OpenLiveStacker is an application for Electronically Assisted Astronomy (EAA) that uses an external camera for imaging and performs live stacking. It runs on Android and in Linux environments (including Linux Subsystem for Windows).
- Beta, runs on Linux and Android.
- Platforms: Linux, PI and Android, Windows services for Linux are working as well
- Cameras:
- Supported:
- ToupTek and Meade (based on ToupTek)
- UVC Based like webcam, sv105
- DSLR/DSLM support using gphoto2
- Android Camera
- Watch directoy for files (universal integration with ekos, Linux only)
- Sim - simulation for development
- Linux Only:
- Indi CCD
- Indigo CCD
- Planned to be supported:
- SVBony - linux only (android SDK was not released yet by SVBony)
- QHY - linux and Android
- Supported:
- Featues:
- Live Stacking:
- Deep Space Objects
- Planetary
- Non-Tracking - point and observe
- Auto/Manual stretch
- Mount control via indi (both Android and Linux)
- Plate solving, synchronization with mount
- Gradient removal, satellite removal, hot pixel correction
- Calibration frames: darks, flats, dark-flats
- Live Stacking:
Install from Google Play or APK file directly from release page
Please refer to for use instructions
3rd party libraries needed:
- libtiff
- cppcms 2.0 beta
- OpenCV >= 3.2 core, imgproc, imgcodecs
- C++11 enabled compiler
- Per camera requirement:
- ASI ZWO SDK for ASI support
- ToupTek SDK for support of ToupTek, Meade cameras
- for UVC cameras libuvc and libusb
- for DSLR (under development) libgphoto2
- libraw for watch directory driver support of dng/raw files
- libcfitsio for watch directory driver support of raw/mono fits files and for indi or indigo cameras.
- For indigo cameras indigo development files (see below)
- For indi cameras indi development packages (see below)
- For mount support indi development packages.
Here the packages you can install on apt based distributions
apt-get install libgphoto2-dev git python3 cmake libuvc-dev libtiff-dev libpcre3-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev zlib1g-dev libraw-dev libopencv-dev libopencv-imgcodecs-dev libopencv-imgproc-dev build-essential libpcre3-dev zlib1g-dev libcfitsio-dev
For Indi support camera and mount:
- For installation refer to the official documentation, specifically
is required on apt based distributions - Additionally libnova-dev is required
For ingigo camera support
- Refer to this documentation and
package is required on apt based distributions
For installing CppCMS please refer to:, in the nutshell
git clone
cd cppcms
mkdir build
cd build
make install
Clone repo:
git clone --recurse-submodules
cd OpenLiveStacker and run
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
For 3rd part libraries or non-standard installations like SDK pass -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=/path/to/includes
and -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/libs
parameters to cmake. For example if you have your ASI SDK here /home/me/ASI_linux_mac_SDK_V1.28/
and you build on x86_64
architecture use following cmake command:
cmake -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=/home/me/ASI_linux_mac_SDK_V1.28/include -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/me/ASI_linux_mac_SDK_V1.28/lib/x64/ ..
For building for old Intel CPUs without SSE4 support add -DNO_SSE4=OFF
to cmake.
Start service:
./build/ols_cmd config.json
Important parameters in config.json:
- one of asi, uvc, sim or wdirlibdir
- path to directory with drivers, for example build
Open browser and go to
to open UI
For more details on using OpenLiveStacker on Linux refer to: