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Collection of leetcode company tag problems. Periodically updating.

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The questions in the pdfs inside folder are sorted by frequency of appearance. For locked premium questions, please search the problems in lintcode website which are available for free.

This repo is a collection of coding problems from leetcode premium.

The PDFs have leetcode companies tagged. Those problems are good practice to be familar with company's mostly asked problems.

Leetcode Company Tag

The collection of each company's tagged questions on Leetcode.

Table of Company



# Title Acceptance
1007 Minimum Domino Rotations For Equal Row 50.90%
929 Unique Email Addresses 68.20%
975 Odd Even Jump 44.60%
904 Fruit Into Baskets 41.90%
947 Most Stones Removed with Same Row or Column 54.90%
410 Split Array Largest Sum 43.40%
843 Guess the Word 45.30%
482 License Key Formatting 42.20%
1 Two Sum 44.80%
222 Count Complete Tree Nodes 39.00%
844 Backspace String Compare 46.80%
399 Evaluate Division 49.30%
753 Cracking the Safe 48.90%
489 Robot Room Cleaner 67.10%
777 Swap Adjacent in LR String 34.20%
809 Expressive Words 45.70%
939 Minimum Area Rectangle 51.70%
1057 Campus Bikes 58.30%
527 Word Abbreviation 52.10%
158 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times 29.40%
308 Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable 33.60%
913 Cat and Mouse 30.00%
299 Bulls and Cows 40.90%
837 New 21 Game 33.20%
253 Meeting Rooms II 44.10%
642 Design Search Autocomplete System 41.30%
833 Find And Replace in String 48.40%
731 My Calendar II 46.90%
359 Logger Rate Limiter 67.60%
315 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self 40.00%
1055 Shortest Way to Form String 57.40%
727 Minimum Window Subsequence 39.60%
679 24 Game 44.30%
465 Optimal Account Balancing 44.90%
1170 Compare Strings by Frequency of the Smallest Character 58.30%
163 Missing Ranges 23.60%
943 Find the Shortest Superstring 41.00%
247 Strobogrammatic Number II 45.90%
552 Student Attendance Record II 34.60%
818 Race Car 37.20%
900 RLE Iterator 51.90%
1096 Brace Expansion II 60.90%
205 Isomorphic Strings 38.60%
246 Strobogrammatic Number 43.50%
394 Decode String 47.20%
774 Minimize Max Distance to Gas Station 44.20%
770 Basic Calculator IV 46.30%
271 Encode and Decode Strings 29.00%
616 Add Bold Tag in String 40.50%
524 Longest Word in Dictionary through Deleting 47.20%
736 Parse Lisp Expression 45.70%
1011 Capacity To Ship Packages Within D Days 55.80%
659 Split Array into Consecutive Subsequences 42.30%
963 Minimum Area Rectangle II 48.10%
329 Longest Increasing Path in a Matrix 41.50%
849 Maximize Distance to Closest Person 41.80%
1088 Confusing Number II 39.40%
951 Flip Equivalent Binary Trees 65.20%
363 Max Sum of Rectangle No Larger Than K 35.90%
846 Hand of Straights 50.70%
801 Minimum Swaps To Make Sequences Increasing 36.90%
56 Merge Intervals 37.30%
981 Time Based Key-Value Store 51.90%
288 Unique Word Abbreviation 20.90%
857 Minimum Cost to Hire K Workers 48.80%
743 Network Delay Time 44.80%
788 Rotated Digits 55.80%
681 Next Closest Time 43.50%
734 Sentence Similarity 41.30%
354 Russian Doll Envelopes 34.70%
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays 27.80%
200 Number of Islands 43.80%
1153 String Transforms Into Another String 33.80%
42 Trapping Rain Water 45.80%
803 Bricks Falling When Hit 29.50%
248 Strobogrammatic Number III 38.00%
1110 Delete Nodes And Return Forest 64.60%
767 Reorganize String 45.10%
2 Add Two Numbers 32.30%
57 Insert Interval 32.20%
528 Random Pick with Weight 43.30%
1066 Campus Bikes II 53.00%
702 Search in a Sorted Array of Unknown Size 62.80%
353 Design Snake Game 32.20%
471 Encode String with Shortest Length 45.90%
1032 Stream of Characters 45.50%
562 Longest Line of Consecutive One in Matrix 44.70%
729 My Calendar I 49.30%
686 Repeated String Match 31.90%
708 Insert into a Sorted Circular Linked List 31.10%
685 Redundant Connection II 31.70%
317 Shortest Distance from All Buildings 39.60%
855 Exam Room 40.50%
722 Remove Comments 32.50%
346 Moving Average from Data Stream 68.20%
640 Solve the Equation 41.00%
853 Car Fleet 41.50%
457 Circular Array Loop 28.20%
591 Tag Validator 33.40%
34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array 34.60%
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) 42.20%
497 Random Point in Non-overlapping Rectangles 36.90%
660 Remove 9 53.00%
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) 44.50%
850 Rectangle Area II 46.20%
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 31.70%
551 Student Attendance Record I 46.20%
737 Sentence Similarity II 44.60%
430 Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List 46.20%
221 Maximal Square 34.70%
304 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable 35.20%
792 Number of Matching Subsequences 45.70%
772 Basic Calculator III 41.00%
135 Candy 29.80%
360 Sort Transformed Array 47.50%
911 Online Election 48.70%
852 Peak Index in a Mountain Array 70.50%
31 Next Permutation 31.40%
146 LRU Cache 28.60%
889 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal 62.90%
68 Text Justification 25.00%
1087 Brace Expansion 60.90%
