health-check is HTTP service health monitor. We'll notify you when your application health status changes.
npm install @arunwij/health-check
const { HealthCheck, intervals } = require('@arunwij/health-check');
// specify service details
// name - service name
// url - service url
// interval - monitoring interval
// recipients - alert email recipients
const serviceConfigs = [
name: "My Service 1",
url: "",
interval: intervals["every-5-seconds"],
recipients: ["", ""]
name: "My Service 2",
url: "http://localhost:3000",
interval: intervals["every-5-seconds"],
recipients: [""]
// specify email server configs
const emailConfig = {
from: "",
host: "smtp-host-url",
port: "smtp-port",
auth: {
user: "username",
pass: "password"
const healthCheck = new HealthCheck(serviceConfigs, emailConfig);
This feature sends periodic emails for recipients to make sure the health check service is running without issue.
const periodicStatusAlertConfig = {
interval: intervals["once-a-day"],
recipients: [""],
environment: "My Server Production"