Well today is your lucky day buddy. Us folks at http://www.getbrandid.com/ are sharing the script we use to automatically create a dev db from a prod db, including all the tweaks you need to set things up PROPERLY.
- Download your prod.sql to the folder above this file
e.g. if your magento root is /var/www/magento, then put it in /var/www/prod.sql
- clone this repo in the same dir
git clone git@github.com:arush/mage-db import
- change your URLs, mailchimp API keys and choose which modules you want to modify in:
- change your db name in these two:
- change your magento root path in:
- Now you're ready to rock and roll, so cd into the repo dir
cd magento-db-import #or whatever
- execute the script
It will ask you your myqsql password three times, and in a few seconds, you'll be able to visit your dev site with a brand new db.
- disables cache
- hides site from robots (noindex,nofollow)
- changes Magento URLs
- changes Magento cookie domain
- changes all customer emails so you don't accidentally email them
- changes order increment ID so simpler payment gateways don't get confused dealing with the same order IDs as your live site
- changes magento newsletter subscriber emails
- turns Google Analytics and lots of other analytics services off (kissmetrics, mixpanel, chartbeat)
- turns Olark Livechat off
- changes Mailchimp API keys
- changes Sweettooth rewardsref personal url
- turns Onepica ImageCDN off
- automate the password steps, so you don't have to enter mysql password 3 times
- prompt the user for dbname, url and magento root so you don't have to edit the files