76 Minimum Window Substring 32.60%
159 Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters 48.30%
157 Read N Characters Given Read4 31.50%
941 Valid Mountain Array 35.30%
688 Knight Probability in Chessboard 46.40%
298 Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence 45.40%
334 Increasing Triplet Subsequence 39.70%
280 Wiggle Sort 62.10%
340 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters 41.80%
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 29.20%
85 Maximal Rectangle 35.20%
742 Closest Leaf in a Binary Tree 41.40%
23 Merge k Sorted Lists 37.10%
1231 Divide Chocolate 50.60%
973 K Closest Points to Origin 61.40%
210 Course Schedule II 37.20%
710 Random Pick with Blacklist 32.40%
132 Palindrome Partitioning II 28.70%
55 Jump Game 32.90%
683 K Empty Slots 34.90%
484 Find Permutation 59.10%
982 Triples with Bitwise AND Equal To Zero 54.90%
1168 Optimize Water Distribution in a Village 57.80%
766 Toeplitz Matrix 62.90%
218 The Skyline Problem 32.90%
723 Candy Crush 66.00%
979 Distribute Coins in Binary Tree 68.00%
475 Heaters 32.50%
1145 Binary Tree Coloring Game 49.30%
379 Design Phone Directory 44.50%
835 Image Overlap 54.70%
332 Reconstruct Itinerary 33.30%
53 Maximum Subarray 45.10%
1074 Number of Submatrices That Sum to Target 59.60%
776 Split BST 53.70%
150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 34.00%
187 Repeated DNA Sequences 37.30%
433 Minimum Genetic Mutation 39.70%
894 All Possible Full Binary Trees 72.40%
1219 Path with Maximum Gold 61.80%
684 Redundant Connection 54.40%
444 Sequence Reconstruction 21.10%
43 Multiply Strings 32.10%
149 Max Points on a Line 16.30%
799 Champagne Tower 34.80%
295 Find Median from Data Stream 39.90%
284 Peeking Iterator 42.50%
285 Inorder Successor in BST 37.20%
351 Android Unlock Patterns 47.10%
398 Random Pick Index 52.10%
817 Linked List Components 55.90%
302 Smallest Rectangle Enclosing Black Pixels 50.30%
920 Number of Music Playlists 44.80%
310 Minimum Height Trees 31.10%
375 Guess Number Higher or Lower II 39.00%
239 Sliding Window Maximum 40.10%
726 Number of Atoms 46.30%
155 Min Stack 39.80%
632 Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists 49.90%
771 Jewels and Stones 84.10%
739 Daily Temperatures 61.30%
44 Wildcard Matching 23.70%
358 Rearrange String k Distance Apart 33.90%
386 Lexicographical Numbers 48.60%
773 Sliding Puzzle 55.50%
224 Basic Calculator 34.70%
212 Word Search II 31.00%
480 Sliding Window Median 34.60%
1146 Snapshot Array 34.50%
87 Scramble String 32.50%
241 Different Ways to Add Parentheses 52.40%
568 Maximum Vacation Days 39.00%
895 Maximum Frequency Stack 58.80%
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator 51.80%
250 Count Univalue Subtrees 50.60%
558 Quad Tree Intersection 42.70%
924 Minimize Malware Spread 41.10%
1056 Confusing Number 50.70%
366 Find Leaves of Binary Tree 68.30%


# Title Acceptance
621 Task Scheduler 47.00%
56 Merge Intervals 37.30%
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II 49.70%
15 3Sum 25.30%
10 Regular Expression Matching 25.90%
674 Longest Continuous Increasing Subsequence 45.10%
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 48.80%
314 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal 42.60%
69 Sqrt(x) 32.50%
257 Binary Tree Paths 48.10%
51 N-Queens 42.50%
42 Trapping Rain Water 45.80%
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator 51.80%
151 Reverse Words in a String 18.60%
43 Multiply Strings 32.10%
38 Count and Say 42.30%
273 Integer to English Words 25.40%
91 Decode Ways 23.20%
138 Copy List with Random Pointer 30.60%
283 Move Zeroes 55.70%
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree 41.10%
253 Meeting Rooms II 44.10%
449 Serialize and Deserialize BST 49.60%
133 Clone Graph 30.00%
49 Group Anagrams 50.90%
31 Next Permutation 31.40%
339 Nested List Weight Sum 70.70%
29 Divide Two Integers 16.20%
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List 45.20%
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses 41.00%
1 Two Sum 44.80%
98 Validate Binary Search Tree 26.70%
88 Merge Sorted Array 37.50%
242 Valid Anagram 54.30%
642 Design Search Autocomplete System 41.30%
139 Word Break 37.40%
560 Subarray Sum Equals K 43.20%
212 Word Search II 31.00%
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree 43.90%
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 51.10%
325 Maximum Size Subarray Sum Equals k 45.80%
378 Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix 51.40%
348 Design Tic-Tac-Toe 51.80%
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays 27.80%
278 First Bad Version 32.10%
76 Minimum Window Substring 32.60%
65 Valid Number 14.50%
32 Longest Valid Parentheses 26.80%
8 String to Integer (atoi) 14.90%
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array 51.00%
772 Basic Calculator III 41.00%
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 43.90%
567 Permutation in String 39.60%
5 Longest Palindromic Substring 28.40%
636 Exclusive Time of Functions 50.20%
349 Intersection of Two Arrays 58.00%
295 Find Median from Data Stream 39.90%
13 Roman to Integer 53.80%
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) 44.50%
277 Find the Celebrity 39.10%
282 Expression Add Operators 34.20%
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 53.70%
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator 50.30%
285 Inorder Successor in BST 37.20%
44 Wildcard Matching 23.70%
20 Valid Parentheses 37.60%
270 Closest Binary Search Tree Value 45.40%
57 Insert Interval 32.20%
67 Add Binary 41.40%
680 Valid Palindrome II 35.40%
200 Number of Islands 43.80%
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 29.20%
146 LRU Cache 28.60%
158 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times 29.40%
125 Valid Palindrome 33.20%
157 Read N Characters Given Read4 31.50%
127 Word Ladder 26.50%
211 Add and Search Word - Data structure design 32.90%
34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array 34.60%
477 Total Hamming Distance 50.00%
111 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree 36.20%
23 Merge k Sorted Lists 37.10%
37 Sudoku Solver 39.70%
336 Palindrome Pairs 32.30%
249 Group Shifted Strings 50.60%
694 Number of Distinct Islands 53.20%
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 31.70%
543 Diameter of Binary Tree 47.80%
22 Generate Parentheses 58.30%
468 Validate IP Address 21.90%
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal 44.40%
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree 47.10%
206 Reverse Linked List 58.10%
438 Find All Anagrams in a String 39.40%
317 Shortest Distance from All Buildings 39.60%
9 Palindrome Number 45.70%
252 Meeting Rooms 53.40%
126 Word Ladder II 19.70%
304 Range Sum Query 2D - Immutable 35.20%
247 Strobogrammatic Number II 45.90%
209 Minimum Size Subarray Sum 36.00%
143 Reorder List 33.30%
399 Evaluate Division 49.30%
647 Palindromic Substrings 58.50%
11 Container With Most Water 47.80%
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence 43.20%
227 Basic Calculator II 35.20%
145 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal 51.20%
2 Add Two Numbers 32.30%
785 Is Graph Bipartite? 45.40%
50 Pow(x, n) 28.80%
825 Friends Of Appropriate Ages 40.30%
53 Maximum Subarray 45.10%
381 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) - Duplicates allowed 33.00%
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists 50.10%
238 Product of Array Except Self 57.50%
387 First Unique Character in a String 51.00%
81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II 32.80%
408 Valid Word Abbreviation 30.00%
688 Knight Probability in Chessboard 46.40%
494 Target Sum 46.00%
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 44.20%
239 Sliding Window Maximum 40.10%
162 Find Peak Element 42.20%
241 Different Ways to Add Parentheses 52.40%
437 Path Sum III 44.30%
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 59.60%
113 Path Sum II 43.20%
110 Balanced Binary Tree 42.10%
75 Sort Colors 43.90%
129 Sum Root to Leaf Numbers 44.60%
46 Permutations 58.70%
445 Add Two Numbers II 52.00%
691 Stickers to Spell Word 40.50%
246 Strobogrammatic Number 43.50%
721 Accounts Merge 44.10%
28 Implement strStr() 33.30%
347 Top K Frequent Elements 57.60%
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array 33.40%
286 Walls and Gates 51.40%
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) 42.20%
78 Subsets 56.40%
14 Longest Common Prefix 34.40%
79 Word Search 33.00%
269 Alien Dictionary 33.30%
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence 41.70%
678 Valid Parenthesis String 33.50%
19 Remove Nth Node From End of List 34.60%
74 Search a 2D Matrix 35.50%
210 Course Schedule II 37.20%
230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST 54.50%
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 42.60%
224 Basic Calculator 34.70%
218 The Skyline Problem 32.90%
415 Add Strings 45.30%
689 Maximum Sum of 3 Non-Overlapping Subarrays 44.80%
73 Set Matrix Zeroes 41.40%
670 Maximum Swap 41.20%
39 Combination Sum 51.90%
140 Word Break II 28.90%
36 Valid Sudoku 45.70%
68 Text Justification 25.00%
112 Path Sum 39.20%
791 Custom Sort String 63.80%
311 Sparse Matrix Multiplication 58.40%
549 Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence II 45.60%
496 Next Greater Element I 61.30%
47 Permutations II 43.20%
435 Non-overlapping Intervals 41.90%
498 Diagonal Traverse 46.40%
12 Integer to Roman 52.80%
505 The Maze II 45.80%
523 Continuous Subarray Sum 24.40%
7 Reverse Integer 25.60%
340 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters 41.80%
161 One Edit Distance 32.10%
159 Longest Substring with At Most Two Distinct Characters 48.30%
692 Top K Frequent Words 48.00%
207 Course Schedule 40.00%
463 Island Perimeter 62.20%
824 Goat Latin 59.80%
266 Palindrome Permutation 60.80%
398 Random Pick Index 52.10%
597 Friend Requests I: Overall Acceptance Rate 40.50%
443 String Compression 39.00%
844 Backspace String Compare 46.80%
490 The Maze 49.40%
393 UTF-8 Validation 36.60%
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 63.00%
332 Reconstruct Itinerary 33.30%
24 Swap Nodes in Pairs 47.30%
199 Binary Tree Right Side View 50.50%
394 Decode String 47.20%
419 Battleships in a Board 67.20%
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array 43.90%
426 Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List 55.70%
489 Robot Room Cleaner 67.10%
767 Reorganize String 45.10%
298 Binary Tree Longest Consecutive Sequence 45.40%
308 Range Sum Query 2D - Mutable 33.60%


# Title Acceptance
146 LRU Cache 28.60%
151 Reverse Words in a String 18.60%
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 44.20%
138 Copy List with Random Pointer 30.60%
165 Compare Version Numbers 25.30%
1 Two Sum 44.80%
54 Spiral Matrix 32.10%
42 Trapping Rain Water 45.80%
445 Add Two Numbers II 52.00%
5 Longest Palindromic Substring 28.40%
348 Design Tic-Tac-Toe 51.80%
428 Serialize and Deserialize N-ary Tree 56.40%
88 Merge Sorted Array 37.50%
200 Number of Islands 43.80%
794 Valid Tic-Tac-Toe State 31.60%
253 Meeting Rooms II 44.10%
53 Maximum Subarray 45.10%
443 String Compression 39.00%
22 Generate Parentheses 58.30%
402 Remove K Digits 27.20%
557 Reverse Words in a String III 66.40%
186 Reverse Words in a String II 40.30%
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree 43.90%
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree 41.10%
240 Search a 2D Matrix II 42.00%
206 Reverse Linked List 58.10%
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array 33.40%
2 Add Two Numbers 32.30%
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal 44.40%
805 Split Array With Same Average 25.50%
285 Inorder Successor in BST 37.20%
23 Merge k Sorted Lists 37.10%
273 Integer to English Words 25.40%
44 Wildcard Matching 23.70%
535 Encode and Decode TinyURL 78.20%
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists 50.10%
218 The Skyline Problem 32.90%
10 Regular Expression Matching 25.90%
98 Validate Binary Search Tree 26.70%
8 String to Integer (atoi) 14.90%
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group 38.70%
79 Word Search 33.00%
75 Sort Colors 43.90%
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 29.20%
679 24 Game 44.30%
232 Implement Queue using Stacks 45.90%
36 Valid Sudoku 45.70%
93 Restore IP Addresses 33.00%
20 Valid Parentheses 37.60%
470 Implement Rand10() Using Rand7() 45.50%
224 Basic Calculator 34.70%
155 Min Stack 39.80%
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 48.80%
706 Design HashMap 58.00%
688 Knight Probability in Chessboard 46.40%
269 Alien Dictionary 33.30%
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 43.90%
48 Rotate Image 51.90%
295 Find Median from Data Stream 39.90%
72 Edit Distance 40.30%
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List 45.20%
234 Palindrome Linked List 37.40%
322 Coin Change 32.60%
347 Top K Frequent Elements 57.60%
37 Sudoku Solver 39.70%
239 Sliding Window Maximum 40.10%
68 Text Justification 25.00%
13 Roman to Integer 53.80%
935 Knight Dialer 42.90%
362 Design Hit Counter 61.20%
612 Shortest Distance in a Plane 56.50%
238 Product of Array Except Self 57.50%
225 Implement Stack using Queues 41.70%
143 Reorder List 33.30%
450 Delete Node in a BST 41.10%
15 3Sum 25.30%
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays 27.80%
39 Combination Sum 51.90%
431 Encode N-ary Tree to Binary Tree 67.40%
407 Trapping Rain Water II 40.30%
134 Gas Station 35.70%
636 Exclusive Time of Functions 50.20%
528 Random Pick with Weight 43.30%
46 Permutations 58.70%
73 Set Matrix Zeroes 41.40%
30 Substring with Concatenation of All Words 24.40%
277 Find the Celebrity 39.10%
449 Serialize and Deserialize BST 49.60%
1185 Day of the Week 64.20%
836 Rectangle Overlap 47.80%
328 Odd Even Linked List 51.10%
31 Next Permutation 31.40%
94 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal 59.60%
333 Largest BST Subtree 34.30%
51 N-Queens 42.50%
99 Recover Binary Search Tree 36.50%
125 Valid Palindrome 33.20%
43 Multiply Strings 32.10%
419 Battleships in a Board 67.20%
74 Search a 2D Matrix 35.50%
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 51.10%
346 Moving Average from Data Stream 68.20%
24 Swap Nodes in Pairs 47.30%
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array 43.90%
516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence 49.40%
117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II 36.30%
227 Basic Calculator II 35.20%
917 Reverse Only Letters 56.60%
863 All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree 51.10%
560 Subarray Sum Equals K 43.20%
210 Course Schedule II 37.20%
204 Count Primes 30.20%
286 Walls and Gates 51.40%
92 Reverse Linked List II 36.60%
354 Russian Doll Envelopes 34.70%
116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node 40.40%
41 First Missing Positive 30.20%
768 Max Chunks To Make Sorted II 47.20%
287 Find the Duplicate Number 51.70%
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists 36.60%
139 Word Break 37.40%
49 Group Anagrams 50.90%
344 Reverse String 64.80%
317 Shortest Distance from All Buildings 39.60%
127 Word Ladder 26.50%
242 Valid Anagram 54.30%
123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 35.40%
289 Game of Life 49.50%
642 Design Search Autocomplete System 41.30%
110 Balanced Binary Tree 42.10%
979 Distribute Coins in Binary Tree 68.00%
150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 34.00%
141 Linked List Cycle 38.80%
969 Pancake Sorting 63.40%
632 Smallest Range Covering Elements from K Lists 49.90%
56 Merge Intervals 37.30%
162 Find Peak Element 42.20%
729 My Calendar I 49.30%
722 Remove Comments 32.50%
