReactJS for the frontend
- MongoDB for the database
Eruditio allows people who want to learn a new skill or need help with a subject to find and connect with a suitable tutor. Once connected, student and tutor can have an online meeting via video call on the website.
Clone the project and install dependencies
git clone git@github.com:pontussandberg/eruditio.git cd eruditio/server && npm i cd ../client && npm i
Setup configuration:
You will need to create Google credentials for your app and update your .env file accordingly.
Run the docker container from the root folder:
docker-compose up
Populate the database (optional):
node server/scripts/populateDb.js
Start the server in development mode on another terminal:
cd server && npm run restart
Start the client in development mode on another terminal:
cd client && npm start
By default, the website will be running on port 3000. The node server will be running on port 5000. You can change those in the Webpack configuration and the Server's entry point.