You will have to build a system that receives messages from Telegram (third-party API) and sends it to all relevant users (collaboration) along with showing historic messages (database).
- Creating a bot on Telegram
- Creating a server and webhook to receive and extract data from telegram messages(only text as mentioned in the assignment)
- After extracting the text content once we receive the message we need to add it to a queue [Using Redis as the queue to store messages here]
- Broadcast the message to all active clients using web-sockets
- After that we need to setup the database to store all historic message
- Load previous messages when client connect to server and maintain a continuous connection between them using sockets to listen to new message and update UI accordingly
- config
- db.js
- redis.js
- constants
- index.js
- models
- Chat.js
- views
- index.ejs
- index.js [ root directory ]
For the best practices we maintain a MVC monolith architecture or microservice architecture of code but here since we have a single contoller and not multiple services, I have used a basic mvc architecture to keep it simple
Requirements | Build |
Create your own bot on telegram | Done |
Create a server which can recieve the telegram messages | Done |
The content of the message is extracted and sent to a queue | Done |
Adding content of queue to database | Done |
Broadcasting it to all active clients | Done |
When the client connects to the server load all previous messages | Done |
Connection is maintained to get continuous updates from every message | Done |
const init = async () => {
const res = await axios.get(`${TELEGRAM_API}/setWebhook?url=${WEBHOOK_URL}`);
io.on("connection", async (socket) => {
const chats = await Chat.find();
socket.emit("messageList", chats);
Function receives a new message from Telegram, adds it to the Redis queue, saves it to the MongoDB database, and broadcasts it to all the connected clients., async (req, res) => {
const message = req.body.message.text;
const firstName = req.body.message.from.first_name;
redisClient.on("connect", () => {
console.log("Redis client connected");
redisClient.lPush("chats", message, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log(`Message: ${message} added to queue. Result: ${result}`);
const chat = new Chat({
chat: message,
name: firstName,
io.emit("message", { name: firstName, chat: message });
res.send("Message added to queue.");
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project directory
cd workduck-backend
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the ngrok server
ngrok http 5000
Start the redis server [Assuming you have a redis server setup in local] and check status if it's running [Linux]
sudo systemctl status redis
Start the localhost server
npm run dev
As soon as you start move to localhost:5000 in your browser visit the bot named @Workduck_Aryan_Bot on Telegram click on start and start writing messages and you can see then broadcasting live on the server and working with multiple client devices at same time
Client: EJS Layouts to display the incoming broadcast messeges from server in UI Server: NodeJS, ExpressJS, MongoDB, Redis,
Lastly, thank you so much for providing this wonderful assignment learned a lot of things starting from Redis queues to sockets to building bots and broadcasting them live it was really challenging but was very fun to do which made me work continuously and completing the assignment in span of 1.5 day, looking forward to it now