545 Boundary of Binary Tree 37.00%
76 Minimum Window Substring 32.60%
417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow 38.80%
529 Minesweeper 55.60%
676 Implement Magic Dictionary 52.60%
958 Check Completeness of a Binary Tree 50.50%
168 Excel Sheet Column Title 29.90%
572 Subtree of Another Tree 43.00%
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree 47.10%
510 Inorder Successor in BST II 55.80%
189 Rotate Array 32.20%
71 Simplify Path 30.30%
83 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List 43.80%
493 Reverse Pairs 24.00%
397 Integer Replacement 32.10%
212 Word Search II 31.00%
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence 41.70%
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) 42.20%
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator 51.80%
142 Linked List Cycle II 34.30%
784 Letter Case Permutation 60.30%
721 Accounts Merge 44.10%
724 Find Pivot Index 42.30%
378 Kth Smallest Element in a Sorted Matrix 51.40%
416 Partition Equal Subset Sum 41.90%
540 Single Element in a Sorted Array 57.60%
316 Remove Duplicate Letters 33.80%
171 Excel Sheet Column Number 52.80%
61 Rotate List 28.40%
406 Queue Reconstruction by Height 61.70%
158 Read N Characters Given Read4 II - Call multiple times 29.40%
692 Top K Frequent Words 48.00%
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) 44.50%
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 42.60%
28 Implement strStr() 33.30%
78 Subsets 56.40%
97 Interleaving String 29.50%
229 Majority Element II 33.60%
694 Number of Distinct Islands 53.20%
611 Valid Triangle Number 46.80%
383 Ransom Note 51.00%
647 Palindromic Substrings 58.50%
622 Design Circular Queue 41.40%
283 Move Zeroes 55.70%
490 The Maze 49.40%
575 Distribute Candies 60.30%
1239 Maximum Length of a Concatenated String with Unique Characters 41.90%
739 Daily Temperatures 61.30%
40 Combination Sum II 44.50%
426 Convert Binary Search Tree to Sorted Doubly Linked List 55.70%
135 Candy 29.80%
85 Maximal Rectangle 35.20%
415 Add Strings 45.30%
670 Maximum Swap 41.20%
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array 51.00%
468 Validate IP Address 21.90%
268 Missing Number 49.60%
518 Coin Change 2 45.10%
214 Shortest Palindrome 28.50%
384 Shuffle an Array 51.30%
63 Unique Paths II 33.80%


# Title Acceptance
1 Two Sum 44.80%
146 LRU Cache 28.60%
200 Number of Islands 43.80%
937 Reorder Data in Log Files 53.90%
973 K Closest Points to Origin 61.40%
5 Longest Palindromic Substring 28.40%
138 Copy List with Random Pointer 30.60%
1192 Critical Connections in a Network 48.50%
819 Most Common Word 43.20%
20 Valid Parentheses 37.60%
42 Trapping Rain Water 45.80%
23 Merge k Sorted Lists 37.10%
2 Add Two Numbers 32.30%
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree 43.90%
127 Word Ladder 26.50%
295 Find Median from Data Stream 39.90%
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists 50.10%
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 44.20%
48 Rotate Image 51.90%
763 Partition Labels 73.00%
273 Integer to English Words 25.40%
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree 41.10%
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 48.80%
126 Word Ladder II 19.70%
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 43.90%
140 Word Break II 28.90%
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 29.20%
675 Cut Off Trees for Golf Event 32.90%
165 Compare Version Numbers 25.30%
572 Subtree of Another Tree 43.00%
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays 27.80%
155 Min Stack 39.80%
239 Sliding Window Maximum 40.10%
212 Word Search II 31.00%
139 Word Break 37.40%
240 Search a 2D Matrix II 42.00%
269 Alien Dictionary 33.30%
957 Prison Cells After N Days 38.40%
238 Product of Array Except Self 57.50%
12 Integer to Roman 52.80%
588 Design In-Memory File System 42.40%
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array 33.40%
253 Meeting Rooms II 44.10%
347 Top K Frequent Elements 57.60%
15 3Sum 25.30%
348 Design Tic-Tac-Toe 51.80%
56 Merge Intervals 37.30%
206 Reverse Linked List 58.10%
642 Design Search Autocomplete System 41.30%
49 Group Anagrams 50.90%
53 Maximum Subarray 45.10%
45 Jump Game II 29.20%
79 Word Search 33.00%
76 Minimum Window Substring 32.60%
387 First Unique Character in a String 51.00%
438 Find All Anagrams in a String 39.40%
472 Concatenated Words 38.70%
54 Spiral Matrix 32.10%
98 Validate Binary Search Tree 26.70%
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 31.70%
11 Container With Most Water 47.80%
460 LFU Cache 31.30%
207 Course Schedule 40.00%
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) 44.50%
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array 51.00%
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree 47.10%
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator 50.30%
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal 44.40%
314 Binary Tree Vertical Order Traversal 42.60%
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 51.10%
13 Roman to Integer 53.80%
909 Snakes and Ladders 36.50%
116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node 40.40%
208 Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) 42.20%
505 The Maze II 45.80%
117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II 36.30%
218 The Skyline Problem 32.90%
545 Boundary of Binary Tree 37.00%
149 Max Points on a Line 16.30%
210 Course Schedule II 37.20%
25 Reverse Nodes in k-Group 38.70%
322 Coin Change 32.60%
50 Pow(x, n) 28.80%
84 Largest Rectangle in Histogram 32.80%
490 The Maze 49.40%
277 Find the Celebrity 39.10%
93 Restore IP Addresses 33.00%
695 Max Area of Island 59.60%
692 Top K Frequent Words 48.00%
733 Flood Fill 52.40%
994 Rotting Oranges 46.40%
362 Design Hit Counter 61.20%
224 Basic Calculator 34.70%
22 Generate Parentheses 58.30%
281 Zigzag Iterator 57.10%
234 Palindrome Linked List 37.40%
8 String to Integer (atoi) 14.90%
289 Game of Life 49.50%
711 Number of Distinct Islands II 48.00%
449 Serialize and Deserialize BST 49.60%
62 Unique Paths 50.20%
133 Clone Graph 30.00%
78 Subsets 56.40%
1000 Minimum Cost to Merge Stones 37.00%
101 Symmetric Tree 45.00%
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists 36.60%
694 Number of Distinct Islands 53.20%
55 Jump Game 32.90%
863 All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree 51.10%
284 Peeking Iterator 42.50%
417 Pacific Atlantic Water Flow 38.80%
384 Shuffle an Array 51.30%
543 Diameter of Binary Tree 47.80%
72 Edit Distance 40.30%
535 Encode and Decode TinyURL 78.20%
167 Two Sum II - Input array is sorted 51.90%
99 Recover Binary Search Tree 36.50%
682 Baseball Game 61.90%
134 Gas Station 35.70%
153 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array 43.90%
91 Decode Ways 23.20%
151 Reverse Words in a String 18.60%
88 Merge Sorted Array 37.50%
74 Search a 2D Matrix 35.50%
228 Summary Ranges 37.40%
445 Add Two Numbers II 52.00%
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator 51.80%
141 Linked List Cycle 38.80%
31 Next Permutation 31.40%
150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 34.00%
199 Binary Tree Right Side View 50.50%
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 53.70%
631 Design Excel Sum Formula 30.30%
64 Minimum Path Sum 49.60%
653 Two Sum IV - Input is a BST 53.80%
221 Maximal Square 34.70%
96 Unique Binary Search Trees 48.70%
252 Meeting Rooms 53.40%
32 Longest Valid Parentheses 26.80%
10 Regular Expression Matching 25.90%
123 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III 35.40%
317 Shortest Distance from All Buildings 39.60%
227 Basic Calculator II 35.20%
71 Simplify Path 30.30%
983 Minimum Cost For Tickets 57.90%
70 Climbing Stairs 45.60%
703 Kth Largest Element in a Stream 47.50%
285 Inorder Successor in BST 37.20%
143 Reorder List 33.30%
270 Closest Binary Search Tree Value 45.40%
59 Spiral Matrix II 50.00%
261 Graph Valid Tree 40.80%
135 Candy 29.80%
120 Triangle 41.50%
179 Largest Number 26.90%
336 Palindrome Pairs 32.30%
560 Subarray Sum Equals K 43.20%
57 Insert Interval 32.20%
323 Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph 53.40%
169 Majority Element 54.90%
373 Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums 34.90%
185 Department Top Three Salaries 29.70%
340 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters 41.80%
895 Maximum Frequency Stack 58.80%
152 Maximum Product Subarray 30.40%
394 Decode String 47.20%
24 Swap Nodes in Pairs 47.30%
232 Implement Queue using Stacks 45.90%
268 Missing Number 49.60%
866 Prime Palindrome 21.80%
315 Count of Smaller Numbers After Self 40.00%
759 Employee Free Time 63.40%
113 Path Sum II 43.20%
346 Moving Average from Data Stream 68.20%
353 Design Snake Game 32.20%
652 Find Duplicate Subtrees 47.80%
46 Permutations 58.70%
39 Combination Sum 51.90%
538 Convert BST to Greater Tree 52.90%
106 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal 42.00%
300 Longest Increasing Subsequence 41.70%
75 Sort Colors 43.90%
36 Valid Sudoku 45.70%
787 Cheapest Flights Within K Stops 36.70%
68 Text Justification 25.00%
529 Minesweeper 55.60%
136 Single Number 62.10%
28 Implement strStr() 33.30%
188 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock IV 27.10%
97 Interleaving String 29.50%
73 Set Matrix Zeroes 41.40%
772 Basic Calculator III 41.00%
678 Valid Parenthesis String 33.50%
286 Walls and Gates 51.40%
92 Reverse Linked List II 36.60%
333 Largest BST Subtree 34.30%
503 Next Greater Element II 52.90%
516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence 49.40%
564 Find the Closest Palindrome 19.20%


# Title Acceptance
427 Construct Quad Tree 59.30%
529 Minesweeper 55.60%
332 Reconstruct Itinerary 33.30%
741 Cherry Pickup 32.50%
668 Kth Smallest Number in Multiplication Table 43.70%
773 Sliding Puzzle 55.50%
986 Interval List Intersections 64.60%
291 Word Pattern II 42.30%
227 Basic Calculator II 35.20%
267 Palindrome Permutation II 34.80%
465 Optimal Account Balancing 44.90%
655 Print Binary Tree 53.00%
528 Random Pick with Weight 43.30%
166 Fraction to Recurring Decimal 20.40%
365 Water and Jug Problem 29.70%
567 Permutation in String 39.60%
977 Squares of a Sorted Array 71.90%
253 Meeting Rooms II 44.10%
855 Exam Room 40.50%
224 Basic Calculator 34.70%
36 Valid Sudoku 45.70%
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses 41.00%
317 Shortest Distance from All Buildings 39.60%
837 New 21 Game 33.20%
361 Bomb Enemy 44.60%
34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array 34.60%
863 All Nodes Distance K in Binary Tree 51.10%
772 Basic Calculator III 41.00%
221 Maximal Square 34.70%
56 Merge Intervals 37.30%
32 Longest Valid Parentheses 26.80%
340 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters 41.80%
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree 43.90%
780 Reaching Points 28.40%
76 Minimum Window Substring 32.60%
486 Predict the Winner 47.20%
740 Delete and Earn 47.40%
146 LRU Cache 28.60%
305 Number of Islands II 40.80%
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence 43.20%
759 Employee Free Time 63.40%
359 Logger Rate Limiter 67.60%
210 Course Schedule II 37.20%
262 Trips and Users 27.90%
49 Group Anagrams 50.90%
207 Course Schedule 40.00%
671 Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree 43.10%
20 Valid Parentheses 37.60%
658 Find K Closest Elements 39.20%
200 Number of Islands 43.80%
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator 50.30%
68 Text Justification 25.00%
286 Walls and Gates 51.40%
218 The Skyline Problem 32.90%
140 Word Break II 28.90%
118 Pascal's Triangle 48.90%
1091 Shortest Path in Binary Matrix 36.50%
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 29.20%
4 Median of Two Sorted Arrays 27.80%
791 Custom Sort String 63.80%
127 Word Ladder 26.50%
212 Word Search II 31.00%
149 Max Points on a Line 16.30%
295 Find Median from Data Stream 39.90%
399 Evaluate Division 49.30%
79 Word Search 33.00%
449 Serialize and Deserialize BST 49.60%
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator 51.80%
347 Top K Frequent Elements 57.60%
239 Sliding Window Maximum 40.10%
162 Find Peak Element 42.20%
1 Two Sum 44.80%
346 Moving Average from Data Stream 68.20%
85 Maximal Rectangle 35.20%
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) 44.50%
131 Palindrome Partitioning 43.60%
518 Coin Change 2 45.10%
706 Design HashMap 58.00%
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 43.90%
10 Regular Expression Matching 25.90%
348 Design Tic-Tac-Toe 51.80%
42 Trapping Rain Water 45.80%
130 Surrounded Regions 24.60%
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 48.80%
31 Next Permutation 31.40%
230 Kth Smallest Element in a BST 54.50%
547 Friend Circles 56.00%
269 Alien Dictionary 33.30%
279 Perfect Squares 43.50%
560 Subarray Sum Equals K 43.20%
62 Unique Paths 50.20%
91 Decode Ways 23.20%
739 Daily Temperatures 61.30%
40 Combination Sum II 44.50%
198 House Robber 41.50%
122 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II 53.70%
45 Jump Game II 29.20%
23 Merge k Sorted Lists 37.10%
101 Symmetric Tree 45.00%
692 Top K Frequent Words 48.00%
54 Spiral Matrix 32.10%
152 Maximum Product Subarray 30.40%
55 Jump Game 32.90%
2 Add Two Numbers 32.30%
24 Swap Nodes in Pairs 47.30%
5 Longest Palindromic Substring 28.40%
973 K Closest Points to Origin 61.40%
22 Generate Parentheses 58.30%
139 Word Break 37.40%
283 Move Zeroes 55.70%
344 Reverse String 64.80%
70 Climbing Stairs 45.60%
26 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array 42.60%
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists 50.10%


# Title Acceptance
430 Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List 46.20%
723 Candy Crush 66.00%
1169 Invalid Transactions 28.80%
394 Decode String 47.20%
1029 Two City Scheduling 55.20%
146 LRU Cache 28.60%
797 All Paths From Source to Target 72.50%
390 Elimination Game 44.00%
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array 33.40%
200 Number of Islands 43.80%
611 Valid Triangle Number 46.80%
116 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node 40.40%
253 Meeting Rooms II 44.10%
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) 44.50%
1223 Dice Roll Simulation 42.40%
399 Evaluate Division 49.30%
2 Add Two Numbers 32.30%
582 Kill Process 58.10%
451 Sort Characters By Frequency 57.90%
117 Populating Next Right Pointers in Each Node II 36.30%
387 First Unique Character in a String 51.00%
1105 Filling Bookcase Shelves 57.00%
1 Two Sum 44.80%
328 Odd Even Linked List 51.10%
1047 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String 65.50%
978 Longest Turbulent Subarray 46.00%
139 Word Break 37.40%
155 Min Stack 39.80%
1060 Missing Element in Sorted Array 52.90%
445 Add Two Numbers II 52.00%
269 Alien Dictionary 33.30%
727 Minimum Window Subsequence 39.60%
1209 Remove All Adjacent Duplicates in String II 56.50%
987 Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree 33.60%
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator 51.80%
250 Count Univalue Subtrees 50.60%
652 Find Duplicate Subtrees 47.80%
98 Validate Binary Search Tree 26.70%
79 Word Search 33.00%
283 Move Zeroes 55.70%
662 Maximum Width of Binary Tree 39.60%
15 3Sum 25.30%
12 Integer to Roman 52.80%
138 Copy List with Random Pointer 30.60%
199 Binary Tree Right Side View 50.50%
22 Generate Parentheses 58.30%
140 Word Break II 28.90%
3 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters 29.20%
716 Max Stack 41.50%
993 Cousins in Binary Tree 51.90%
532 K-diff Pairs in an Array 30.60%
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 44.20%
295 Find Median from Data Stream 39.90%
97 Interleaving String 29.50%
114 Flatten Binary Tree to Linked List 45.20%
162 Find Peak Element 42.20%
46 Permutations 58.70%
692 Top K Frequent Words 48.00%
242 Valid Anagram 54.30%
88 Merge Sorted Array 37.50%
252 Meeting Rooms 53.40%
503 Next Greater Element II 52.90%
10 Regular Expression Matching 25.90%
1114 Print in Order 60.90%
81 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II 32.80%
8 String to Integer (atoi) 14.90%
42 Trapping Rain Water 45.80%
23 Merge k Sorted Lists 37.10%
301 Remove Invalid Parentheses 41.00%
31 Next Permutation 31.40%
332 Reconstruct Itinerary 33.30%
44 Wildcard Matching 23.70%
160 Intersection of Two Linked Lists 36.60%
21 Merge Two Sorted Lists 50.10%
437 Path Sum III 44.30%
695 Max Area of Island 59.60%
5 Longest Palindromic Substring 28.40%
72 Edit Distance 40.30%
232 Implement Queue using Stacks 45.90%
128 Longest Consecutive Sequence 43.20%
96 Unique Binary Search Trees 48.70%
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 51.10%
41 First Missing Positive 30.20%
16 3Sum Closest 45.70%
105 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal 44.40%
9 Palindrome Number 45.70%
50 Pow(x, n) 28.80%
39 Combination Sum 51.90%
75 Sort Colors 43.90%
76 Minimum Window Substring 32.60%
69 Sqrt(x) 32.50%
127 Word Ladder 26.50%
202 Happy Number 47.50%
543 Diameter of Binary Tree 47.80%
78 Subsets 56.40%
124 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum 31.70%
560 Subarray Sum Equals K 43.20%
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree 41.10%
20 Valid Parentheses 37.60%
322 Coin Change 32.60%
198 House Robber 41.50%
17 Letter Combinations of a Phone Number 43.90%
125 Valid Palindrome 33.20%
28 Implement strStr() 33.30%
56 Merge Intervals 37.30%
49 Group Anagrams 50.90%
136 Single Number 62.10%
344 Reverse String 64.80%
70 Climbing Stairs 45.60%
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 63.00%
121 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock 48.80%
53 Maximum Subarray 45.10%


# Title Acceptance
364 Nested List Weight Sum II 60.20%
244 Shortest Word Distance II 50.10%
432 All O'one Data Structure 30.90%
272 Closest Binary Search Tree Value II 47.70%
716 Max Stack 41.50%
366 Find Leaves of Binary Tree 68.30%
605 Can Place Flowers 31.50%
170 Two Sum III - Data structure design 32.10%
150 Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation 34.00%
243 Shortest Word Distance 59.10%
256 Paint House 50.60%
156 Binary Tree Upside Down 53.10%
254 Factor Combinations 45.50%
339 Nested List Weight Sum 70.70%
373 Find K Pairs with Smallest Sums 34.90%
76 Minimum Window Substring 32.60%
671 Second Minimum Node In a Binary Tree 43.10%
265 Paint House II 43.00%
235 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree 47.10%
53 Maximum Subarray 45.10%
636 Exclusive Time of Functions 50.20%
72 Edit Distance 40.30%
297 Serialize and Deserialize Binary Tree 43.90%
698 Partition to K Equal Sum Subsets 44.10%
152 Maximum Product Subarray 30.40%
611 Valid Triangle Number 46.80%
273 Integer to English Words 25.40%
149 Max Points on a Line 16.30%
57 Insert Interval 32.20%
65 Valid Number 14.50%
277 Find the Celebrity 39.10%
730 Count Different Palindromic Subsequences 40.30%
50 Pow(x, n) 28.80%
68 Text Justification 25.00%
380 Insert Delete GetRandom O(1) 44.50%
715 Range Module 37.10%
464 Can I Win 28.20%
261 Graph Valid Tree 40.80%
655 Print Binary Tree 53.00%
200 Number of Islands 43.80%
127 Word Ladder 26.50%
205 Isomorphic Strings 38.60%
516 Longest Palindromic Subsequence 49.40%
215 Kth Largest Element in an Array 51.00%
236 Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Tree 41.10%
1028 Recover a Tree From Preorder Traversal 69.30%
47 Permutations II 43.20%
744 Find Smallest Letter Greater Than Target 44.60%
56 Merge Intervals 37.30%
33 Search in Rotated Sorted Array 33.40%
367 Valid Perfect Square 40.60%
706 Design HashMap 58.00%
1117 Building H2O 48.90%
126 Word Ladder II 19.70%
46 Permutations 58.70%
460 LFU Cache 31.30%
1148 Article Views I 72.50%
341 Flatten Nested List Iterator 50.30%
528 Random Pick with Weight 43.30%
69 Sqrt(x) 32.50%
449 Serialize and Deserialize BST 49.60%
104 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree 63.00%
739 Daily Temperatures 61.30%
187 Repeated DNA Sequences 37.30%
1 Two Sum 44.80%
20 Valid Parentheses 37.60%
34 Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array 34.60%
61 Rotate List 28.40%
362 Design Hit Counter 61.20%
88 Merge Sorted Array 37.50%
349 Intersection of Two Arrays 58.00%
721 Accounts Merge 44.10%
987 Vertical Order Traversal of a Binary Tree 33.60%
12 Integer to Roman 52.80%
8 String to Integer (atoi) 14.90%
412 Fizz Buzz 60.50%
102 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal 51.10%
785 Is Graph Bipartite? 45.40%
39 Combination Sum 51.90%
40 Combination Sum II 44.50%
113 Path Sum II 43.20%
173 Binary Search Tree Iterator 51.80%
142 Linked List Cycle II 34.30%
146 LRU Cache 28.60%
13 Roman to Integer 53.80%
54 Spiral Matrix 32.10%
350 Intersection of Two Arrays II 49.70%
103 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal 44.20%
973 K Closest Points to Origin 61.40%
198 House Robber 41.50%
125 Valid Palindrome 33.20%
141 Linked List Cycle 38.80%
23 Merge k Sorted Lists 37.10%


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